HP 68000 Series manuals
68000 Series
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- The Graphical Interface at a Glance
- The Debugger Window
- Graphical Interface Conventions
- Mouse Buttons
- Platform Differences
- The Quick Start Tutorial
- To prepare to run the debugger
- To start the debugger
- To activate display area windows
- To run until main()
- To scroll the Code window
- To display a function
- To edit the program
- To display init_system() again
- To run until the breakpoint
- To patch code using a macro
- To delete a single breakpoint
- To delete all breakpoints
- To step through a program
- To step over functions
- To change the value of a variable
- To recall an entry buffer value
- To display the address of a variable
- To break on an access to a variable
- To use the command line
- To turn the command line off
- To see on-line help
- To end the debugging session
- Starting the Debugger
- Using Menus, the Entry Buffer, and Action Keys
- To choose a pull-down menu item using the keyboard
- To choose pop-up menu items
- To use pop-up menu shortcuts
- To recall entry buffer values
- To edit the entry buffer
- To use the action keys
- To use dialog boxes
- To access help information
- Using the Command Line with the Mouse
- To turn the command line on or off
- To enter a command
- To edit the command line using the command line pushbuttons
- To edit the command line using the command line pop-up menu
- To get help about the command line
- Using the Command Line with the Keyboard
- To edit the command line
- To display the help window
- Viewing Debugger Status
- Indicator Characters
- To display information about the debugger version
- Solving problems with the interface
- 3 Loading and Executing Programs
- Compiling Programs for the Debugger
- Using a Hewlett-Packard C Cross Compiler
- Using Microtec Language Tools
- Loading Programs and Symbols
- To load programs
- To load program code only
- To load symbols only
- To load additional programs
- To turn demand loading of symbols on or off
- Stepping Through and Running Programs
- To run from the current program counter (PC) address
- To run until a stop (break) address
- To count simulated clock cycles
- To add simulated wait states
- Using Breakpoints
- To set an instruction breakpoint
- To set a breakpoint for a C+ + object instance
- To set a breakpoint for overloaded C
- To clear selected breakpoints
- To clear all breakpoints
- To display breakpoint information
- To halt program execution on return to a stack level
- Using Simulated Interrupts
- To remove simulated interrupts
- Restarting Programs
- To reset program variables
- Saving and Loading the CPU State
- Mapping Memory
- To allow access to memory locations
- Accessing Input Ports
- To delete an input port
- To display input port buffer values
- Accessing Output Ports
- To delete an output port
- To display output port buffer values
- Accessing the UNIX Operating System
- To execute a UNIX command
- Using simulator and emulator debugger products together
- Using the Debugger with the Branch Validator
- 4 Viewing Code and Data
- Using Symbols
- To display symbols
- To display symbols in all modules
- Displaying Screens
- To display the high-level screen
- To display the standard I/O screen
- Displaying Windows
- To change the active window
- To select the alternate view of a window
- To view information in the active window
- To view information in the "More" lists mode
- To copy window contents to a file
- To view commands in a separate window
- Displaying C Source Code
- To find first occurrence of a string
- Displaying Disassembled Assembly Code
- Displaying Program Context
- To display current module and function
- To display register contents
- To list all registers
- To display the function calling chain (stack backtrace)
- To display all local variables of a function at the specified stack (backtrace level
- To display the address of the C+ + object invoking a member function
- Using Expressions
- To display the value of an expression or variable
- To display members of a structure
- To display the members of a C
- To monitor variables
- To monitor the value of a register
- To discontinue monitoring all variables
- To print formatted output to a window
- Viewing Memory Contents
- To examine a memory area for invalid values
- To display memory contents
- Using Simulated I/O
- How Simulated I/O Works
- Special Simulated I/O Symbols
- To disable simulated I/O
- To set the keyboard I/O mode to raw
- To interpret keyboard reads as EOF
- To check resource usage
- 5 Editing Code and Data
- Editing Files
- To edit an arbitrary file
- Patching Source Code
- To patch a line of code using a macro
- To patch C source code by inserting lines
- Editing Memory Contents
- To copy a block of memory
- To fill a block of memory with values
- To re-initialize all program variables
- Using Macros
- To display the Macro Operations dialog box
- To use an existing macro as a template for a new macro
- To define a macro interactively using the command line
- To define a macro outside the debugger
- To save macros
- To call a macro from within an expression
- To call a macro on execution of a breakpoint
- To call a macro when stepping through programs
- To display macro source code
- To delete a macro
- Using Command Files
- To record commands
- To place comments in a command file
- To stop command recording
- To set command file error handling
- To append commands to an existing command file
- To stop command and result recording to a journal file
- To close the file associated with a window number
- To use the debugger in batch mode
- 7 Configuring the Debugger
- Setting the General Debugger Options
- To specify whether command file commands are echoed to the Journal window
- To set backtrace display of bad stack frames
- To select the interpretation of numeric literals (decimal/hexadecimal)
- To specify exception processing behavior
- To specify step speed
- Setting the Symbolics Options
- To convert module names to upper case
- Setting the Display Options
- To display half-bright or inverse video highlights
- To specify scroll amount
- Modifying Display Area Windows
- To move the Status window (standard interface only)
- To define user screens and windows
- To display user-defined screens
- To erase standard I/O and user-defined window contents
- Saving and Loading the Debugger Configuration
- To load a startup file
- Setting X Resources
- To modify the debugger's graphical interface resources
- To use customized scheme files
- To set up custom action keys
- To set initial recall buffer values
- Part 3 Concept Guide
- 8 X Resources and the Graphical Interface
- An X resource is user-definable data
- Don't worry, there are shortcuts
- But wait, there is trouble ahead
- Class and instance apply to applications as well
- Resource specifications are found in standard places
- Loading order resolves conflicts between files
- The app-defaults file documents the resources you can set
- You can create your own scheme files, if you choose
- You can force the debugger's graphical interface to use certain schemes
- Resource setting - general procedure
- Part 4 Reference
- 9 Debugger Commands
- Command Summary
- Expression Commands
- Memory Commands
- Program Commands
- Window Commands
- Breakpt Access
- Breakpt Clear_All
- Breakpt Delete
- Breakpt Erase
- Breakpt Instr
- Breakpt Read
- Breakpt Write
- Debugger Directory
- Debugger Execution Display_Status
- Debugger Execution IO_System
- Debugger Execution Load_State
- Debugger Execution Reset_Processor
- Debugger Execution Save_State
- Debugger Host_Shell
- Debugger Help
- Debugger Level
- Debugger Macro Add
- Debugger Macro Call
- Debugger Macro Display
- Debugger Option Command_Echo
- Debugger Option General
- Debugger Option List
- Debugger Option Symbolics
- Debugger Option View
- Debugger Pause
- Debugger Quit
- Expression C_Expression
- Expression Display_Value
- Expression Fprintf
- Expression Monitor Clear_All
- Expression Monitor Delete
- Expression Monitor Value
- Expression Printf
- File Command
- File Error_Command
- File Journal
- File Log
- File Startup
- File User_Fopen
- File Window_Close
- Memory Assign
- Memory Block_Operation Copy
- Memory Block_Operation Fill
- Memory Block_Operation Match
- Memory Block_Operation Search
- Memory Block_Operation Test
- Memory Display
- Memory Hex
- Memory Inport Assign
- Memory Inport Delete
- Memory Inport Rewind
- Memory Inport Show
- Memory Map Guarded
- Memory Map Read_Only
- Memory Map Show
- Memory Map Write_Read
- Memory Outport Assign
- Memory Outport Delete
- Memory Outport Rewind
- Memory Outport Show
- Memory Register
- Memory Unload_BBA
- Program Context Display
- Program Context Expand
- Program Context Set
- Program Display_Source
- Program Find_Source Next
- Program Find_Source Occurrence
- Program Interrupt Add
- Program Interrupt Remove
- Program Load
- Program Pc_Reset
- Program Run
- Program Step
- Program Step Over
- Program Step With_Macro
- Symbol Add
- Symbol Browse
- Symbol Display
- Symbol Remove
- Window Active
- Window Cursor
- Window Delete
- Window Erase
- Window New
- Window Resize
- Window Screen_On
- Window Toggle_View
- 10 Expressions and Symbols in Debugger Commands
- Expression Elements
- Constants
- Symbols
- Debugger Symbols
- Reserved Symbols
- Addresses
- Keywords
- Forming Expressions
- Expression Strings
- Symbolic Referencing
- Data Types
- Special Casting
- Scoping Rules
- Evaluating Symbols
- Stack References
- 11 Predefined Macros
- break_info
- byte
- close
- dword
- error
- fgetc
- fopen
- getsym
- inport
- isalive
- key_get
- key_stat
- memchr
- memclr
- memcpy
- memset
- open
- outport
- read
- reg_str
- showversion
- strcat
- strchr
- strcmp
- strcpy
- stricmp
- strlen
- strncmp
- until
- when
- word
- write
- Version C.06.20
- Version C.05.20
- Version C.05.10
- Part 5 Installation Guide
- 14 Installation
- Installation at a Glance
- Supplied filesets
- To install software on an HP 9000 system
- Step 1. Install the software
- To install the software on a Sun SPARCsystem
- Step 1: Install the software
- To set up your software environment
- To set environment variables
- To verify the software installation
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