
Siemens Cerberus CS1140 manuals

Cerberus CS1140 first page preview

Cerberus CS1140

Brand: Siemens | Category: Measuring Instruments
Table of contents
  1. system overview
Cerberus CS1140 first page preview

Cerberus CS1140

Brand: Siemens | Category: Measuring Instruments
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. About this document
  10. Safety regulations
  11. Classification and meaning of additional symbols
  12. Hardware overview
  13. Emergency operation
  14. level
  15. General requirements
  16. Principle of 24V wiring
  17. Cascading principle
  18. Ground fault monitoring (FM compliance)
  19. Programming ground fault monitoring
  20. E3X100 Master module (superseded by E3X101)
  21. Key data
  22. Important components
  23. Floating charging voltage as a function of temperature
  24. Connections
  25. E3X101 Master module (superseded by E3X102/103)
  26. Floating charge voltage as a function of temperature
  27. E3X102/103 Master module (supersedes E3X101)
  28. K3N010 RAM extension card
  29. E3C010 Battery charging module (superseded by E3C011)
  30. Anschlüsse
  31. E3C011 Battery charging module (supersedes E3C010)
  32. B2F020 Converter
  33. B1F120 Converter
  34. Z3I040, Z3I120, Z3I130 Surge protector set (superseded by Z3I041 Z3I121)
  35. Z3I041, Z3I121 Surge protector set (supersedes Z3I040, Z3I120)
  36. B3P020 Mains filter
  37. E3M060 Line module "MS9i
  38. E3M070 Line module "Interactive" (superseded by E3M071)
  39. Special functions
  40. E3M071 Line module "Interactive" (supersedes E3M070)
  41. E3M171 Line module "Interactive" Ex Detectors
  42. E3M080 Line module "Collective
  43. Line voltage
  44. Compatibility (detector <–> line type)
  45. E3M110 Line module "AnalogPLUS" (superseded by E3M111)
  46. E3M111 Line module "AnalogPLUS" (supersedes E3M110)
  47. E3M120 Line module "CBA8000/TS9000
  48. E3M140 Line module "FD20
  49. E3M220 MS5 Adapter
  50. Current consumption
  51. E3I040 I-Bus/LON module
  52. Wiring principle
  53. E3I020 RS232 module
  54. E3H020 C-Bus Gateway
  55. Supply wiring principle
  56. E3L020 Control module "I/O
  57. E3L030 Control module VdS (VdS module)
  58. E3G050 Control module "Contacts
  59. Overview
  60. E3G070 Control module "universal
  61. E3G080 Control module "Extinguishing
  62. Key data for E3G080 until index 'AB
  63. Control line "Main valve
  64. Detection line "stop/blocking button
  65. Control consoles
  66. K5L020 Dual sector extinguishing p.c.b
  67. Application example
  68. E3G091 Remote transmission interface
  69. E3G110 Emergency operation link
  70. Z3B171 Relay module
  71. B3Q4.. / 560 Control terminal AlgoPilot
  72. Application
  73. Mechanical design
  74. Important components B3Q4
  75. Important components B3Q560
  76. Connections B3Q4
  77. Connections B3Q560
  78. Connectors B3Q4.. , B3Q560
  79. B3Q6.. / 565 Control terminal AlgoPilot
  80. Connectors
  81. B3Q320 Fire department control terminal "CH" (superseded by B3Q321)
  82. B3R050 Parallel indicator terminal (superseded by B3R051)
  83. B3R051 Parallel indicator terminal (supersedes B3R050)
  84. K3R070 Mimic Display board (superseded by K3R071)
  85. K3R071 Mimic Display board (superseded by K3R072)
  86. Connection
  87. K3R072 Mimic Display board (supersedes K3R071)
  88. Prinzip Verkabelung
  89. K3G060 Relay card
  90. K3I050 LON/Mimic Display converter
  91. K3I110 LON I/O p.c.b
  92. B3Q580 Text display terminal and B3Q590/B3Q595 Text control terminal
  93. Message presentation
  94. Connections B3Q580
  95. B3Q440 Operating unit "Extinguishing
  96. B2Q191 Logging printer
  97. Changing paper
Cerberus CS1140 first page preview

Cerberus CS1140

Brand: Siemens | Category: Security Sensors
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. About this document
  5. Safety regulations
  6. Safety-relevant working instructions
  7. Main features CS1140
  8. Overview technical data CS1140
  9. Logical and physical structure
  10. Bus systems
  11. Bus overview
  12. C-Bus stations
  13. Meaning of the suffix 41, 42, 43
  14. Logical AREAS
  15. Outline quantities of C-Bus participants
  16. Main CPU limits (CI/CC)
  17. Control terminal limits (CT/CI)
  18. Gateway limits (CK)
  19. AlgoWorks utility programs limits
  20. Specify hardware required
  21. Choice of appropriate control unit cabinet
  22. Auxiliary power supply in second H47 housing
  23. Cable sets for supplementary power supply in H47 housing
  24. Installation possibilities on module chassis H67
  25. Combination possibilities
  26. Supplementary power supply
  27. Cable sets for supplementary power supply
  28. Control terminals AlgoPilot B3Q
  29. Features
  30. Installation possibilities
  31. Connection lines between control unit and external operating units
  32. Range of cabinets H23... / H26... / H28
  33. Recessed mounting H23G230 and H28G200
  34. Range of cabinets H37
  35. Range of cabinets H38
  36. Range of cabinets H47
  37. Range of cabinets H67
  38. Range of cabinets H98
  39. Overview 19" accessories
  40. Principle of internal pre-wiring
  41. Line modules
  42. Overview acquisition periphery
  43. Detection line "interactive
  44. Detection line "interactive" Ex
  45. Detection line "AnalogPLUS
  46. Detection line "MS9i addressing
  47. Detection line "collective
  48. Control modules
  49. Control outputs station type CC11
  50. Control outputs remote station type CT11
  51. CPU-overlapping controls
  52. Mimic Display panel outputs station type CT11 and CI11
  53. Relay outputs station type CT11 and CI11
  54. LON-Bus devices
  55. LON-Bus as free topology
  56. Indicator devices B3Q580 and B3Q590/595
  57. Gateway
  58. Application variants
  59. Remote transmission
  60. CPU-overlapping remote transmission
  61. Extinguishing
  62. Option emergency operation link E3G110
  63. Typical extinguishing system
  64. Printer interface
  65. Application variant CC11
  66. Application variant CI11
  67. Logging printer B2Q191/B1Q101
  68. Paging interface
  69. Power supply
  70. Auxiliary power supply
  71. Operation with power supply from control unit
  72. Power supply for remote transmission equipment and accessories
  73. Emergency power supply
  74. Quiescent current table
  75. Alarm concept
  76. Protection elements
  77. Commissioning
  78. Parameterization, Flash programming
  79. CS1140 modules in alphabetical order
  80. Spare parts for the CS1140 modules
  81. Configuration sheets
Cerberus CS1140 first page preview

Cerberus CS1140

Brand: Siemens | Category: Security Sensors
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Safety guidelines
  4. Commissioning overview
  5. Commissioning of hardware
  6. Installation and connection of hardware CI1145
  7. Preparation of the CS1140 electronic modules
  8. Power unit B2F020
  9. Master module E3X101 (supersedes E3X100)
  10. Battery charging module E3C011 (supersedes E3C010)
  11. I-Bus/LON module E3I040
  12. C-Bus gateway E3H020
  13. Line module «MS9i» E3M060
  14. Line module «Collective» E3M080
  15. Line module «AnalogPLUS» E3M111 (supersedes E3M110)
  16. Control module «Contacts» E3G050
  17. Control module «universal» E3G070
  18. Control module «VdS» E3L030
  19. Terminals B3Q460 / 480 / 550
  20. Text display terminal B3Q580
  21. Text control terminal B3Q590
  22. Fire department control panel B3Q320
  23. LON/mimic display converterK3I050
  24. Printer control K3L080 (for B2Q191)
  25. PSA interface card K3I090
  26. Install modules CS1140
  27. First switch-on
  28. Programming the system
  29. Localization of interactive devices
  30. Address allocation through activation
  31. Localize with device identification
  32. Localization with the AlgoMan (DZ1154)
  33. Localization of AnalogPLUS devices
  34. Address allocation through insertion
  35. Allocations
  36. Automatic allocation of devices using the function 'Auto link
  37. Manual allocation of interactive devices
  38. Manual allocation of AnalogPLUS devices (with address allocation)
  39. Address allocation for AnalogPLUS and MS9i devices
  40. Address allocation for collective lines
  41. Address allocation for digital inputs-/outputs on function units
  42. Address allocation for LON-Bus devices
  43. Downloading the configuration data
  44. Checks before downloading
  45. Control unit CC1142
  46. Control unit CI1142 and terminal CT1142
  47. Control unit CI1145
  48. Exchange of hardware
  49. AnalogPLUS devices
  50. Collective devices
  51. Trouble-shooting
  52. Trouble message in SWE11: 'Nodes are not localizable Õ check node types
  53. Trouble message in SWE11: 'No data base memory available
  54. Trouble message on the terminal: 'Detector
  55. Trouble message on the terminal: 'C-Bus ASIC or RAM
  56. AnalogPLUS trouble shooting
  57. Signs of a ground short on an AnalogPLUS line
  58. Appendix
  59. Device localization via terminal
  60. Upload localization data (CC/CI11 Õ SWE11)
  61. Layout of localization structure in the main memory
  62. Tips for localization
  63. SmartHandy for address allocation
  64. Display in SWE11
  65. Requirements for allocation
  66. Activation of interactive and AnalogPLUS devices
  67. Input / output modules
  68. Ground short monitoring
  69. Index
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