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Computer Accessories
68000 Series
HP 68000 Series User Manual
HP 68000 Series User Manual
Table of content
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
The Graphical Interface at a Glance
The Debugger Window
Graphical Interface Conventions
Mouse Buttons
Platform Differences
The Quick Start Tutorial
To prepare to run the debugger
To start the debugger
To activate display area windows
To run until main()
To scroll the Code window
To display a function
To edit the program
To display init_system() again
To run until the breakpoint
To patch code using a macro
To delete a single breakpoint
To delete all breakpoints
To step through a program
To step over functions
To change the value of a variable
To recall an entry buffer value
To display the address of a variable
To break on an access to a variable
To use the command line
To turn the command line off
To see on-line help
To end the debugging session
Starting the Debugger
Using Menus, the Entry Buffer, and Action Keys
To choose a pull-down menu item using the keyboard
To choose pop-up menu items
To use pop-up menu shortcuts
To recall entry buffer values
To edit the entry buffer
To use the action keys
To use dialog boxes
To access help information
Using the Command Line with the Mouse
To turn the command line on or off
To enter a command
To edit the command line using the command line pushbuttons
To edit the command line using the command line pop-up menu
To get help about the command line
Using the Command Line with the Keyboard
To edit the command line
To display the help window
Viewing Debugger Status
Indicator Characters
To display information about the debugger version
Solving problems with the interface
3 Loading and Executing Programs
Compiling Programs for the Debugger
Using a Hewlett-Packard C Cross Compiler
Using Microtec Language Tools
Loading Programs and Symbols
To load programs
To load program code only
To load symbols only
To load additional programs
To turn demand loading of symbols on or off
Stepping Through and Running Programs
To run from the current program counter (PC) address
To run until a stop (break) address
To count simulated clock cycles
To add simulated wait states
Using Breakpoints
To set an instruction breakpoint
To set a breakpoint for a C+ + object instance
To set a breakpoint for overloaded C
To clear selected breakpoints
To clear all breakpoints
To display breakpoint information
To halt program execution on return to a stack level
Using Simulated Interrupts
To remove simulated interrupts
Restarting Programs
To reset program variables
Saving and Loading the CPU State
Mapping Memory
To allow access to memory locations
Accessing Input Ports
To delete an input port
To display input port buffer values
Accessing Output Ports
To delete an output port
To display output port buffer values
Accessing the UNIX Operating System
To execute a UNIX command
Using simulator and emulator debugger products together
Using the Debugger with the Branch Validator
4 Viewing Code and Data
Using Symbols
To display symbols
To display symbols in all modules
Displaying Screens
To display the high-level screen
To display the standard I/O screen
Displaying Windows
To change the active window
To select the alternate view of a window
To view information in the active window
To view information in the "More" lists mode
To copy window contents to a file
To view commands in a separate window
Displaying C Source Code
To find first occurrence of a string
Displaying Disassembled Assembly Code
Displaying Program Context
To display current module and function
To display register contents
To list all registers
To display the function calling chain (stack backtrace)
To display all local variables of a function at the specified stack (backtrace level
To display the address of the C+ + object invoking a member function
Using Expressions
To display the value of an expression or variable
To display members of a structure
To display the members of a C
To monitor variables
To monitor the value of a register
To discontinue monitoring all variables
To print formatted output to a window
Viewing Memory Contents
To examine a memory area for invalid values
To display memory contents
Using Simulated I/O
How Simulated I/O Works
Special Simulated I/O Symbols
To disable simulated I/O
To set the keyboard I/O mode to raw
To interpret keyboard reads as EOF
To check resource usage
5 Editing Code and Data
Editing Files
To edit an arbitrary file
Patching Source Code
To patch a line of code using a macro
To patch C source code by inserting lines
Editing Memory Contents
To copy a block of memory
To fill a block of memory with values
To re-initialize all program variables
Using Macros
To display the Macro Operations dialog box
To use an existing macro as a template for a new macro
To define a macro interactively using the command line
To define a macro outside the debugger
To save macros
To call a macro from within an expression
To call a macro on execution of a breakpoint
To call a macro when stepping through programs
To display macro source code
To delete a macro
Using Command Files
To record commands
To place comments in a command file
To stop command recording
To set command file error handling
To append commands to an existing command file
To stop command and result recording to a journal file
To close the file associated with a window number
To use the debugger in batch mode
7 Configuring the Debugger
Setting the General Debugger Options
To specify whether command file commands are echoed to the Journal window
To set backtrace display of bad stack frames
To select the interpretation of numeric literals (decimal/hexadecimal)
To specify exception processing behavior
To specify step speed
Setting the Symbolics Options
To convert module names to upper case
Setting the Display Options
To display half-bright or inverse video highlights
To specify scroll amount
Modifying Display Area Windows
To move the Status window (standard interface only)
To define user screens and windows
To display user-defined screens
To erase standard I/O and user-defined window contents
Saving and Loading the Debugger Configuration
To load a startup file
Setting X Resources
To modify the debugger's graphical interface resources
To use customized scheme files
To set up custom action keys
To set initial recall buffer values
Part 3 Concept Guide
8 X Resources and the Graphical Interface
An X resource is user-definable data
Don't worry, there are shortcuts
But wait, there is trouble ahead
Class and instance apply to applications as well
Resource specifications are found in standard places
Loading order resolves conflicts between files
The app-defaults file documents the resources you can set
You can create your own scheme files, if you choose
You can force the debugger's graphical interface to use certain schemes
Resource setting - general procedure
Part 4 Reference
9 Debugger Commands
Command Summary
Expression Commands
Memory Commands
Program Commands
Window Commands
Breakpt Access
Breakpt Clear_All
Breakpt Delete
Breakpt Erase
Breakpt Instr
Breakpt Read
Breakpt Write
Debugger Directory
Debugger Execution Display_Status
Debugger Execution IO_System
Debugger Execution Load_State
Debugger Execution Reset_Processor
Debugger Execution Save_State
Debugger Host_Shell
Debugger Help
Debugger Level
Debugger Macro Add
Debugger Macro Call
Debugger Macro Display
Debugger Option Command_Echo
Debugger Option General
Debugger Option List
Debugger Option Symbolics
Debugger Option View
Debugger Pause
Debugger Quit
Expression C_Expression
Expression Display_Value
Expression Fprintf
Expression Monitor Clear_All
Expression Monitor Delete
Expression Monitor Value
Expression Printf
File Command
File Error_Command
File Journal
File Log
File Startup
File User_Fopen
File Window_Close
Memory Assign
Memory Block_Operation Copy
Memory Block_Operation Fill
Memory Block_Operation Match
Memory Block_Operation Search
Memory Block_Operation Test
Memory Display
Memory Hex
Memory Inport Assign
Memory Inport Delete
Memory Inport Rewind
Memory Inport Show
Memory Map Guarded
Memory Map Read_Only
Memory Map Show
Memory Map Write_Read
Memory Outport Assign
Memory Outport Delete
Memory Outport Rewind
Memory Outport Show
Memory Register
Memory Unload_BBA
Program Context Display
Program Context Expand
Program Context Set
Program Display_Source
Program Find_Source Next
Program Find_Source Occurrence
Program Interrupt Add
Program Interrupt Remove
Program Load
Program Pc_Reset
Program Run
Program Step
Program Step Over
Program Step With_Macro
Symbol Add
Symbol Browse
Symbol Display
Symbol Remove
Window Active
Window Cursor
Window Delete
Window Erase
Window New
Window Resize
Window Screen_On
Window Toggle_View
10 Expressions and Symbols in Debugger Commands
Expression Elements
Debugger Symbols
Reserved Symbols
Forming Expressions
Expression Strings
Symbolic Referencing
Data Types
Special Casting
Scoping Rules
Evaluating Symbols
Stack References
11 Predefined Macros
Version C.06.20
Version C.05.20
Version C.05.10
Part 5 Installation Guide
14 Installation
Installation at a Glance
Supplied filesets
To install software on an HP 9000 system
Step 1. Install the software
To install the software on a Sun SPARCsystem
Step 1: Install the software
To set up your software environment
To set environment variables
To verify the software installation
Editing Code and Data
How to use the debugger to make permanent or temporary changes to source
code, memory contents, and registers.
Chapter 5: Editing Code and Data
/ 586
Zoom view
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This manual is suitable for:
68000 Series