
HP StorageWorks 12000 manuals

StorageWorks 12000 first page preview

StorageWorks 12000

Brand: HP | Category: Switch
StorageWorks 12000 first page preview

StorageWorks 12000

Brand: HP | Category: Gateway
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Introduction
  10. Hardware Installation
  11. Grounding Methods to Prevent Electrostatic Discharge
  12. Rack Requirements
  13. VLS12200 Base System Shipping Carton
  14. Installing the VLS Node into a Rack
  15. Cabling the VLS Node
  16. Installing the Ethernet Switches into a Rack
  17. Installing Cage Nuts and Rail Flanges
  18. Mounting Ethernet Switch 6600-24G into the Rack
  19. Multi-node Setup
  20. Storage Configuration
  21. Managing VLS12200 Gateway Capacity
  22. Discovering Array LUNs
  23. Deleting Array LUNs
  24. Configuring Storage Pools
  25. Destroying Storage Pools
  26. Installing Additional Licenses
  27. Automigration/Replication
  28. Smart Copy Concepts
  29. Replication Concepts
  30. Tape Initialization
  31. Connecting a Destination Library to the VLS12200 Gateway
  32. Unmanaging a SAN or LAN/WAN Library
  33. Echo Copy Pool Operations
  34. Creating an Echo Copy Pool
  35. Creating Virtual Tapes
  36. Restoring from a SAN Physical Cartridge
  37. Restoring from a LAN/WAN Virtual Cartridge
  38. Restarting a Broken Mirror
  39. Viewing Automigration Cartridges in the Firesafe
  40. Changing the Number of Drives in a Smart Copy Pool
  41. Loading Media into a Smart Copy Pool for Overwrite
  42. Changing the Slot Mapping for a LAN/WAN Library
  43. Editing the SAN or LAN/WAN Policy
  44. SAN Destination Library Operations
  45. Advanced Search for Slots
  46. Placing a Library Offline or Online
  47. Ejecting Media from a Slot into an Empty Mailslot
  48. Scanning a SAN Destination Library
  49. Generating a SAN Destination Library Support Ticket
  50. Running a SAN Destination Library Drive Assessment Test
  51. Stopping a Tape Export
  52. Pausing, Resuming, and Canceling Replication Jobs
  53. Viewing the Replication Target Slot Details
  54. Deleting a LAN/WAN Replication Target
  55. Status of all Cartridges
  56. Cartridge Details
  57. Configuring Automigration Job Reports
  58. Exporting the Job History to a CSV File
  59. Configuring the GUI Displays
  60. Deduplication
  61. Installing the Deduplication Licenses
  62. Editing the Data Protector Configuration
  63. Viewing Deduplication Statistics and Reports
  64. Operation
  65. Powering Off the System
  66. User Interfaces
  67. Window Regions
  68. Installing the SSL Certificate into your Web Browser
  69. Restarting Command View VLS
  70. Opening a Secure Shell Session
  71. Configuration
  72. Setting the Network Settings using the CLI Command Set
  73. Setting the Network Settings using Command View VLS
  74. Editing the Default Fibre Channel Host Port Settings
  75. Managing Oversubscription
  76. Shutdown at 98% Capacity
  77. Managing Virtual Device LUNs
  78. LUN Masking
  79. Mapping LUNs by Device
  80. Mapping LUNs by Host
  81. Dual Port Virtual Devices
  82. Editing a Virtual Library
  83. Creating Cartridges
  84. Destroying a Virtual Library
  85. Destroying a Tape Drive
  86. Management
  87. LUN Path Failover
  88. Private LAN Dual Pathing
  89. Changing Cartridge Capacity
  90. Deleting Cartridges
  91. Unloading a Cartridge from a Drive
  92. Freeing up Storage Space
  93. Updating the Firmware
  94. Saving Configuration Settings
  95. Monitoring
  96. Navigation Tree Icon
  97. Command View VLS
  98. Edit the Email Settings
  99. SNMP Notification
  100. SMI-S Support
  101. Accessing the Capacity Manager
  102. Storage Pool View
  103. Viewing Additional Information about a Storage Pool
  104. Viewing Additional Information about a Library
  105. Viewing Additional Information about a Cartridge
  106. Libraries View
  107. Cartridges View
  108. Performance and Storage Use Reports
  109. Performance History Tab
  110. Performance History
  111. Logical Capacity
  112. SAN Health
  113. Workload Assessment
  114. Editing the Notification Alerts
  115. Clearing the Hardware Compression Faults
  116. CLI Command Set
  117. Output Commands
  118. Configuration Commands
  119. Management Commands
  120. Monitoring Commands
  121. Component Identification
  122. Front Panel LEDs and Buttons
  123. Rear Panel LEDs and Buttons
  124. System Board Components
  125. Accessing the HP Systems Insight Display
  126. HP Systems Insight Display LEDs and Internal Health LED Combinations
  127. Hard Drive LEDs
  128. Component Replacement
  129. Warnings and Cautions
  130. Removing a VLS Node from the Rack
  131. DVD-CD Drive
  132. Power Supply
  133. Fan Module
  134. FBDIMM
  135. Replacing a Primary Node
  136. Replacing a Secondary Node
  137. Disaster Recovery
  138. Re-installing the VLS Licenses
  139. Manually Rebuilding the Virtual Library Configuration
  140. Support and Other Resources
  141. Rack Stability
  142. HP Contact Information
  143. HP Insight Remote Support software
  144. A Troubleshooting
  145. Automigration/Replication Issues
  146. Deduplication Issues
  147. B Specifications
  148. Environmental Specifications
  149. C Regulatory Compliance Notices
  150. Declaration of Conformity for products marked with the FCC logo, United States only
  151. Japanese Notices
  152. Laser Compliance Notices
  153. German Laser Notice
  154. Spanish Laser Notice
  155. Danish Notice
  156. German Notice
  157. Lithuanian Notice
  158. Spanish Notice
  159. French Battery Notice
  160. Italian Battery Notice
  161. Spanish Battery Notice
  162. Glossary
  163. Index
StorageWorks 12000 first page preview

StorageWorks 12000

Brand: HP | Category: Gateway
Table of contents
  1. revision history
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Introduction
  14. Racked Gateway Components
  15. Hardware Installation
  16. Grounding Methods to Prevent Electrostatic Discharge
  17. Rack Planning Resources
  18. Identifying the VLS Shipping Carton Contents
  19. Installing the 1 Gb Ethernet Switch 2810 24G into a Rack
  20. Installing Cage Nuts and Rail Flanges in the Rack
  21. Installing Ethernet Switch 2810-24G in Rack
  22. Installing the 100 Mb Ethernet Switch 2510 24 into a Rack
  23. Installing the VLS12000 Node into a Rack
  24. Installing VLS12000 Cables
  25. VLS12000Primary node port cabling
  26. VLS12000 Secondary node port cabling
  27. VLS12000 Ethernet Switch 2810 24G port cabling
  28. VLS12000 Ethernet Switch 2510 24 port cabling
  29. Multi-node Setup
  30. Storage Configuration
  31. Fibre Channel details window
  32. Add a Host Port window
  33. Vdisk Active Member Properties window
  34. Managing VLS12000 Gateway Capacity
  35. Deleting Array LUNs
  36. Configuring Storage Pools
  37. Destroying Storage Pools
  38. Installing Additional Licenses
  39. Automigration/Replication
  40. Understanding Automigration Concepts
  41. Smart Copy Concepts
  42. Tape Initialization
  43. Connecting a Destination Library
  44. Managing a SAN Library
  45. Unmanaging a SAN or LAN/WAN Library
  46. Echo Copy Pool Operations
  47. Creating an Echo Copy Pool
  48. Creating Virtual Tapes
  49. Restoring from a LAN/WAN Virtual Cartridge
  50. Loading Media into an Echo Copy Pool for Overwrite
  51. Restarting a Broken Mirror
  52. Smart Copy Pool Operations
  53. Changing the Number of Drives in a Smart Copy Pool
  54. Loading Media into a Smart Copy Pool for Overwrite
  55. Changing the Slot Mapping for a SAN Library
  56. Changing the Slot Mapping for a LAN/WAN Library
  57. Editing the SAN or LAN/WAN Policy
  58. SAN Destination Library Operations
  59. Advanced Search for Slots
  60. Mailslot Details
  61. Moving Media from One Slot to Another
  62. Ejecting Media from a Slot into an Empty Mailslot
  63. Scanning a SAN Destination Library
  64. Deploying SAN Destination Library or Tape Drive Firmware
  65. Running a SAN Destination Library Assessment Test
  66. LAN/WAN Destination Library Operations
  67. Stopping a Tape Export
  68. Pausing, Resuming, and Canceling Replication Jobs
  69. Viewing the Replication Target Slot Details
  70. Deleting a LAN/WAN Replication Target
  71. Automigration/Replication Reporting
  72. Cartridge Summary
  73. Configuring the Cartridge Status
  74. Viewing the Job History
  75. Exporting the Job History to a CSV File
  76. Deduplication
  77. Getting Deduplication Running on the VLS
  78. Installing the Deduplication Licenses
  79. Editing the Data Protector Configuration
  80. Deduplication Summary
  81. Deduplication Cartridge Report
  82. Deduplication System Capacity
  83. Operation
  84. Rebooting the System
  85. User Interfaces
  86. Window Regions
  87. Opening a Command View VLS Session from a Web Browser
  88. Opening a Command View VLS Session from Command View TL
  89. Restarting Command View VLS
  90. Closing a Command View VLS Session
  91. Closing a Secure Shell Session
  92. Configuration
  93. Setting the Network Settings using the CLI Command Set
  94. Setting the Network Settings using Command View VLS
  95. Setting the User Preferences
  96. Editing the Default Fibre Channel Host Port Settings
  97. Managing Oversubscription
  98. Shutdown at 98% Capacity
  99. Managing Virtual Device LUNs
  100. Operating System LUN Requirements and Restrictions
  101. LUN Masking (v2.x)
  102. LUN Mapping (v3.x)
  103. LUN Mapping Device View window
  104. LUN Mapping Host View window
  105. LUN Mapping Host Setup window
  106. LUN Mapping (v2.x)
  107. Dual Port Virtual Devices
  108. Creating a Virtual Library
  109. Create Virtual Library Wizard window (2 of 12)
  110. Editing a Virtual Library's Slots and Drives
  111. Create Virtual Library Wizard window (5 of 12)
  112. Creating Cartridges
  113. Create Virtual Library Wizard window (8 of 12)
  114. Create Virtual Library Wizard window (9 of 12)
  115. Destroying a Virtual Library
  116. Deleting Cartridges
  117. Moving Cartridges
  118. Adding and Removing Barcode Templates
  119. Management
  120. Load Balancing
  121. Private LAN Dual Pathing
  122. Unloading a Cartridge from a Drive
  123. Updating the Firmware
  124. Saving Configuration Settings
  125. Monitoring
  126. Navigation Tree Icon
  127. Command View VLS
  128. Editing the Email Server Settings
  129. SNMP Notification
  130. Editing the SNMP Settings
  131. SMI-S Support
  132. Trace Log Files
  133. Performance and Storage Use Reports
  134. Performance History Tab
  135. Current Status
  136. Logical Capacity
  137. Physical Capacity
  138. SAN Health tab
  139. Workload Assessment
  140. Editing the Notification Alerts
  141. Clearing the Hardware Compression Faults
  142. CLI Command Set
  143. Output Commands
  144. CLI network settings configuration commands
  145. Configuration Commands
  146. Management Commands
  147. Monitoring Commands
  148. Component Identification
  149. Front Panel LEDs and Buttons
  150. Rear Panel Components
  151. Rear Panel LEDs and Buttons
  152. system board components
  153. Accessing the VLS12000 HP Systems Insight Display
  154. HP Systems Insight Display LEDs and Internal Health LED Combinations
  155. Hard Drive LEDs
  156. Fan Locations
  157. Ethernet Switch 2810 24G Components, LEDs, and Buttons
  158. Front Panel Components
  159. USB LAN Adapter Components
  160. Safety Considerations
  161. Warnings and Cautions
  162. Extending a VLS Node from the Rack
  163. Installing the VLS12000 Node Access Panel
  164. Removing a Node Hard Drive
  165. DVD-CD Drive
  166. Power Supply
  167. Fan Module
  168. FBDIMM
  169. Replacing a Primary Node
  170. Rail Release Bracket
  171. Replacing a Secondary Node
  172. USB LAN Adapter Replacement
  173. Recovering from Operating System Failure
  174. Restoring the Configuration Settings
  175. Rebuilding the Virtual Library Configuration
  176. Re-installing the VLS Licenses
  177. Related Information
  178. Document Conventions and Symbols
  179. Rack Stability
  180. Contacting HP
  181. Customer Self Repair
  182. Documentation Feedback
  183. A Troubleshooting
  184. Automigration/Replication Issues
  185. Destination library status icon
  186. Deduplication Issues
  187. B Specifications
  188. Ethernet Switch 2810 24G Specifications
  189. Environmental Specifications
  190. C Regulatory Compliance Notices
  191. Class B equipment
  192. European Union Notice
  193. Korean Notices
  194. Laser Compliance Notices
  195. French Laser Notice
  196. Japanese Laser Notice
  197. Bulgarian Notice
  198. Estonian Notice
  199. Greek Notice
  200. Lithuanian Notice
  201. Slovak Notice
  202. Battery Replacement Notices
  203. French Battery Notice
  204. Italian Battery Notice
  205. Spanish Battery Notice
  206. Glossary
  207. Index
StorageWorks 12000 first page preview

StorageWorks 12000

Brand: HP | Category: Storage
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Introduction
  6. Concepts
  7. HP VLS and D2D Portfolio
  8. Typical VLS Environments
  9. What are the Alternatives
  10. Business Copy
  11. Deduplication
  12. Deduplication Ratios
  13. Target-based Deduplication
  14. Replication
  15. Replication Deployment Options
  16. Backup Application Interaction with Replication
  17. Replication Limitations
  18. Backup Solution Design Considerations
  19. Consider How you Want to Copy the Backup Data to an Off-site Location
  20. Benefits of Single Library Systems
  21. Multiple Library
  22. Multiplexing, Multistreaming, and Multipathing
  23. Blocksize and Transfer Size
  24. Future Data Growth
  25. Media Server Considerations
  26. Benefits of Copying to Physical Tape through the Backup Application
  27. Benefits of Echo Copy
  28. Copy to Remote Disk Backup Device using Replication
  29. Considerations for Restores
  30. Performance Bottleneck Identification
  31. Operating System Tape Configuration
  32. LUN Masking and Mapping
  33. VLS Devices
  34. Prime Environments
  35. VLS Technical Specifications
  36. How it Works
  37. VLS Automatic Performance Load Balancing
  38. VLS Warm Failover
  39. Virtual Libraries/drives/cartridge Configuration
  40. EVA Preparation
  41. Storage Pooling
  42. VLS9000 Storage Pooling
  43. VLS Gateway Storage Pooling
  44. Considerations
  45. Sizing/implementation Examples
  46. Example 3: VLS12000 EVA Sizing Without Deduplication
  47. Reduce Backup Window (No Deduplication)
  48. Large Scale Backup Consolidation (No Deduplication)
  49. Managing Data Retention and Reducing Backup Storage Costs
  50. Full Enterprise Backup and Disaster Recovery Capability
  51. Multi-data Center Replication to a Common Disaster Recovery Site
  52. VMWare Backup Environment with ESXi
  53. VMWare Backup Environment with ESX4 and VCB-based Backups
  54. Consolidated Backup
  55. Large Enterprise Cross-site Backup with Deduplication and Inbuilt Disaster Recovery
  56. Center using HP Data Protector
  57. Automigration
  58. Automigration Policy
  59. Automigration Setup
  60. Design Considerations
  61. Backup to a Shared Virtual Library
  62. Sizing the Tape Library
  63. Accelerated Deduplication
  64. Accelerated Deduplication Implementation
  65. Supported Backup Applications and Data Types
  66. Configuration and Reporting
  67. Performance
  68. Capacity Sizing
  69. Client and Backup Job Naming
  70. Disabling Deduplication on Specific Backup Policies
  71. Replication of Incremental Backups
  72. Multi-node Replication Scaling
  73. Replication Setup
  74. Implementing the Initialization Process
  75. Physical Tape Initialization
  76. WAN Initialization
  77. Co-location Initialization
  78. Continuing Role for Physical Tape
  79. Status of LAN/WAN Replication Connection
  80. Target Device Replication Status
  81. Advanced Replication Job Control
  82. Link Sizing
  83. Basic Calculations
  84. Device Sizing
  85. Restore the VLS over the LAN/WAN
  86. Rebuilding Source Device and Re-establishing Replication
  87. Creating Archive Tapes from the Target
  88. ISV Import Email Format
  89. Non-deduplicated Replication
  90. Replicating a Subset of Virtual Cartridges - a Use Case
  91. VLS Configuration and Backup Application Guidelines
  92. Basic VLS Device Configuration
  93. Basic Backup Application Configuration
  94. Deduplication Preparation
  95. Replication Preparation
  96. HP Data Protector
  97. Data Protector General Guidelines
  98. Data Protector Deduplication Guidelines
  99. Data Protector Import Example Script
  100. Symantec NetBackup
  101. NetBackup General Guidelines
  102. NetBackup Import Example Script
  103. TSM General Guidelines
  104. TSM Deduplication Guidelines
  105. Firmware Version 6.0
  106. EMC NetWorker
  107. Networker General Guidelines
  108. Networker Deduplication Guidelines
  109. Oracle RMAN Scripting
  110. Fully-optimized RMAN Configuration for Data Protector
  111. Fully-optimized RMAN Configuration for TSM
  112. Support and Other Resources
  113. HP contact information
StorageWorks 12000 first page preview

StorageWorks 12000

Brand: HP | Category: Storage
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Introduction
  11. Concepts
  12. Where Virtual Tape Fits in the Big Picture
  13. Typical VLS Environments
  14. What are the Alternatives
  15. Business Copy
  16. Deduplication
  17. Deduplication Ratios
  18. Target-based Deduplication
  19. Tape Oversubscription
  20. HP StorageWorks Replication Solutions
  21. Remote Site Data Protection Before Replication
  22. Replication Deployment Options
  23. Replication Configuration Options
  24. Backup Application Interaction with Replication
  25. Replication Limitations
  26. Backup Solution Design Considerations
  27. Backup to the VLS in a LAN/SAN Hybrid Environment
  28. Consider How you Want to Copy the Backup Data to an Off-site Location
  29. Benefits of Single Library Systems
  30. Multiple Library
  31. Multiplexing, Multistreaming, and Multipathing
  32. Blocksize and Transfer Size
  33. Future Data Growth
  34. Copy to Physical Tape through the Backup Application
  35. Media Server Considerations
  36. Considerations for Copying to Physical Tape through the Backup Application
  37. Benefits of Echo Copy
  38. Copy to Tape using D2D Tape Offload
  39. Benefits of Replication
  40. Restoring from Disk Backup Device
  41. Backup SAN Design Guidelines
  42. Operating System Tape Configuration
  43. LUN Masking and Mapping
  44. Backup Application Basic Guidelines
  45. HP Data Protector Application Overview
  46. IBM TSM Application Overview
  47. EMC NetWorker Application Overview
  48. D2D Systems
  49. D2D Technical Specifications
  50. Multiple Backup Streams
  51. Disable Backup Application Verify Pass
  52. Tape Library Emulation
  53. D2D Blueprints
  54. Large SME Site Consolidation Requiring Fibre Channel Shared Devices
  55. Large SME Site Consolidation Requiring FC Shared Devices
  56. Multi-site Small Business Disaster Recovery Solution
  57. Multi-site Small Business Automated Disaster Recovery Solution with no Physical Tape
  58. Introduction to VMWare Terminology
  59. Using D2D in Simple VMWare Environments with ESXi
  60. with Instant Recovery (ZDB + IR)
  61. Using D2D in a VMWare Environment with ESX4 and HP Data Protector ZDB IR
  62. D2D Dynamic Deduplication
  63. Hash-based Chunking
  64. Restoring Data
  65. Housekeeping
  66. How it Works
  67. Licensing
  68. Replication Setup
  69. Slot Mappings
  70. Reporting
  71. Design Considerations
  72. Example 1: 100 GB Virtual Cartridge Replication over a 2 Mb/sec Link with
  73. Example 2: 100 GB Virtual Cartridge Replication over a 2 Mb/sec Link with
  74. Example 4: 500 GB Virtual Cartridge Replication over a 10 Mbit/sec Link
  75. Many-to-One Example using Mixed WAN Link Speeds
  76. Sample Initialization and Replication Times
  77. Some Idea of Telco Costs
  78. Telco Terminology and Branding for WAN Services
  79. Sample British Telcom Services and Speeds
  80. D2D Replication Data Recovery Options
  81. Reverse Tape Initialization on the D2D
  82. Creating Archive Tapes from the Target
  83. VLS Defined
  84. Prime Environments
  85. VLS9000–series Configurations
  86. VLS Technical Specifications
  87. Kit and 40 TB Arrays (2:1 Compression, Non-deduplication)
  88. VLS9000–series Backup Performance by Configuration
  89. VLS6000–series Performance by Configuration, 4 GB Models
  90. VLS12000 EVA Gateway Backup Throughput using Deduplication
  91. VLS12000 EVA Gateway Backup Throughput without Deduplication
  92. VLS Scalability
  93. Internal Architecture of the VLS (VLS9000 Shown)
  94. VLS Automatic Performance Load Balancing
  95. VLS Warm Failover
  96. Implementation
  97. Capacity Licensing
  98. Virtual Libraries/drives/cartridge Configuration
  99. EVA Preparation
  100. VLS12000 EVA Gateway Connected to an EVA
  101. Storage Pooling
  102. Single vs. Multiple Storage Pool Considerations
  103. VLS Design Considerations
  104. Testing Backups to Tape vs. Backups to a VLS
  105. VLS Blueprints
  106. Large Scale Backup Consolidation (No Deduplication)
  107. Managing Data Retention and Reducing Backup Storage Costs
  108. Full Enterprise Backup and Disaster Recovery Capability
  109. Using VLS with Full Enterprise Backup and Disaster Recovery Capability
  110. Multi-data Center Replication to a Common Disaster Recovery Site
  111. VMWare Backup Environment with ESXi
  112. VMWare Backup Environment with ESX4 and VCB-based Backups
  113. Using VLS with VMWare using VCB
  114. VMWare Consolidated Backup
  115. Using VLS in Larger VMWare Environments with HP Data Protector ZDB IR Backup
  116. Large Enterprise Cross-site Backup with Deduplication and Inbuilt Disaster Recovery
  117. Center using HP Data Protector
  118. VLS Automigration
  119. Echo Copy Pools
  120. Automigration Policy
  121. Automigration Setup
  122. Automigration Media Life Cycle
  123. Automigration Use Models
  124. Multiple Virtual Libraries
  125. Sizing the Tape Library
  126. Restoring from Automigration Media
  127. Steps of Accelerated deduplication
  128. Physical versus Logical Data
  129. Accelerated Deduplication Implementation
  130. Supported Backup Applications and Data Types
  131. Migrating your Existing Backup Data
  132. Handling the Device Out of Capacity Condition
  133. Performance
  134. Capacity Sizing
  135. Optimum Record Sizing
  136. Media Management
  137. Disabling Deduplication on Specific Backup Policies
  138. How Replication Fits into the Deduplication Architecture
  139. Replication of Incremental Backups
  140. Multi-node Replication Scaling
  141. Replication Preparation
  142. Preparing the Network Connection for Replication in a VLS
  143. VLS Replication by Numbers
  144. Implementing the Initialization Process
  145. VLS Initialization using Physical Tape
  146. VLS Initialization using the WAN
  147. VLS Initialization by Co-location
  148. Advanced Replication Job Control
  149. Dividing the Backup Jobs by Priority Level
  150. Link Sizing
  151. VLS Sizing Example 1
  152. VLS Sizing Example 2
  153. VLS Sizing Example 3
  154. VLS Sizing Example 4
  155. Device Sizing
  156. VLS Recovery Options for a Data Center Rebuild
  157. Restore the VLS over the LAN/WAN
  158. Rebuilding Source Device and Re-establishing Replication
  159. Creating Archive Tapes from the VLS
  160. VLS Non-deduplicated Replication
  161. Replicating a Subset of Virtual Cartridges - a Use Case
  162. Detailed Backup Application Guidelines for VLS
  163. Data Protector Deduplication Guidelines
  164. Data Protector Import Example Script
  165. Symantec NetBackup
  166. NetBackup Import Example Script
  167. TSM General Guidelines
  168. TSM Deduplication Guidelines
  169. TSM Useful Queries
  170. EMC NetWorker
  171. Networker Deduplication Guidelines
  172. Support and Other Resources
  173. HP contact information
  174. Glossary
  175. Index
StorageWorks 12000 first page preview

StorageWorks 12000

Brand: HP | Category: Storage
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Introduction
  13. Racked Gateway Components
  14. Hardware Installation
  15. Grounding Methods to Prevent Electrostatic Discharge
  16. Rack Planning Resources
  17. Identifying the VLS Shipping Carton Contents
  18. Identifying contents of the VLS12000 system shipping carton
  19. Installing the VLS12000 Node into a Rack
  20. Installing the 1 Gb Ethernet Switch 2810 24G into a Rack
  21. Installing Cage Nuts and Rail Flanges in the Rack
  22. Installing Ethernet Switch 2810-24G in Rack
  23. Installing the 100 Mb Ethernet Switch 2510 24 into a Rack
  24. Installing VLS12000 Cables
  25. VLS12000Primary node port cabling
  26. VLS12000 Secondary node port cabling
  27. VLS12000 Ethernet Switch 2810 24G port cabling
  28. VLS12000 Ethernet Switch 2510 24 port cabling
  29. Multi-node Setup
  30. Storage Configuration
  31. Fibre Channel details window
  32. Add a Host window
  33. Add a Host Port window
  34. Vdisk Active Member Properties window
  35. Managing VLS12000 Gateway Capacity
  36. Deleting Array LUNs
  37. Configuring Storage Pools
  38. Destroying Storage Pools
  39. Installing Additional Licenses
  40. Automigration/Replication
  41. Understanding Automigration Concepts
  42. Smart Copy Concepts
  43. Tape Initialization
  44. Connecting a Destination Library
  45. Managing a SAN Library
  46. Unmanaging a SAN or LAN/WAN Library
  47. Echo Copy Pool Operations
  48. Creating an Echo Copy Pool
  49. Setting the echo copy pool policies (LAN/WAN shown)
  50. Setting up the availability windows (LAN/WAN shown)
  51. Creating Virtual Tapes
  52. Restoring from a LAN/WAN Virtual Cartridge
  53. Loading Media into an Echo Copy Pool for Overwrite
  54. Viewing Cartridges in Automigration Source Libraries
  55. Creating a Smart Copy Pool
  56. Changing the Number of Drives in a Smart Copy Pool
  57. Editing Copy Pools
  58. Changing the Slot Mapping for a LAN/WAN Library
  59. Editing the SAN or LAN/WAN Policy
  60. Monitoring Destination Library Status
  61. Advanced Search for Slots
  62. Tape Drive Details
  63. Moving Media from One Slot to Another
  64. Ejecting Media from a Drive into an Empty Mailslot
  65. Editing the Management URL
  66. Generating a SAN Destination Library Support Ticket
  67. Running a SAN Destination Library Drive Assessment Test
  68. Stopping a Tape Export
  69. Forcing Non-Deduplicated Replication
  70. Creating a LAN/WAN replication target
  71. Viewing the Replication Target Slot Details
  72. Setting the Global LAN/WAN Replication Target Configuration Settings
  73. Deleting a LAN/WAN Replication Target
  74. Clearing the Source VLS from the LAN/WAN Replication Target
  75. Configuring the Cartridge Summary
  76. Viewing the Current Status
  77. Viewing the Job History
  78. Exporting the Job History to a CSV File
  79. Deduplication
  80. How it Works
  81. Installing the Deduplication Licenses
  82. Editing the Data Protector Configuration
  83. Viewing Deduplication Statistics and Reports
  84. Deduplication Cartridge Report
  85. Operation
  86. Rebooting the System
  87. User Interfaces
  88. Window Regions
  89. Opening a Command View VLS Session from a Web Browser
  90. Opening a Command View VLS Session from Command View TL
  91. Restarting Command View VLS
  92. Closing a Command View VLS Session
  93. Closing a Secure Shell Session
  94. Configuration
  95. VLS discovery utility — main window
  96. Setting the Network Settings using the CLI Command Set
  97. Setting the Network Settings using Command View VLS
  98. Setting the User Preferences
  99. Editing the Default Fibre Channel Host Port Settings
  100. Managing Oversubscription
  101. Enabling and Disabling Oversubscription
  102. Reclaiming Storage Space
  103. Default LUN Numbering
  104. LUN Masking
  105. LUN Mapping
  106. LUN Mapping Device View window
  107. LUN Mapping Host Setup window
  108. LUN Mapping (v2.x)
  109. Dual Port Virtual Devices
  110. Creating a Virtual Library
  111. Create Virtual Library Wizard window (2 of 12)
  112. Editing a Virtual Library's Slots and Drives
  113. Create Virtual Library Wizard window (5 of 12)
  114. Creating Cartridges
  115. Create Virtual Library Wizard window (8 of 12)
  116. Create Virtual Library Wizard window (9 of 12)
  117. Destroying a Virtual Library
  118. Destroying Cartridges
  119. Cartridges details window
  120. Adding and Removing Barcode Templates
  121. Add/Remove Barcode Templates window
  122. Management
  123. Managing High Availability
  124. Private LAN Dual Pathing
  125. Restarting VLS Device Emulations
  126. Updating the Firmware
  127. Monitoring
  128. Navigation Tree Icon
  129. Notification alert examples
  130. E-mail Notification
  131. SNMP Notification
  132. Editing the SNMP Settings
  133. SMI-S Support
  134. Viewing Trace Log Files
  135. Exporting CSV Data
  136. Performance History Tab
  137. Current Status
  138. Logical Capacity
  139. Physical Capacity
  140. SAN Health tab
  141. Workload Assessment
  142. Editing the Notification Alerts
  143. Conventions
  144. Output Commands
  145. Configuration Commands
  146. CLI configuration commands
  147. Management Commands
  148. Monitoring Commands
  149. Front Panel Components
  150. Front Panel LEDs and Buttons
  151. Rear Panel Components
  152. Rear Panel LEDs and Buttons
  153. System Board Components
  154. Accessing the VLS12000 HP Systems Insight Display
  155. HP Systems Insight Display and LEDs
  156. Hard Drive LEDs
  157. Fan Locations
  158. Ethernet Switch 2810 24G Components, LEDs, and Buttons
  159. USB LAN Adapter Components
  160. Safety Considerations
  161. Warnings and Cautions
  162. Extending a VLS12000 Node from the Rack
  163. Installing the VLS12000 Node Access Panel
  164. Removing a node hard drive
  165. DVD-CD Drive
  166. Power Supply
  167. Fan Module
  168. Removing the node power supply air baffle
  169. FBDIMM
  170. Replacing a Primary Node
  171. Rail release bracket
  172. Replacing a Secondary Node
  173. USB LAN Adapter Replacement
  174. Recovering from Operating System Failure
  175. Restoring the Configuration Settings
  176. Rebuilding the Virtual Library Configuration
  177. Re-installing the VLS Licenses
  178. Related Information
  179. Document Conventions and Symbols
  180. Rack Stability
  181. Contacting HP
  182. Customer Self Repair
  183. A Troubleshooting
  184. Automigration/Replication Issues
  185. Destination library status icon
  186. Deduplication Issues
  187. B Specifications
  188. Ethernet Switch 2810 24G
  189. Environmental Specifications
  190. C Regulatory Compliance Notices
  191. Class B equipment
  192. European Union Notice
  193. Korean Notices
  194. Laser Compliance Notices
  195. French Laser Notice
  196. Japanese Laser Notice
  197. Bulgarian Notice
  198. Estonian Notice
  199. Greek Notice
  200. Lithuanian Notice
  201. Slovak Notice
  202. Dutch Battery Notice
  203. French Battery Notice
  204. Italian Battery Notice
  205. Spanish Battery Notice
  206. Glossary
  207. Index
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