
HP 16500C manuals

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Brand: HP | Category: Measuring Instruments
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Introduction
  9. Talking to the Logic Analysis System
  10. Talking to Individual System Modules
  11. Instruction Syntax
  12. Device Address
  13. Instruction Terminator
  14. Header Types
  15. Duplicate Keywords
  16. Query Usage
  17. Program Header Options
  18. parameter data types
  19. Selecting Multiple Subsystems
  20. Receiving Information from the Logic Analysis System
  21. Response Header Options
  22. Response Data Formats
  23. String Variables
  24. Numeric Base
  25. Definite-Length Block Response Data
  26. Multiple Queries
  27. system status
  28. Interface Capabilities
  29. HP-IB Bus Addressing
  30. Local, Remote, and Local Lockout
  31. bus commands
  32. Interface Operation
  33. Minimum Three-Wire Interface with Software Protocol
  34. Extended Interface with Hardware Handshake
  35. Cable Examples
  36. Configuring the Logic Analysis System Interface
  37. RS-232-C Bus Addressing
  38. Lockout Command
  39. Communicating with the HP 16500C
  40. Password Protection and File Protection
  41. Controlling the HP 16500C
  42. Echoing Commands
  43. Copying Command Files
  44. Writing to systemprogram from a Program
  45. Sending Commands to the HP 16500C Socket
  46. Truncation Rule
  47. Infinity Representation
  48. Notation Conventions and Definitions
  49. The Command Tree
  50. Tree Traversal Rules
  51. Command Set Organization
  52. program examples
  53. Protocols
  54. Syntax Diagrams
  55. Syntax Overview
  56. service request enable register
  57. key features
  58. Serial Poll
  59. Parallel Poll
  60. Polling HP-IB Devices
  61. Conducting a Parallel Poll
  62. Disabling Parallel Poll Responses
  63. command errors
  64. execution errors
  65. query errors
  66. CLS (Clear Status)
  67. ESE (Event Status Enable)
  68. ESR (Event Status Register)
  69. IDN (Identification Number)
  70. OPC (Operation Complete)
  71. OPT (Option Identification)
  72. PRE (Parallel Poll Enable Register Enable)
  73. RST (Reset)
  74. SRE (Service Request Enable)
  75. STB (Status Byte)
  76. TRG (Trigger)
  77. TST (Test)
  78. WAI (Wait)
  79. BEEPer
  80. CAPability
  81. CARDcage
  82. CESE (Combined Event Status Enable)
  83. CESR (Combined Event Status Register)
  84. EOI (End Or Identify)
  85. LOCKout
  86. MENU
  87. MESE<N> (Module Event Status Enable)
  88. MESR<N> (Module Event Status Register)
  89. RMODe
  90. RTC (Real-time Clock)
  91. SELect
  92. SETColor
  93. STARt
  94. STOP
  95. XWINdow
  96. DATA
  97. DSP (Display)
  98. ERRor
  99. HEADer
  100. LONGform
  101. PRINt
  102. SETup
  103. AUToload
  104. CATalog
  105. CD (Change Directory)
  106. COPY
  107. DOWNload
  108. IDENtify
  109. INITialize
  110. LOAD[:CONFig]
  111. LOAD :IASSembler
  112. MKDir (Make Directory)
  113. MSI (Mass Storage Is)
  114. PACK
  115. PURGe
  116. PWD (Present Working Directory)
  117. REName
  118. STORe [:CONFig]
  119. UPLoad
  120. VOLume
  121. INTermodule
  122. DELete
  123. HTIMe
  124. INPort
  125. INSert
  126. OUTDrive
  127. OUTType
  129. PORTLEV
  130. SKEW<N>
  131. TREE
  132. TTIMe
  133. TGTctrl
  134. BITS
  135. CURSTate
  136. AVAILable
  137. LASTstate
  138. NAMe
  139. STEP
  140. SIGSTatus
  141. TYPe
  142. Transferring the Mainframe Configuration
  143. Checking for Intermodule Measurement Completion
  144. Sending Queries to the Logic Analysis System
  145. Getting ASCII Data with PRINt? ALL Query
  146. Reading the disk with the CATalog? ALL query
  147. Reading the Disk with the CATalog? Query
  148. Printing to the disk
  149. Publication number
16500C first page preview


Brand: HP | Category: Analytical Instruments
16500C first page preview


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