HP 16501A LOGIC manuals
16501A LOGIC
Table of contents
- service manual
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Safety Considerations
- Accessories Available
- Operating Characteristics
- Dimensional Detail
- Recommended Test Equipment
- Initial Inspection
- Power Cable
- Power Cord Configurations
- User Interface
- HP-IB Interfacing
- System Configuration Menu
- HP-IB Configuration with Keypad
- HP-IB Interface Functions
- RS-232C Signal Definitions
- Baud Rate Selection
- Baud Rate Pop-Up Menu
- Degaussing the Display
- HP 16501A Expansion Frame Installation
- Endplate Overlap
- Adjustment Test Patterns
- Loading the Test System
- Selecting Mainframe Test Menu
- Selecting the Test Patterns
- Exiting Test System Configuration
- Color Display Module Adjustments
- CRT Module Adjustment Flow Diagram
- PIN AMP Adjustment
- Bottom Rail Removal
- PIN PHASE Adjustment
- Purity Magnet Centering
- Purity Magnet Adjustment Raster
- Landing and Purity Adjustment Guide
- Static Convergence
- Y BOW Adjustment
- V.STAT TOP Adjustment
- H.AMP Adjustment
- Abbreviations
- direct mail order system
- Reference Designator and Abbreviations
- HP 16500A Replaceable Parts
- HP 16501A Assembly Parts
- HP 16501A Replaceable Parts
- HP 16501A Chassis Parts
- Table Of Contents
- Service Test Equipment Required
- HP 16500A/16501A System Overview
- Microprocessor Block Diagram
- Power- Up Tests
- Mainframe Tests
- Accessing the Test System
- Test System Configuration
- All System Test
- Selecting the Color Display Patterns
- Mainframe Test Menu
- Choosing the Single or Repetitive Mode
- Exiting the Mainframe Test System
- Reloading the Mainframe System
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 1
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 2
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 3
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 3 (continued)
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 4
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 5
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 6
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 7
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 8
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 9
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 10
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 11
- Troubleshooting Flowchart 12
- Cable Pin Numbers
- Color Module to Microprocessor Cable
- Power Supply Check
- Power Supply Voltages
- Power Supply Pins
- HP 1651B Format Menu
- Expander Test Screen
- HP 1651B Test Screen
- Probe Tip Connections
- Repair
- Tools Required
- Power Supply Replacement
- Mother Board Replacement
- Rear Fan Replacement
- Side Fan Replacement
- Rear Disk Drive Replacement
- Front Disk Drive Replacement
- Microprocessor Board Replacement
- Front-Panel Board Replacement
- Color Display Module Replacement
- Color Display Module Removal
- Transferring Parts
- Color Display Module Installation
- Expansion Interface Board Replacement
- Mainframe Interface Board Replacement
- safety considerations
16501A LOGIC
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Talking to the Logic Analysis System
- Talking to Individual System Modules
- Instruction Syntax
- Device Address
- Instruction Terminator
- Header Types
- Duplicate Keywords
- Query Usage
- Program Header Options
- parameter data types
- Selecting Multiple Subsystems
- Receiving Information from the Logic Analysis System
- Response Header Options
- Response Data Formats
- String Variables
- Numeric Base
- Definite-Length Block Response Data
- Multiple Queries
- system status
- Interface Capabilities
- HP-IB Bus Addressing
- Local, Remote, and Local Lockout
- bus commands
- Interface Operation
- Minimum Three-Wire Interface with Software Protocol
- Extended Interface with Hardware Handshake
- Cable Examples
- Configuring the Logic Analysis System Interface
- RS-232-C Bus Addressing
- Lockout Command
- Communicating with the HP 16500C
- Password Protection and File Protection
- Controlling the HP 16500C
- Echoing Commands
- Copying Command Files
- Writing to systemprogram from a Program
- Sending Commands to the HP 16500C Socket
- Truncation Rule
- Infinity Representation
- Notation Conventions and Definitions
- The Command Tree
- Tree Traversal Rules
- Command Set Organization
- program examples
- Protocols
- Syntax Diagrams
- Syntax Overview
- service request enable register
- key features
- Serial Poll
- Parallel Poll
- Polling HP-IB Devices
- Conducting a Parallel Poll
- Disabling Parallel Poll Responses
- command errors
- execution errors
- query errors
- CLS (Clear Status)
- ESE (Event Status Enable)
- ESR (Event Status Register)
- IDN (Identification Number)
- OPC (Operation Complete)
- OPT (Option Identification)
- PRE (Parallel Poll Enable Register Enable)
- RST (Reset)
- SRE (Service Request Enable)
- STB (Status Byte)
- TRG (Trigger)
- TST (Test)
- WAI (Wait)
- BEEPer
- CAPability
- CARDcage
- CESE (Combined Event Status Enable)
- CESR (Combined Event Status Register)
- EOI (End Or Identify)
- LOCKout
- MESE<N> (Module Event Status Enable)
- MESR<N> (Module Event Status Register)
- RTC (Real-time Clock)
- SELect
- SETColor
- XWINdow
- DSP (Display)
- ERRor
- HEADer
- LONGform
- SETup
- AUToload
- CATalog
- CD (Change Directory)
- DOWNload
- IDENtify
- INITialize
- LOAD :IASSembler
- MKDir (Make Directory)
- MSI (Mass Storage Is)
- PWD (Present Working Directory)
- REName
- STORe [:CONFig]
- UPLoad
- VOLume
- INTermodule
- DELete
- INPort
- INSert
- OUTDrive
- OUTType
- TGTctrl
- CURSTate
- AVAILable
- LASTstate
- NAMe
- SIGSTatus
- TYPe
- Transferring the Mainframe Configuration
- Checking for Intermodule Measurement Completion
- Sending Queries to the Logic Analysis System
- Getting ASCII Data with PRINt? ALL Query
- Reading the disk with the CATalog? ALL query
- Reading the Disk with the CATalog? Query
- Printing to the disk
- Publication number
16501A LOGIC
Table of contents
- Chapter 1, "Triggering," shows you how to set up the analyzer to trigger on the
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- To store and time the execution of a subroutine
- To trigger on the nth iteration of a loop
- To trigger on the nth recursive call of a recursive function
- To trigger on entry to a function
- To trig ger on a loop that oc ca sion ally runs too long
- To ver ify that all stacks and reg is ters are re stored cor rectly bef ore ex it ing a sub rou tine
- To trig ger af ter all status bus lines fin ish tran si tion ing
- To ver ify that the chip se lect line of a mem ory chip is strobed af ter the ad dress on the ad dress bus is sta ble
- To trig ger when ex pected data does not ap pear on the data bus from a re mote de vice when re quested
- To test mini mum and maxi mum pulse lim its
- To detect a handshake violation
- To detect bu contention
- Cross- Arming Trig ger Ex am ples
- To examine software execution when a timing violation occur
- To look at con trol and status sig nals dur ing exe cu tion of a rou tine
- To set up a group run of mod ules within the HP 16500B
- To start a group run of mod ules from an ex ter nal trig ger source
- To start an ex ter nal in stru ment on com mand from a mod ule within the HP 16500 and 16501 main frame
- To see the status of a mod ule within an in ter mod ule meas ure ment
- To use a timing analyzer to detect a glitch
- To cap ture the wave form of a glitch
- Us ing stimulus- response to test a cir cuit
- To use a state ana lyzer to trig ger tim ing analy sis of a count- down on a set of data lines
- Spe cial dis plays
- To in ter leave trace lists
- To view trace lists and wave forms to gether on the same dis play
- Skew Ad just ment
- To ad just for mini mum skew be tween two mod ules in volved in an in ter mod ule meas ure ment
- Trans fer ring Files Us ing the Flexi ble Disk Drive
- To save a meas ure ment con figu ra tion
- To load a meas ure ment con figu ra tion
- To load sys tem soft ware
- Us ing the HP 16500L LAN In ter face
- To trans fer data files from the HP 16500B sys tem to your com puter
- The Trig ger Se quencer
- The In verse As sem bler
- Con figu ra tion Trans la tion for Ana lyzer Mod ules
- Ana lyzer Prob lems
- No Setup/Hold field on for mat screen
- No trace list dis play
- Pre proc es sor Prob lems
- Slow clock
- In verse As sem bler Prob lems
- In verse as sem bler will not load or run
- In ter mod ule Meas ure ment Prob lems
- Mes sages
- Meas ure ment Ini tiali za tion Er ror"
- No Con figu ra tion File Loaded"
- State Clock Vio lates Over drive Speci fi ca tion"