Fujitsu ATLAS V14.0 manuals
Table of contents
- organization of this manual
- Table of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- functions of atlas
- starting atlas
- translation using <translation editor
- selecting a character string or a cell
- selecting a non-translation text string [insert non-translation brackets
- translating word files [word translation
- translating in acrobat [application translation
- translating contents of the clipboard [clipboard translation
- translating web pages with internet explorer [web translation
- translating mail [mail translation
- adding words [dictionary tool
- utilizing translation memory [translation memory
- typical use of translation memory
- finding detailed information [help, internet update
- Basics
- Table Of Contents
- basic atlas functions
- applications that can be used with atlas
- basic operation of translation editor
- checking a translated word
- checking spelling errors [spelling check
- changing characters [convert
- reading sentences in the translation editor
- printing the translation results
- preparation (setup of application translation)
- translating by acrobat / adobe reader
- translating a word file
- translating an excel file
- translating a powerpoint file
- hiding [clipboard translation] dialog box
- basic operation of web translation
- displaying the original text
- reading sentences aloud
- starting mail translation
- layout of [mail translation] toolbar
- automatically starting mail translation
- quick atlas basics
- clicking to translate [mouse translation
- automatically starting quick atlas
- using the dictionary
- setting dictionaries to be used for translation
- working with user dictionaries
- setting changeable dictionary
- finding words registered in dictionaries
- changing word settings
- deleting words [delete
- listing all words and translation memory
- using the common dictionary
- creating a common dictionary
- changing the common dictionary administrator
- deleting a common dictionary
- common folder management tool
- using the translation memory
- searching stored translation memory data
- starting translation memory
- storing translation memory items
- deleting translation memory items
- using the text alignment support tool
- translation style (ej translation)
- translation style (je translation)
- available combinations of parts of speech
- entering text into an add all text file
- adding all words [adding all
- adding multiple words at once from excel
- rebuilding user dictionaries [reindex dictionary
- backing up user dictionaries [backup dictionary
- restoring user dictionaries [restore dictionary
- hints for creating/modifying original text
- preparing appropriate original japanese text
- refining translation to proper english
- displaying lists of translation environments
- creating/editing translation environments
- deleting translation environments
- importing/exporting translation environment
- translation environment options
- a list of shortcut keys
- b error messages
- c for users of other atlas series software
- d uninstalling atlas
- d.2 uninstalling atlas
- e.2 configuring settings for connecting to the server
- e.3 uploading dictionaries
- e.4 downloading dictionaries from the server
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