LD Example 2Component -------Description-------- QtyLD LDs in write through mode 3Component -Identifier-- --------Description---------LD ld:Ten.usr.12 LD is in write-through modeLD Suggested Action 2Examine the identified LDs using CLI commands such as showld, showld –d, showldch, andshowpd for any failed or missing disks. Write-through mode (WThru) indicates that host I/Ooperations must be written through to the disk before the host I/O command is acknowledged.This is usually due to a node-down condition, when node batteries are not working, or where diskredundancy is not optimal.cli% showld Ten*Id Name RAID -Detailed_State- Own SizeMB UsedMB Use Lgct LgIdWThruMapV91 Ten.usr.3 0 normal 1/0/3/2 13824 0 V 0 --- N N92 Ten.usr.12 0 normal 2/3/0/1 28672 0 V 0 --- Y Ncli% showldch Ten.usr.12Ldch Row Set PdPos Pdid Pdch State Usage Media Sp From To0 0 0 3:3:0 108 6 normal ld valid N --- ---11 0 11 --- 104 74 normal ld valid N --- ---cli% showpd 104-Size(MB)-- ----Ports----Id CagePos Type Speed(K) State Total Free A B104 4:9:0? FC 15 failed 428800 0 ----- -----LD Example 3Component ---------Description--------- QtyLD LDs with reduced availability 1Component --Identifier-- ------------Description---------------LD ld:R1.usr.0 LD has reduced availability. Current: ch, Configured: cageLD Suggested Action 3LDs are created with certain high-availability characteristics, such as ha-cage. If chunklets in anLD get moved to locations where the Current Availability (CAvail) is not at least as good as thedesired level of availability (Avail), this condition is reported. Chunklets may have been manuallymoved with movech or by specifying it during a tune operation or during failure conditions suchas node, path, or cage failures. The HA levels from highest to lowest are port, cage, mag, andch (disk).Examine the identified LDs using CLI commands such as showld, showld –d, showldch, andshowpd for any failed or missing disks. In the example below, the LD should have cage-level32 Troubleshooting