
Epson WristableGPS SS-300 manuals

WristableGPS SS-300 first page preview

WristableGPS SS-300

Brand: Epson | Category: GPS
WristableGPS SS-300 first page preview

WristableGPS SS-300

Brand: Epson | Category: GPS
WristableGPS SS-300 first page preview

WristableGPS SS-300

Brand: Epson | Category: GPS
Table of contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Measuring Using this Device
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Using this Device Safely
  7. Getting Ready
  8. Checking the supplied items
  9. Charging
  10. Basic operations
  11. Measurable items
  12. Measuring function for the device
  13. Setting GPS (GPS search)
  14. Using the Chronograph Function
  15. About the chronograph function
  16. Using the chronograph screen
  17. Measuring
  18. Using the Exercise Function
  19. About the exercise function
  20. Setting the target pace
  21. Using the exercise screen
  22. Starting the exercise function
  23. Using the Interval Function
  24. About the interval function
  25. Setting interval conditions
  26. Using the interval screen
  27. Starting interval exercises
  28. Checking Measurement Data Using the Recall Function
  29. Measurement data that can be checked in recall
  30. Checking measurement data
  31. Measuring Distance and Pace with the Stride Sensor (SS-700/SS-500 Only)
  32. About the stride sensor
  33. Enabling the stride sensor
  34. Measuring Heart Rate (SS-700/SS-500 Only)
  35. About heart rate measurements
  36. Wearing the HR sensor set
  37. Pairing
  38. Enabling the HR sensor
  39. Replacing the battery for the HR sensor
  40. About Settings
  41. About the settings function
  42. Screen settings
  43. Auto lap
  44. Auto light
  45. Auto pause
  46. Alarm
  47. System settings
  48. Clear history
  49. User settings
  50. Usage Guide (Screen Settings According to Your Needs)
  51. Settings on the chronograph screen
  52. Noting distance and pace while running
  53. Noting pitch and stride while running (SS-700/SS-500 only)
  54. Noting targets while running
  55. Noting heart rate while running (SS-700/SS-500 only)
  56. Data Management Using the Web Application
  57. Installing the NR Uploader
  58. Connecting the device to a computer and using NeoRun
  59. data management using the web application
  60. Updating the driver software
  61. Maintenance
  62. Performing maintenance
  63. Replacing the battery
  64. Product specifications
  65. cradle specifications
  66. Troubleshooting
  67. Dealing with problems
  68. Resetting the system
  69. Contacting us about this product
  70. After service
  71. Certification information
  72. Index
WristableGPS SS-300 first page preview

WristableGPS SS-300

Brand: Epson | Category: Watch
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