HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 manuals
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Java SDK
- Accessing the WSAPI
- Protocol and Message Format
- Server HTTP Headers
- Supported HTTP Methods
- About Session Key Security
- Deleting a Session Key
- The desc Member
- The ref Member
- Null Members
- JSON Types and API Types
- Working with Common Provisioning Groups
- CPG HA Enumeration
- CPG diskType Enumeration
- CPG Space Usage Objects
- Creating a CPG
- CPG Creation Errors
- CPG Modification Success
- Querying CPG Information
- CPG Query Success
- Working with Storage Volumes
- Volume DetailedState Enumeration Types
- Volume policies Configuration Object
- Creating a Storage Volume
- Creating Snapshot Volumes
- Volume Creation Success
- Modifying a Virtual Volume
- Volume Modification Success
- Removing a Storage Volume
- All-volumes Query Errors
- Working with Hosts
- Host Creation Errors
- Modifying a Host
- Host Modification Success
- Removing a Host
- Host Query Errors
- Working with Ports
- Querying All Ports
- All-ports Query Errors
- Working with Virtual LUNs
- VLUN failedPathPol Enumeration
- VLUN Creation Success
- VLUN Creation Example
- HTTP Response
- VLUN Removal Example
- All-VLUNs Query Example
- Querying a Single VLUN
- Single-VLUN Query Errors
- Getting Storage System and Version Information
- Storage-system Query Errors
- Querying Available Space
- Overall Available Space Query Errors
- Space Query Errors
- Support and Other Resources
- Typographic conventions
- documentation feedback
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Installing the HP 3PAR Command Line Interface
- Before Installation
- Troubleshooting the Installation
- Managing User Accounts and Connections
- Default User Accounts
- Creating Users
- Viewing Users
- Removing Users
- Setting a User's Current Domain
- Active Directory LDAP Configuration with SASL Binding
- Configuring Connection Parameters
- Configuring Binding Parameters
- Configuring Group-to-Role Mapping Parameters
- Active Directory LDAP Configuration with Simple Binding Over SSL
- Configuring the CA Certificate
- Configuring Account Location Parameters
- OpenLDAP Configuration with Simple Binding Over SSL
- Configuring Group Location Parameters
- Configuring LDAP Connections on Systems Using Domains
- Running the HP 3PAR Command Line Interface
- General Control and Help Commands
- Using SSL
- Setting the TPDSYSNAME Environment Variable
- Setting Your Name and Password
- Using the -password Option
- Startup Files
- Setting the TPDCSVTABLE Environment Variable on Solaris and Linux
- Setting the TPDLISTDOM Environment Variable on Solaris and Linux
- Setting the Environment Variable on Windows
- Benefits of Using SSH
- Accessing the CLI Using SSH
- CLI Scripting Through SSH
- Managing HP 3PAR Virtual Domains
- Viewing Domains
- Managing Domain Objects
- Creating Virtual Domain Sets
- Managing Ports and Hosts
- FC Port Settings
- iSCSI Port Settings
- Active and Inactive Hosts
- Creating Hosts
- Modifying Hosts
- Removing iSCSI Path iSCSI Names
- Removing Host Paths
- Managing Host Autonomic Groups
- Managing Host Personas
- The Host Explorer Software Agent
- Creating a Domain-Specific Host
- Managing CPGs and Virtual Volumes
- System Guidelines for Creating Common Provisioning Groups
- Creating a Common Provisioning Group
- Consolidating Common Provisioning Group Space
- Fully Provisioned Virtual Volumes
- Creating Virtual Volumes
- Modifying Virtual Volumes
- Converting Fully Provisioned Virtual Volumes to Thinly Provisioned Virtual Volumes
- Manually Converting a Fully Provisioned Virtual Volume to a Thinly Provisioned Virtual Volume
- Managing Virtual Volume Autonomic Groups
- Freeing Virtual Volume Snapshot Space
- Removing Virtual Volumes
- Validating and Repairing Virtual Volumes
- Creating a Port Presents VLUN Template
- Removing a Port Presents VLUN Template
- Creating Virtual Volumes in a Virtual Domain
- Growing Virtual Volumes in Domains
- Virtual Copies
- Promoting a Virtual Copy
- Physical Copies
- Creating an Offline Physical Copy
- Creating a Group of Physical Copies
- Promoting a Physical Copy
- Moving Snapshots
- Creating and Applying Templates
- Creating Virtual Volumes and Logical Disks Using a Template
- Removing Template Parameters
- Monitoring System and Physical Disk Capacity
- Determining System Capacity by Physical Disk Type
- Determining Physical Disk Capacity by Disk Type
- Viewing Spare Chunklets
- Logical Disks and Chunklet Initialization
- Data Encryption
- Supported Configurations
- Restrictions
- Using the controlencryption command
- Backing up the Authentication Key File
- Replacing a Failed Disk Drive
- Dismissing an Existing SED
- Monitoring and Managing Alerts
- Monitoring and Managing the Event Log
- Viewing the Event Log
- Viewing Statistics and Histograms
- Viewing VLUN Statistics
- Viewing Statistical Reports Using the On-node System Reporter
- Viewing Statistical Histogram Reports for Performance
- Viewing Histograms for Ports
- Managing Tasks
- Starting a Task
- Setting the Priority of a Running Task
- Waiting for a Task
- Removing a Task
- background_command
- scheduled_task
- system_task
- tunevv_rollback
- tune_sys
- vv_copy
- Displaying Scheduled Tasks
- Modifying a Scheduled Task
- Adaptive Optimization
- Adaptive Optimization Conversion
- Creating an Adaptive Optimization Configuration
- Displaying an Adaptive Optimization Setting
- Removing an Adaptive Optimization Configuration
- HP Priority Optimization
- Applying Quality of Service Rules
- Mode of Operation
- QoS Rule Actions
- QoS Metrics
- Creating a New QoS Rule with the HP 3PAR MC
- Viewing a QoS Rule
- Removing a QoS Rule
- Managing QoS Rules
- Handling Tier- 1 Applications
- Maximum Number of QoS Rules per VV
- Virtualization Software
- Reporting
- Event Management
- Registering an SNMP Manager
- Removing a Manager
- Viewing SNMPv3 Users
- Using mySnapshot
- Replacing a Read-Only Snapshot
- Performance Tuning
- Displaying Virtual Volume Space Distribution
- Thinly-Provisioned Virtual Volumes
- Changing Virtual Volume Fault-Tolerance Levels
- Troubleshooting Modifying Virtual Volumes
- Compacting Logical Disks
- Compacting Common Provisioning Groups
- Support and Other Resources
- Typographic conventions
- Documentation feedback
- A Mapping Roles and Rights
- Basic Edit Role
- Browse Role
- Edit Role
- Service Role
- Super Role
- B Mapping Rights and CLI Commands
- Index
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Overview of HP 3PAR-to-3PAR Storage Peer Motion
- Online Migration Procedure
- Minimally Disruptive Migration Procedure
- Preparing for Data Migration
- Network and Fabric Zoning Requirements
- Pre-Migration Constraints
- Using the Peer Motion Manager
- Creating a Peer Motion Configuration
- Set Up Connections
- Show Port WWNs
- Port Configuration and Zoning
- Copying Storage Settings and Configurations
- Copy Storage Settings and Configurations
- Migrating Data
- Import Volumes
- Online Data Migration Confirmation
- Minimally Disruptive Data Migration Confirmation
- Select Peer Volumes
- Removing Peer Volumes
- Post Migration Cleanup
- Viewing a Peer Motion Configuration
- Summary Tab
- Tasks Tab
- Alerts Tab
- Viewing Port Information
- The Summary Screen Detail Pane
- The Hosts Screen Detail Pane
- Viewing Storage Settings and Configurations
- Security & Domains Node
- Security & Domains Node Users Tab
- Security & Domains Node Domains Tab
- Viewing Migration Data Information
- Available/Imported Host Sets Screen
- Available/Imported Linked Hosts Screen
- Admitted/Importing Host Sets Screen
- Admitted/Importing Linked Hosts Screen
- Admitted/Importing Volumes Screen
- Summary Screen
- Settings Screen
- Active VLUNs Screen
- Ports Screen
- Viewing Available Storage Systems
- Post-Migration Tasks
- Troubleshooting HP 3PAR-to-3PAR Data Migration
- Support and Other Resources
- Typographic conventions
- Documentation feedback
- A Migrating Secondary Asynchronous Periodic Remote Copy Volume Groups
- B Additional Steps to Migrate HP-UX Hosts
- Index
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Overview
- Physical Disks
- Physical Copies
- HP 3PAR Software Products and Features
- HP 3PAR Software Licensing Requirements
- HP 3PAR Storage System Users
- Local User Authentication and Authorization
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- LDAP Server Data Organization
- LDAP Authentication and Authorization
- Authorization on Systems Using Virtual Domains
- HP 3PAR Virtual Domains
- Domain Type
- Ports and Hosts
- Port Location Formats
- Port Target, Initiator, and Peer Modes
- Managing Host Personas
- The Host Explorer Software Agent
- Chunklets
- Logical Disk Types
- RAID Types
- RAID Multi-Parity
- Logical Disk Size and RAID Types
- Growth Increments, Warnings, and Limits
- Growth Increment
- System Guidelines for Creating CPGs
- Virtual Volumes
- Administrative Volumes
- TPVV Warnings and Limits
- Virtual Volume Online Conversion
- Virtual Copy Snapshots
- Copy-on-Write Function
- Exporting Virtual Volumes
- VLUN Templates and Active VLUNs
- Matched Set
- Reclaiming Unused Space
- Reclaiming Unmapped Logical Disk Space from Volumes
- Enhanced Storage Applications
- HP 3PAR System Tuner Software
- HP 3PAR Thin Conversion Software
- Zeroing Unused Space
- HP 3PAR Virtual Lock Software
- HP 3PAR Peer Motion Software
- Priority Optimization
- HP 3PAR Storage System Hardware
- Drive Cage/Enclosure Models
- DC3 Drive Cage and Ports and Cabling
- Controller Nodes
- Port Numbering
- HP 3PAR StoreServ 10000 Controller Node Numbering
- T-Class Controller Node Numbering
- F-Class Controller Node Numbering
- HP 3PAR SNMP Infrastructure
- Standard Compliance
- Exposed Objects
- System Name
- alertNotify Traps
- About SMI-S
- HP 3PAR CIM Support
- Comparing HP 3PAR to EVA Terms
- Support and Other Resources
- Typographic conventions
- Documentation feedback
- Glossary
- Index
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Servicing the Storage System
- Types of CSR
- Swappable Components
- Powering Off/On the Storage System
- Disengaging the PDU Pivot Brackets
- Replacing an Interconnect Link Cable
- Removing a 2.5 inch Disk
- Removing a 3.5 inch Disk
- Installing a Disk Drive
- Verifying Disk Drives
- Disk Drive Numbering
- Controller Node Replacement Procedure
- Node Removal
- Node Installation
- Node Verification
- Replacing an SFP
- Understanding LED Indicator Status
- Storage System Component LEDs
- Drive PCM LEDs
- I/O Modules LEDs
- Controller Node and Internal Component LEDs
- Ethernet LEDs
- Fibre Channel (FC) Adapter LEDs
- Converged Network Adapter (CNA) LEDs
- SAS Port LEDs
- Interconnect Port LEDs
- Support and Other Resources
- Typographic conventions
- Documentation feedback
- A Installing Storage Software Manually
- Service Processor Connector Pin-outs
- Installing HP 3PAR OS Files
- Adding a Storage System to the Service Processor
- Exporting Test LUNs
- Creating and Exporting Test Volumes
- B Node Rescue
- C Illustrated Parts Catalog
- Storage System Components
- Controller Node and Internal Components
- Service Processor
- D Uninstalling the Storage System
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- I Using SmartStart to Configure Storage
- Welcome
- accessing online help
- Prepare to Configure
- Accessing the Service Processor Setup Wizard
- Configuring Service Processor Networking
- Configuring System Support Information
- Troubleshooting
- Locating the Serial Number
- Configuring Your Time Zone
- Continuing SmartStart Setup
- Troubleshooting System Setup
- Contacting HP Support about System Setup
- Connect to the HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage System
- Configure the Hosts
- Configure the Fibre Channel Host
- Connect to the Fibre Channel Host System
- Configure Multipath I/O (MPIO)
- Summary: Fibre Channel Host Configuration
- Start the iSCSI Initiator
- Configure the iSCSI Target
- Configure Storage
- Create Hosts
- Host Settings
- Summary
- Policies and Geometry
- Export Virtual Volumes
- Add Virtual Volumes to Windows
- Summary: Add Virtual Volumes to Windows Wizard
- Install the HP 3PAR Management Console
- II Understanding Storage
- Storage Software Components
- physical disks
- Host
- Common Provisioning Groups
- Virtual Volumes
- Physical Copies
- Exporting Virtual Volumes
- User Roles and Rights
- Managing Storage
- III Additional Resources
- Additional Resources
- Support and Other Resources
- Typographic conventions
- documentation feedback
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- I Using SmartStart to Configure Storage
- Welcome
- Prepare to Configure
- Accessing the Service Processor Setup Wizard
- Configuring Remote Support
- Configuring Your Time Zone
- Troubleshooting "Page Not Found" IP Address Issues
- Locating the Serial Number
- Configuring Networking
- Continuing SmartStart Setup
- Troubleshooting System Setup
- Contacting HP Support about System Setup
- Connect to the HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage System
- Configure the Hosts
- iscsi connections
- Configure the Fibre Channel Host
- Validate the Fibre Channel Connection
- Summary: Fibre Channel Host Configuration
- Start the iSCSI Initiator
- Install and Start Host Explorer
- Configure Storage
- Create Hosts
- Host Settings
- iSCSI Settings
- Configure Virtual Volume
- Policies and Geometry
- Summary
- Summary: Add Virtual Volumes to Windows Wizard
- Install the HP 3PAR Management Console
- II Understanding Storage
- Storage Software Components
- physical disks
- Host
- Virtual Volume Types
- Physical Copies
- Exporting Virtual Volumes
- User Roles and Rights
- Managing Storage
- III Additional Resources
- Additional Resources
- Support and Other Resources
- Typographic conventions
- Documentation feedback
- Glossary
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- System Components and Specifications
- Front View of HP 3PAR StoreServ 7450
- Front View of HP 3PAR StoreServ 7450 (Four-Node System)
- StoreServ Storage Security Feature
- Capacity Specifications
- Power and Heat Specifications
- Cable Specifications
- General Site Planning
- Storage System Rack Shipping Containers
- Acclimatization
- Structural/Environmental Considerations
- Meeting Environmental Conditions
- Air Supply and Flow
- Power Requirements
- Emergency Power Control
- Battery Pack Technical Specifications
- Network, Cabling, and Connectivity
- Controller Node Connections
- Required Cables
- Internal Cable Connections
- Shared
- Third-Party/Existing Rack Mounting
- Dimensional Requirements
- Rack Mounting Kits
- Support and Other Resources
- Typographic conventions
- A Storage System Installation Checklist
- B File Persona Pre-Installation Checklists
- File Persona Node Installation
- Authentication Settings
- Identity Mapping
- Anti-Virus Settings
- File Persona Virtual File Server Installation
- SMB Shares
- NFS Shares
- Object Shares
- File Persona Data Management
- C Regulatory Compliance Notices
- Canadian Notice (Avis Canadien)
- Korean Notices
- Laser Compliance Notices
- German Laser Notice
- Spanish Laser Notice
- Bulgarian Recycling Notice
- Estonian Recycling Notice
- Greek Recycling Notice
- Lithuanian Recycling Notice
- Slovak Recycling Notice
- French Battery Notice
- Italian Battery Notice
- Spanish Battery Notice
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Servicing the Storage System
- Identifying Swappable Components
- Disk Drive Repair
- Removing a 2.5 inch Disk
- Installing a Disk Drive
- Disk Drive Verification
- SFP Repair
- Replacing an SFP
- Understanding LED Indicator Status
- Disk Drive LEDs
- Storage System Component LEDs
- I/O Modules LEDs
- Controller Node and Internal Component LEDs
- SAS Port LEDs
- Interconnect Port LEDs
- Converged Network Adapter Port LEDs
- Support and Other Resources
- Typographic conventions
- Documentation feedback
- A Installing Storage Software Manually
- Service Processor Connector Pin-outs
- Manually Setting up the Service Processor
- High Speed Setup
- Mixed Connectivity Setup
- Secure Site Setup
- Installing HP 3PAR OS Files
- Adding a Storage System to the Service Processor
- Exporting Test LUNs
- Creating and Exporting Test Volumes
- B Node Rescue
- C Illustrated Parts Catalog
- Storage System Components
- Controller Node and Internal Components
- Miscellaneous Cables and Parts
- D Deinstallation
3PAR StoreServ 7000
Table of contents
- troubleshooting guide
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Identifying Storage System Components
- Controller Nodes
- PCIe Slots and Ports Numbering
- I/O Modules
- Power Distribution Units
- Understanding LED Indicator Status
- Disk Drive LEDs
- Storage System Component LEDs
- I/O Modules LEDs
- Controller Node and Internal Component LEDs
- FC Port LEDs
- SAS Port LEDs
- Fibre Channel Adapter Port LEDs
- Converged Network Adapter Port LEDs
- Powering Off/On the Storage System
- Alerts
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Storage System Components
- Alert Suggested Action
- Cage Example 2
- Cage Suggested Action 2
- Cage Example 4
- Cage Example 5
- Date
- Format of Possible LD Exception Messages
- LD Example 2
- LD Example 4
- License Suggested Action
- Node
- Node Suggested Action 1
- Node Example 3
- Format of Possible PD Exception Messages
- PD Example 2
- PD Example 3
- PD Example 4
- PD Example 6
- Port Example 2
- Port Example 5
- RC Suggested Action
- Format of Possible VV Exception Messages
- Collecting SmartStart Log Files
- Support and Other Resources
- Typographic conventions
- Documentation feedback
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