Menu and Toolbar Options3Com ® AirProtect Planner User Guide41Add Sensor Properties DescriptionManufacturer Enter the name of the manufacturer.Model Enter the Sensor model.Available Radio Select the radio from the drop-down list of available radios.Add Radio Click to add a new radio to the Sensor. This takes you to the RadioProperties section.Delete Radio Click to delete a radio.Antenna Select the antenna type from the drop-down list.More Click to select or add a new antenna. For details, refer to the AntennaRepository section.Antenna Detachable Select the checkbox, depending upon the type of antenna required.Protocols Select any or all the protocols (802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11a/n,802.11b/g/n).Waterfall Curve Select the waterfall curve for the protocols from the drop-down list. Fordetails, refer to the Waterfall Curve Repository section.Power Specify the desired power range for each protocol. Enter a comma-separatedlist with values in the range (1 to 100 mW).Advanced Parameters Click to define advanced 802.11n parameters. Refer to the IEEE 802.11nAdvance Parameters for more details.Modify Sensor ModelClick <Modify> on the Sensor Repository dialog box to modify an existing Sensor model. The Modify Sensor Model dialogbox appears.Figure 47. Sensor Repository – Modifying a SensorThe Modify Sensor Model dialog box is similar to the Add Sensor Model dialog box.Delete SensorClick <Delete> and confirm the deletion of a Sensor.5.5.3 Antenna RepositoryAntenna Repository contains a list of predefined antennae. You can add a new antenna, delete an antenna, or define newradiation patterns for an antenna.Select Antenna Repository from the Tools menu.