
Mitsubishi Electric FR-A500 Series manuals

FR-A500 Series first page preview

FR-A500 Series

Brand: Mitsubishi Electric | Category: Inverter
Table of contents
  1. safety instructions
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Pre-Operation Information
  5. Precautions for operation
  6. Basic Configuration
  7. Structure
  8. Removal and reinstallation of the front cover
  9. Removal and reinstallation of the operation panel
  10. installation and wiring
  11. instructions for installation
  12. Installation
  13. Wiring
  14. Wiring of the main circuit
  15. Wiring of the control circuit
  16. Connection to the PU connector
  17. Connection of stand-alone option units
  18. Design information
  19. Other wiring
  20. Japanese harmonic suppression guidelines
  21. Inverter-generated noises and reduction techniques
  22. Leakage currents and countermeasures
  23. Inverter-driven 400V class motor
  24. Peripheral devices
  25. Instructions for compliance with the UL and CSA standards
  26. Instructions for compliance with the European standards
  27. Earthing (EC version)
  28. Devices and parts to be prepared for operation
  29. installation check
  30. Power on
  31. pre-operation checks
  32. Operation
  33. PU operation mode (Operation using the operation panel (FR-DU04))
  34. Combined operation mode (Operation using the external input signals and PU)
  35. Parameter List
  36. parameter function details
  37. Output frequency range (Pr. 1, Pr. 2, Pr. 18)
  38. z Multi-speed operation (Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr. 27, Pr. 232 to Pr. 239)
  39. z Acceleration/deceleration time (Pr. 7, Pr. 8, Pr. 20, Pr. 21, Pr. 44, Pr. 45, Pr. 110, Pr. 111)
  40. z Electronic overcurrent protection (Pr. 9)
  41. z DC dynamic brake (Pr. 10, Pr. 11, Pr. 12)
  42. z Starting frequency (Pr. 13)
  43. z Jog operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16)
  44. z MRS input selection (Pr. 17)
  45. z Stall prevention (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 66, Pr. 148, Pr. 149, Pr. 154)
  46. z Multi-speed input compensation (Pr. 28)
  47. z Acceleration/deceleration pattern (Pr. 29, Pr. 140 to Pr. 143)
  48. z Regenerative brake duty (Pr. 30, Pr. 70)
  49. z Frequency jump (Pr. 31 to Pr. 36)
  50. z Speed display (Pr. 37, Pr. 144)
  51. z Up-to-frequency sensitivity (Pr. 41)
  52. z Second/third stall prevention (Pr. 48, Pr. 49, Pr. 114, Pr. 115)
  53. z Monitor display/FM, AM terminal function selection (Pr. 52 to Pr. 54, Pr. 158)
  54. z Monitoring reference (Pr. 55, Pr. 56)
  55. z Automatic restart after instantaneous power failure (Pr. 57, Pr. 58, Pr. 162 to Pr. 165)
  56. z Remote setting function selection (Pr. 59)
  57. z Intelligent mode selection (Pr. 60)
  58. z Acceleration/deceleration reference current/lift mode starting frequency (Pr. 61 to Pr. 64)
  59. z Retry function (Pr. 65, Pr. 67 to Pr. 69)
  60. z Applied motor (Pr. 71)
  61. z PWM carrier frequency (Pr. 72, Pr. 240)
  62. z Voltage input (Pr. 73)
  63. z Input filter time constant (Pr. 74)
  64. z Alarm code output selection (Pr. 76)
  65. z Parameter write inhibit selection (Pr. 77)
  66. z Reverse rotation prevention selection (Pr. 78)
  67. z Operation mode selection (Pr. 79)
  68. z Motor capacity/number of motor poles/speed control gain (Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 89)
  69. z Offline auto tuning function (Pr. 82 to Pr. 84, Pr. 90 to Pr. 94, Pr. 96)
  70. z Online auto tuning selection (Pr. 95)
  71. z V/F control frequency (voltage) (Pr. 100 to Pr. 109)
  72. z Computer link operation (Pr. 117 to Pr. 124)
  73. setting items and set data
  74. error code list
  75. z PID control (Pr. 128 to Pr. 134)
  76. z Commercial power supply-inverter switch-over function (Pr. 135 to Pr. 139)
  77. z Output current detection function (Pr. 150, Pr. 151)
  78. z Zero current detection (Pr. 152, Pr. 153)
  79. z RT signal activated condition selection (Pr. 155)
  80. z OL signal output timer (Pr. 157)
  81. z User group selection (Pr. 160, Pr. 173 to Pr. 176)
  82. z Watt-hour meter clear/actual operation hour meter clear (Pr. 170, Pr. 171)
  83. Output terminal function selection (Pr. 190 to Pr. 195)
  84. z Programmed operation function (Pr. 200 to Pr. 231)
  85. z Cooling fan operation selection (Pr. 244)
  86. z Stop selection (Pr. 250)
  87. z Power failure-time deceleration-to-stop function (Pr. 261 to Pr. 266)
  88. z Stop-on-contact, load torque high-speed frequency selection (Pr. 270)
  89. z High-speed frequency control (Pr. 271 to Pr. 274)
  90. operation example
  91. z Stop on contact (Pr. 275, Pr. 276)
  92. z Brake sequence function (Pr. 278 to Pr. 285)
  93. z Droop control (Pr. 286, Pr. 287)
  94. z Meter (frequency meter) calibration (Pr. 900, Pr. 901)
  95. z Frequency setting voltage (current) bias and gain (Pr. 902 to Pr. 905)
  96. Buzzer control (Pr. 990)
  97. Errors (alarms)
  98. Error (alarm) definitions
  99. Correspondences between digital and actual characters
  100. Alarm code output
  101. Troubleshooting
  102. Faults and check points
  103. Precautions for Maintenance and Inspection
  104. Insulation resistance test using megger
  105. checking the inverter and converter modules
  106. Replacement of parts
  107. Inverter replacement
  108. Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and power
  109. Standard Specifications
  110. Model specifications
  111. Common specifications
  112. Outline drawings
  113. outline drawing
  114. Option List
  115. Stand-alone options
  116. Inboard dedicated options
  117. Appendix 1 Data Code List
  118. appendix 1 data code list
  119. appendix 2 list of parameters classified by purposes of use
  120. Appendix 3 Operating the Inverter Using a Single-Phase Power Supply
FR-A500 Series first page preview

FR-A500 Series

Brand: Mitsubishi Electric | Category: Inverter
Table of contents
  1. instruction manual
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  7. Pre-Operation Information
  8. Basic Configuration
  9. Structure
  10. Removal and reinstallation of the front cover
  11. Removal and reinstallation of the operation panel
  13. Installation
  14. installation and wiring
  15. Wiring
  16. Wiring of the main circuit
  17. connection procedure
  18. Wiring of the control circuit
  19. Connection to the PU connector
  20. Connection of stand-alone option units
  21. Design information
  22. Other wiring
  23. Leakage currents and countermeasures
  24. Inverter-driven 400V class motor
  25. Peripheral devices
  26. Instructions for UL and cUL
  27. Instructions for compliance with the European Directives
  28. Earthing (EC version)
  30. Devices and parts to be prepared for operation
  31. Power on
  32. Operation Panel
  33. Monitoring
  34. Parameter setting method
  35. Operation mode
  36. Copy mode
  37. Operation
  38. external operation mode (operation using external input signals)
  39. pu operation mode
  40. combined operation mode
  41. Parameter lists
  42. list of parameters classified by purpose of use
  43. parameters recommended to be set by the user
  44. parameter function details
  45. output frequency range (pr. 1, pr. 2, pr)
  46. base frequency, base frequency voltage (pr. 3, pr. 19, pr. 47, pr)
  47. multi-speed operation (pr. 4 to pr. 6, pr. 24 to pr. 27, pr. 232 to pr)
  48. electronic overcurrent protection (pr)
  49. dc injection brake (pr. 10 to pr)
  50. starting frequency (pr)
  51. load pattern selection (pr)
  52. jog operation (pr. 15, pr)
  53. mrs input selection (pr)
  54. multi-speed input compensation (pr)
  55. acceleration/deceleration pattern (pr. 29, pr. 140 to pr)
  56. regenerative brake duty (pr. 30, pr)
  57. frequency jump (pr. 31 to pr)
  58. speed display (pr. 37, pr)
  59. up-to-frequency sensitivity (pr)
  60. second/third stall prevention (pr. 48, pr. 49, pr. 114, pr)
  61. monitoring reference (pr. 55, pr)
  62. automatic restart after instantaneous power failure
  63. remote setting function selection (pr)
  64. intelligent mode selection (pr)
  65. acceleration/deceleration reference current (pr. 61 to pr)
  66. retry function (pr. 65, pr. 67 to pr)
  67. applied motor (pr)
  68. pwm carrier frequency (pr. 72, pr)
  69. voltage input (pr)
  70. input filter time constant (pr)
  71. alarm code output selection (pr)
  72. parameter write disable selection (pr)
  73. reverse rotation prevention selection (pr)
  74. operation mode selection (pr)
  75. operating conditions
  76. offline auto tuning function (pr. 82 to pr. 84, pr. 90 to pr. 94, pr)
  77. online auto tuning selection (pr)
  78. v/f control frequency (voltage) (pr. 100 to pr)
  79. computer link operation (pr. 117 to pr. 124, pr)
  80. setting items and set data
  81. error code list
  82. Communication specifications for RS-485 communication
  83. pid control (pr. 128 to pr)
  84. output current detection function (pr. 150, pr)
  85. zero current detection (pr. 152, pr)
  86. rt signal activated condition selection (pr)
  87. ol signal output timer (pr)
  88. user group selection (pr. 160, pr. 173 to pr)
  89. input terminal function selection (pr. 180 to pr)
  90. output terminal function selection (pr. 190 to pr)
  91. user initial value setting (pr)
  92. programmed operation function (pr. 200 to pr)
  93. cooling fan operation selection (pr)
  94. stop selection (pr)
  95. output phase failure protection selection (pr)
  96. power failure-time deceleration-to-stop function (pr. 261 to pr)
  97. stop-on-contact, load torque high-speed frequency selection (pr)
  98. high-speed frequency control (pr. 271 to pr)
  99. operation example
  100. stop-on-contact control function (pr. 275, pr)
  101. brake sequence function (pr. 278 to pr)
  102. droop control (pr. 286, pr)
  103. capacitor life alarm (pr. 503, pr)
  104. fm / am terminal calibration (pr. 900, pr)
  105. frequency setting voltage (current) bias and gain (pr. 902 to pr)
  106. adjustment procedure
  107. pu buzzer control (pr)
  108. protective functions
  109. error (alarm) definitions
  110. to know the operating status at the occurrence of an alarm
  111. alarm code output
  112. troubleshooting
  113. speed does not increase
  114. precautions for maintenance and inspection
  115. insulation resistance test using megger
  116. checking the inverter and converter modules
  117. replacement of parts
  118. inverter replacement
  119. measurement of voltages and currents
  120. specifications
  121. standard specifications
  122. common specifications
  123. outline dimension drawings
  124. outline drawing
  125. option list
  126. plug-in dedicated options
  127. power supply
FR-A500 Series first page preview

FR-A500 Series

Brand: Mitsubishi Electric | Category: Inverter
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. xwsxw iuhtxhqflhv dqg dffhohudwlrq dqg ghfhohudwlrq wlphv
  6. xwsxw iuhtxhqflhv dqg rxwsxw yrowdjhv
  7. lqmhfwlrq eudnh
  8. hjhqhudwlyh eudnh gxw
  9. ohfwurqlf wkhupdo uhod
  10. uhtxhqf\ mxps
  11. xwsxw vljqdo vhohfwlrq
  12. xowlðixqfwlrq prqlwrulqj glvsod\v
  13. qwhooljhqw rshudwlrq prgh
  14. hwu\ ixqfwlrq
  15. qsxw ilowhu frqvwdqw
  16. hohfwlrq ri dgydqfhg pdjqhwlf iox[ yhfwru frqwuro
  17. hohfwlrq ri jhqhudoðsxusrvh pdjqhwlf iox[ yhfwru frqwuro
  18. iiolqh dxwr wxqlqj ixqfwlrq
  19. qolqh dxwr wxqlqj ixqfwlrq
  20. ols frpshqvdwlrq
  21. rpphufldo srzhu vxsso\ðlqyhuwhu vzlwfkðryhu vhtxhqfh
  22. xuuhqw ghwhfwlrq ixqfwlrq
  23. vhu jurxs vhohfwlrq
  24. dwwðkrxu phwhuñ dfwxdo rshudwlrq krxu phwhu fohdu
  25. urjudpphg rshudwlrq
  26. rrolqj idq rshudwlrq vhohfwlrq
  27. rzhu idloxuh vwrs ixqfwlrq
  28. wrsðrqðfrqwdfwñ ordg wrutxh kljkðvshhg iuhtxhqf\ vhohfwlrq
  29. wrsðrqðfrqwdfw frqwuro
  30. udnh vhtxhqfh flufxlw ixqfwlrq
  31. urrs frqwuro
  32. dudphwhu xqlw odqjxdjh fkdqjhðryhu
  33. yhufxuuhqw 3urwhfwlrq õ2&ì wr
  34. wdoo suhyhqwlrq ixqfwlrq dqg fxuuhqw olplw ixqfwlrq
  35. hjhqhudwlyh ryhuyrowdjh surwhfwlrq õ29ì wr
  36. qyhuwhu 6wdwxv dqg 5hvhw 0hwkrg dw 2ffxuuhqfh ri $odup
  37. vh ri wkh lqyhuwhu zlwk vlqjohðskdvh srzhu vxsso
  38. djqhwlf frqwdfwru rq wkh lqyhuwhu srzhu vxsso\ vlgh
  39. rqqhfwlrq wr d odujhðfdsdflw\ srzhu vxsso
  40. hohfwlqj wkh ,qyhuwhu
  41. wduwlqj 7rutxh dqg 6wduwlqj &xuuhqw ri wkh 0rwru
  42. wduwlqj 7rutxh %rrvw
  43. ffhohudwlrqî'hfhohudwlrq 7lph ri wkh 0rwru
  44. hfhohudwlrq &kdudfwhulvwlf ri wkh ,qyhuwhu
  45. rwru &kdudfwhulvwlfv
  46. rqwlqxrxv 0rwru 2xwsxw &kdudfwhulvwlf
  47. rzð9leudwlrq 0rwru
  48. udnh 0rwru
  49. rohð&kdqjh 0rwru
  50. sorvlrqð3urri 0rwru
  51. hduhg 0rwruv
  52. lqjohð3kdvh 0rwru
  53. huplvvleoh 0d[lpxp )uhtxhqf\ ri *hqhudoð 3xusrvh 0rwru
  54. qyhuwhu ,qsxw &xuuhqw dqg 3rzhu )dfwru
  55. psuryhphqw ri 3rzhu )dfwru
  56. qvwdqwdqhrxv 3rzhu )dloxuh
  57. rruglqdwlrq zlwk &rpphufldo 6xsso
  58. liihuhqfhv ehwzhhq qrlvh dqg kduprqlfv
  59. qyhuwhuðjhqhudwhg qrlvh dqg phdvxuhv djdlqvw qrlvh
  60. hdndjh fxuuhqwv dqg frxqwhuphdvxuhv
  61. hohfwlqj shulskhudo (txlsphqw)
  62. rð)xvh %uhdnhu
  63. khupdo 5hod
  64. wduwîvwrs vzlwfk
  65. uhtxhqf\ 0hwhu dqg &doleudwlrq 5hvlvwru
  66. zlvwhg dqg 6klhoghg &deohv
  67. dqho 'hvljq
  68. shflilfdwlrq ri hqforvhg sdqho
  69. rrolqj ri ,qyhuwhu 3dqho
  70. rwhv rq ,qvwdoodwlrq ri ,qyhuwhu lq d 3dqho
  71. hwhuv dqg 0hdvxuhphqw 0hwkrgv
  72. hdvxuhphqw ri yrowdjhv dqg xvh ri
  73. vh ri &7 dqg wudqvgxfhu
  74. rpsoldqfh zlwk 6wdqgdugv
  75. rpsoldqfh zlwk wkh (xurshdq 'luhfwlyhv)
  76. rz wr 8vh wkh 3dudphwhuv
  77. wdqgdug frqqhfwlrq gldjudp ri wkh lqyhuwhu htxlsshg zlwk
  78. xwrpdwlf rshudwlrq xvlqj é wr ëíp$'& fxuuhqw vljqdo
  79. qyhuwhuv dqg prwruv duh lq sdluv
  80. rvlwlrqlqj 2shudwlrq &rpprq
  81. huwlfdo :lqglqjñ /liwhu
  82. vh ri eudnh vhtxhqfh flufxlw ixqfwlrq
  83. qyhuwhu $odup 2xwsxw 'lvsod\ dqg )dloxuh 5hvhw
  84. rj 2shudwlrq lq ([whuqdo 2shudwlrq 0rgh)
  85. hyhuvleoh 2shudwlrq e\ $qdorj ,qsxw
  86. shudwlrq xvlqj 6wrsðrqð&rqwdfw &rqwuro )xqfwlrq
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