
Cisco 10000 Series manuals

10000 Series first page preview

10000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. obtaining documentation
  2. ordering documentation
  3. cisco product security overview
  4. obtaining technical assistance
  5. definitions of service request severity
10000 Series first page preview

10000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. C H A P T E R 4 Authentication and Accounting
  7. Chapter 10 SSG TCP Redirect
  8. related documentation
  9. ordering documentation
  10. obtaining additional publications and information
  11. service selection gateway
  12. C H A P T E R 1 Service Selection Gateway Overview
  13. limitations and restrictions
  14. Service Selection Gateway
  15. Configuration of SSG Autologoff
  16. Configuration Example for SSG Autologoff
  17. Service Authorization
  18. Restrictions for SSG Prepaid Idle Timeout
  19. SSG Session and Idle Timeout
  20. SSG Full Username RADIUS Attribute
  21. RADIUS Accounting Records
  22. Service Connection and Termination
  23. PPP Terminated Aggregation
  24. Restrictions for PTA-MD
  25. SESM and SSG Performance
  26. SSG AutoDomain
  27. Restrictions for SSG AutoDomain
  28. SSG Prepaid
  29. Configuration Example for SSG Prepaid
  30. Restrictions for SSG Open Garden
  31. Restrictions for SSG Port-Bundle Host Key
  32. Prerequisites for SSG Port-Bundle Host Key
  33. Configuration of Mutually Exclusive Service Selection
  34. Service Profiles
  35. Upstream Access Control List
  36. Service-Defined Cookie
  37. Type of Service
  38. Configuration of Cached Service Profiles
  39. Chapter 8 SSG Hierarchical Policing
  40. SSG Hierarchical Policing Configuration
  41. Configuration Examples for SSG Hierarchical Policing
  42. Transparent Passthrough
  43. Chapter 9 Interface Configuration
  44. Network Side Interfaces
  45. Configuration of Multicast Protocols on SSG Interfaces
  46. Redirection for Unauthenticated Users
  47. Redirection for Unauthorized Services
  48. Initial Captivation
  49. Restrictions for SSG TCP Redirect
  50. Configuration Considerations for SSG TCP Redirect
  51. Configuring SSG TCP Redirect
  52. Configuration Examples for SSG TCP Redirect
  53. Configuration Example for Port Lists
  54. VPI/VCI Static Binding to a Service Profile
  55. RADIUS Virtual Circuit Logging
  56. Configuration of AAA Server Group Support for Proxy Services
  57. Downstream Access Control List—outacl
  58. Configuration of Packet Filtering
  59. Prerequisites for SSG Unconfig
  60. SSG Enhancements for Overlapping Services
  61. Restrictions for Service Translation
  62. Configuration of Service Translation
  63. Expansion of Service IDs
  64. Troubleshooting RADIUS
  65. Monitoring the Parallel Express Forwarding Engine
  66. Appendix A SSG Configuration Example
  67. Appendix B SSG Implementation Note
10000 Series first page preview

10000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. Table Of Contents
  18. Table Of Contents
  19. Table Of Contents
  20. Table Of Contents
  21. Table Of Contents
  22. Table Of Contents
  23. Table Of Contents
  24. Table Of Contents
  25. Table Of Contents
  26. Table Of Contents
  27. Table Of Contents
  28. Table Of Contents
  29. Table Of Contents
  30. Table Of Contents
  31. Table Of Contents
  32. Table Of Contents
  33. about this guide
  34. Chapter 1 Quality of Service Overview
  35. Chapter 10 Overhead Accounting
  36. A P P E N D I X A Configuring Frame Relay QoS Using Frame Relay Legacy Commands
  37. related documentation
  38. Related Documentation
  39. Benefits of Quality of Service Features
  40. Feature History for MQC
  41. Feature History for QoS CLI Migration from PRE2 to PRE3
  42. QoS Configuration on an Interface
  43. QoS Models
  44. Model D.2 Definition
  45. Configuration Tasks
  46. Configuration Steps for QoS Model F
  47. QoS Features, Commands, and Changes
  48. Applying QoS Parameters Dynamically to Sessions
  49. Dynamic Bandwidth Selection Feature
  50. Attaching ATM QoS Service Policies
  51. Attaching LAC QoS Service Policies
  52. match Commands
  53. Class Map Feature
  54. MPLS QoS Feature
  55. Control Plane Policing—Platform Enhancement
  56. Controlling Packet Queue Congestion
  57. random-detect Command
  58. random-detect basis Command
  59. Random Early Detection Feature
  60. Distributing Bandwidth Between Queues
  61. bandwidth remaining ratio Command
  62. Hierarchical Queuing Framework
  63. Three-Level Hierarchical Policies
  64. IP Quality of Service for Subscribers
  65. Per Session Service Policy Using RADIUS
  66. Link Fragmentation and Interleaving
  67. ppp multilink Command
  68. ppp multilink fragmentation Command
  69. ppp multilink interleave Command
  70. MLP Over Frame Relay-Based LFI Feature
  71. Marking Traffic
  72. set fr-de Command
  73. set mpls experimental imposition Command
  74. Modular QoS Command Line Interface
  75. ATM Overhead Accounting
  76. Oversubscribing Physical and Virtual Links
  77. ATM Virtual Circuit Oversubscription Feature
  78. Virtual LAN Oversubscription Feature
  79. Weighting Feature
  80. police percent Command
  81. show atm vp Command
  82. Single-Rate Color Marker Feature
  83. ATM VP Average Traffic Rate
  84. priority level Command
  85. PVC Bundles
  86. bump Command (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member)
  87. mpls experimental Command
  88. pvc-bundle Command
  89. policy-map Command
  90. Qos Policy Propagation through the Border Gateway Protocol
  91. atm pvp Command
  92. shape percent Command
  93. Class-Based Traffic Shaping Feature
  94. Traffic Shaping Overhead Accounting for ATM Feature
  95. Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing for Virtual Access Interfaces Feature
  96. Traffic Classification Using Class Maps
  97. Feature History for Class Maps
  98. PRE3 Class Maps and QoS Scalability
  99. Syntax Description
  100. Command Default
  101. match Commands History
  102. Usage Guidelines for match Commands
  103. Class-Default Class
  104. Creating a Class Map
  105. Verifying Traffic Classification
  106. QoS Policies
  107. Feature History for QoS Policies
  108. K Policy Maps
  109. Usage Guidelines for the policy-map Command
  110. Policy Map Actions—Releases Prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.0(17)SL
  111. Policy Map Actions—Cisco IOS Release 12.0(17)SL and Later Releases
  112. Policy Map Actions—Cisco IOS Release 12.0(22)S and Later Releases
  113. QoS Inheritance
  114. ATM Service Categories
  115. Unspecified Bit Rate
  116. Variable Bit Rate
  117. Traffic Subject to QoS Policies
  118. QoS Performance
  119. Creating a Policy Map
  120. Defining QoS Actions in a Policy Map
  121. Verification Example for Service Policies
  122. Interfaces Supporting QoS Service Policies
  123. Feature History for ATM QoS
  124. service-policy Command
  125. service-policy Command Modes
  126. Restrictions and Limitations for Attaching ATM Service Policies
  127. Attaching QoS Service Policies to an ATM Interface
  128. Attaching QoS Service Policies to an ATM Point-to-Point Subinterface
  129. Attaching QoS Service Policies to an ATM PVC
  130. Attaching QoS Service Policies to an ATM PVC Range and an ATM PVC in a Range
  131. Attaching Frame Relay QoS Service Policies
  132. Feature History for Frame Relay QoS
  133. map-class frame-relay Command History
  134. Creating and Attaching QoS Policies to Frame Relay Interfaces, Subinterfaces, and Data-Link Connection Identifiers
  135. Attaching a QoS Service Policy to a Frame Relay DLCI
  136. Attaching Virtual LAN QoS Service Policies
  137. VLAN QoS Inheritance
  138. Attaching QoS Service Policies to Physical Interfaces with VLAN Subinterfaces
  139. Attaching QoS Service Policies to VLAN Subinterfaces
  140. Feature History for VAI QoS
  141. Restrictions and Limitations for Attaching QoS Services to a VAI
  142. Applying a QoS Service Policy to a Virtual Template Interface
  143. Applying a Virtual Template Interface to a BBA Group
  144. Attaching a BBA Group to an Interface or Subinterface for PPPoE Sessions
  145. Attaching Layer 2 Access Concentrator QoS Service Policies
  146. Restrictions and Limitations for Attaching LAC QoS
  147. Applying QoS on Layer 2 Tunnel Packets
  148. Verification Example for QoS Service Policies
  149. Bandwidth Distribution Between Queues
  150. Feature History for Bandwidth Distribution Between Queues
  151. Unused Bandwidth Allocation
  152. Bandwidth Calculations
  153. Bandwidth Allocation to PVCs
  154. Class-Default Bandwidth Guarantee
  155. Bandwidth and Priority Service
  156. Queuing Modes
  157. Restrictions and Limitations for Bandwidth Distribution
  158. Configuring Bandwidth Distribution Between Queues
  159. Configuration Example for Kilobits per Second-Based Bandwidth
  160. Verifying and Monitoring Bandwidth Distribution
  161. Verification Example for Bandwidth Distribution
  162. Distribution of Remaining Bandwidth Using Ratio
  163. Prerequisites for Distribution of Remaining Bandwidth Using Ratio
  164. Configuring and Applying Bandwidth-Remaining Ratios to Subinterfaces
  165. Configuring and Applying Bandwidth-Remaining Ratios to Class Queues
  166. Configuration Examples for Distribution of Remaining Bandwidth Using Ratio
  167. Configuring Bandwidth-Remaining Ratios on Ethernet Subinterfaces: Example
  168. Configuring Bandwidth-Remaining Ratios on Class Queues: Example
  169. Traffic Policing
  170. Policing Actions
  171. Single-Rate Color Marker for Traffic Policing
  172. Feature History for the Single-Rate Color Marker
  173. police Command (Single-Rate)
  174. Two-Rate Three-Color Marker for Traffic Policing
  175. Feature History for the Two-Rate Color Marker
  176. Percent-Based Policing
  177. Control Plane Policing
  178. Feature History for Set ATM CLP Bit Marking As a Police Action
  179. Set Layer 2 CoS as a Policer Action
  180. Set Inner and Outer CoS as a Policer Action
  181. Feature History for Dual Police Actions
  182. Metering Traffic and Token Buckets
  183. Metering Traffic Using Token Buckets (Two-Rate Policer)
  184. Committed Bursts and Excess Bursts
  185. Committed Burst Calculation
  186. Deciding if Packets Conform or Exceed the Committed Rate
  187. Policing Rate Granularity
  188. Bandwidth and Policing
  189. Configuring Traffic Policing
  190. Configuring Single-Rate Traffic Policing Based on Bits per Second
  191. Configuring Percent-Based Policing
  192. Configuring Two-Rate Policing
  193. Marking Traffic Using Police Actions
  194. Configuring Dual Police Actions
  195. Configuration Examples
  196. Configuration Example for Dual Actions—set-frde-transmit and set-mpls-exp-imposition-transmit
  197. Configuration Example of the set-cos-transmit Police Action
  198. Verifying and Monitoring Traffic Policing
  199. Verifying Policing for a Specific Traffic Class
  200. Verifying Dual Police Actions—set-clp-transmit and set-mpls-exp-transmit
  201. QoS Packet Marking
  202. Feature History for QoS Packet Marking
  203. IP Precedence Marking
  204. set ip precedence Command
  205. IP Differentiated Services Code Point Marking
  206. Assured Forwarding
  207. DSCP Values
  208. DSCP-Based Weighted Random Early Detection
  209. set ip dscp Command History
  210. QinQ Class of Service Marking
  211. QoS Group Marking
  212. ATM Cell Loss Priority Marking
  213. QinQ MPLS Experimental Marking
  214. Usage Guidelines for the set mpls experimental imposition Command
  215. Usage Guidelines for the set discard-class Command
  216. Marking and Policing Traffic
  217. Feature History for Tunnel Header Marking
  218. Interfaces Supporting Marking
  219. Classification and Marking Design Guidelines
  220. Configuring Traffic Marking
  221. Configuration Examples for IP Precedence Marking and Classification
  222. Configuring IP DSCP Marking
  223. Configuration Examples for IP DSCP Marking and Classification
  224. Configuring Class of Service Marking
  225. Configuration Examples for CoS Marking and Classification
  226. Configuring QoS Group Marking
  227. Setting the ATM Cell Loss Priority Bit
  228. Configuration Example for Setting the ATM CLP Bit
  229. Configuring MPLS Experimental Marking
  230. Configuration Examples for Configuring MPLS Experimental Marking and Classification
  231. Configuring Discard-Class Marking
  232. Configuration Examples for Configuring Discard-Class Marking and Classification
  233. Configuring Tunnel Header Marking Using the set Command
  234. Configuring Tunnel Header Marking Using the police Command
  235. Verifying Traffic Marking
  236. Verification Examples for Traffic Marking
  237. Low-Latency Priority Queuing
  238. Feature History for Low-Latency Priority Queuing
  239. Bandwidth Starvation
  240. Feature History for Multi-Level Priority Queues
  241. Queues per Policy Map
  242. Configuring a Priority Queue
  243. Configuring Multi-Level Priority Queues
  244. Configuration Examples for Configuring Priority Queues
  245. Configuring Multi-Level Priority Queues: Example
  246. Verifying and Monitoring Priority Queues
  247. Verifying Multi-Level Priority Queues: Example
  248. Traffic Shaping
  249. Feature History for Traffic Shaping
  250. Feature History for Class-Based Traffic Shaping
  251. Feature History for Hierarchical Shaping
  252. How Hierarchical Shaping Works
  253. Hierarchical Shaping and Oversubscription
  254. Restrictions and Limitations for Hierarchical Shaping
  255. Feature History for Frame Relay Traffic Shaping
  256. Differences Between Traffic Shaping Mechanisms
  257. Differences Between Shaping and Policing
  258. Modifying the VC Weight and the VP Shaping Parameters
  259. Interfaces Supporting Traffic Shaping
  260. Shaping a Traffic Class
  261. Shaping Traffic at the VC-Level and Virtual Path-Level
  262. Configuration Example for Traffic Shaping at the VC-Level and the VP-Level
  263. Verification Examples for Traffic Shaping
  264. Configuration Examples for Traffic Shaping
  265. Overhead Accounting Features
  266. Feature History for Overhead Accounting
  267. MLP on LNS with HQoS and ATM Overhead Accounting
  268. Traffic Shaping Overhead Accounting for ATM
  269. Configuration Commands for Overhead Accounting
  270. Overhead Accounting and Hierarchical Policies
  271. Restrictions and Limitations for Overhead Accounting
  272. Configuration Examples for Overhead Accounting
  273. Enabling ATM Overhead Accounting on the PRE3 and PRE4 for MLPoLNS
  274. Enabling Ethernet Overhead Accounting on the PRE3 and PRE4
  275. Verification Examples for Overhead Accounting
  276. Verifying Overhead Accounting Using show running-config
  277. Queue Scaling Limits
  278. Queue Limit
  279. Queue Limit Packet Buffers
  280. queue-limit Command History
  281. Usage Guidelines for the queue-limit Command
  282. Queuing Outbound Traffic
  283. Controlling Congestion Using Tail Drop
  284. Controlling Congestion Using Random Early Detection
  285. Random Early Detection and Queue Limit
  286. Recommended Settings for RED Drop Probability
  287. Feature History for Weighted Random Early Detection
  288. Benefits of Using Weighted Random Early Detection
  289. WRED Drop Profiles
  290. WRED Aggregate Drop Profiles
  291. Usage Guidelines for the random-detect Command
  292. Minimum and Maximum Thresholds
  293. WRED and Queue Limit
  294. Average Queue Size and the Exponential Weight Constant
  295. Restrictions and Limitations for Controlling Layer 3 Congestion
  296. Configuring Layer 3 Queue Limit and Drop Policies
  297. Configuration Example for Controlling Packet Dropping by Setting a Queue Size
  298. Dropping Packets Based on a Differentiated Services Code Point
  299. Configuration Example for Configuring DSCP-Based WRED
  300. Dropping Packets Based on IP Precedence
  301. Configuration Example for Dropping Packets Based on IP Precedence
  302. Configuration Example for Dropping Packets Based on Discard Class
  303. Dropping Packets Based on the ATM Cell Loss Priority
  304. Verifying and Monitoring Layer 3 Packet Dropping
  305. Verification Example for Queue Size and Packet Dropping
  306. Verification Examples for DSCP-Based WRED
  307. Verification Example for IP Precedence-Based WRED
  308. Verification Example for Discard-Class-Based WRED
  309. Verification Examples for ATM CLP-Based WRED
  310. Controlling Packet Flow on Layer 2 Queues
  311. Configuring the Depth of Layer 2 Queues
  312. Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing
  313. Feature History for Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing
  314. CBWFQ and RSVP
  315. Feature History for CBWFQ for VAIs
  316. Restrictions and Limitations for CBWFQ for VAIs
  317. Interfaces Supporting Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing
  318. Defining Traffic Classes Using Class Maps
  319. Configuring Policy Actions for Traffic Classes Using Policy Maps
  320. Configuring a Class Policy and Dropping Packets Using Tail Drop
  321. Configuring a Class Policy and Dropping Packets Using WRED
  322. Attaching Service Policies
  323. Attaching a Service Policy to a Virtual Access Interface
  324. Modifying the Queue Limit for an Existing Policy Map Class
  325. Deleting Policy Maps
  326. Configuration Example for Configuring CBWFQ and Attaching a Policy to an ATM Subinterface
  327. Verifying and Monitoring Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing
  328. Hierarchical Policies
  329. Feature History for Hierarchical Policies
  330. Child Policy
  331. Types of Hierarchical Policies
  332. Restrictions and Limitations for Nested Hierarchical Policies
  333. Restrictions and Limitations for Three-Level Hierarchical Policies
  334. Hierarchical Input Policing Policies
  335. Restrictions and Limitations for Hierarchical Input Policing Policies
  336. Applying Child Policies Under Priority Classes
  337. Guidelines for Configuring QoS for Multiple Queues
  338. Creating Fair Queues at Three Levels of Hierarchy
  339. Configuring a Middle-Level Child Policy of a Three-Level Hierarchy
  340. Configuring the Top-Level Parent Policy of a Three-Level Hierarchy
  341. Policing Inbound Traffic at Two Levels of Hierarchy
  342. Attaching Hierarchical Policies to Physical and Virtual Links
  343. Configuration Examples for Nested Hierarchical Policies
  344. Configuration Examples for Three-Level Hierarchical Policies
  345. Configuration Example for Hierarchical Input Policing
  346. Configuring Bandwidth-Remaining Ratios on ATM Subinterfaces: Example
  347. Verifying the Configuration of Hierarchical Policies
  348. Verification Examples for Hierarchical Policies
  349. Simultaneous QoS Policy Map on an Interface and PPP Session
  350. Feature History for Simultaneous Policy Maps
  351. Restrictions for Simultaneous Policy Maps
  352. Configuring Simultaneous Policy Maps
  353. Attaching Simultaneous Policies to PPPoE Sessions Traversing an Ethernet Interface
  354. Attaching a Policy to an Ethernet Interface
  355. Attaching Simultaneous Policies to PPPoA Sessions Traversing an ATM VC
  356. Attaching a Policy to an ATM VC with PPPoA Sessions
  357. Attaching Simultaneous Policies to PPPoE Sessions Traversing an ATM VC
  358. Attaching a Policy to an ATM VC with PPPoE Sessions
  359. Configuration Examples for Simultaneous Policy Maps
  360. Configuration Example for Applying Simultaneous Policies on 802.1Q Interfaces and PPPoE Sessions
  361. Configuration Example for Applying Simultaneous Policies on 802.1Q QinQ Interfaces and PPPoE Sessions
  362. Configuration Example for Applying Simultaneous Policies on ATM VCs and PPPoE Sessions
  363. Verification Examples for Traffic Policing
  364. Displaying Simultaneous Policy Map Information for Interfaces
  365. Displaying Simultaneous Policy Map Information for PTA Virtual Interfaces
  366. Displaying Simultaneous Policy Map Information for a LAC Session
  367. Interface Oversubscription
  368. Restrictions and Limitations for Interface Oversubscription
  369. Feature History for ATM VC Oversubscription
  370. ATM VC Oversubscription and ATM Line Cards
  371. atm over-subscription-factor Command History
  372. Restrictions and Limitations for ATM VC Oversubscription
  373. Feature History for Frame Relay PVC Oversubscription
  374. Restrictions and Limitations for Frame Relay PVC Oversubscription
  375. Oversubscription and Hierarchical Policies
  376. Oversubscribing ATM VBR-nrt VCs
  377. Oversubscribing Frame Relay PVCs Using Hierarchical Policies
  378. Oversubscribing Frame Relay PVCs Using a Map Class
  379. Oversubscribing 802.1Q VLANs
  380. Configuration Example for Oversubscribing 802.1Q VLANs
  381. Feature History for VC Weighting
  382. Determining VC Weighting—Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)XI1 and Later Releases
  383. Calculating the Default Weight of a VC—PRE2
  384. queue-depth Command
  385. weight Command History
  386. Guidelines for Changing Watermark Values
  387. Restrictions and Limitations for VC Weighting
  388. Configuring VC Weighting
  389. Configuring VC Weighting Using a VC Class Map
  390. Configuring VC Weighting on a Range of PVCs
  391. Configuring VC Weighting On Subinterfaces Using a Bandwidth Remaining Ratio
  392. Configuration Example for Configuring VC Weighting on a Subinterface Using Bandwidth Remaining Ratio
  393. Configuring VC Weighting on Class Queues Using Bandwidth Remaining Ratio
  394. Configuration Example for VC Weighting on a Class Queue Using Bandwidth Remaining Ratio
  395. Configuring VC Queue Depth
  396. Configuration Example for Oversubscribing a Shaped ATM VC and VP
  397. Configuration Example for Configuring the Weight of Multiple VCs
  398. Configuration Example for Setting High and Low Watermark Thresholds
  399. Verification Examples for Oversubscription and VC Weighting
  400. Verifying High and Low Watermarks on an Individual VC
  401. Feature History for Link Fragmentation and Interleaving
  402. System Limits for Link Fragmentation and Interleaving
  403. Configuration Commands for MLP-Based Fragmentation and Interleaving
  404. ppp multilink fragment-delay Command
  405. ppp multilink fragment disable Command
  406. ppp multilink group Command
  407. Multilink PPP-Based Link Fragmentation and Interleaving
  408. How MLP-Based LFI Works
  409. MLP Over Serial-Based LFI
  410. Restrictions and Limitations for MLP Over Serial-Based LFI
  411. Feature History for Single-VC MLP Over ATM-Based LFI
  412. MLP Bundle Interface and Service Policies
  413. Transmit Processing
  414. Performance and Scalability for Single-VC MLP Over ATM-Based LFI
  415. Multi-VC MLP Over ATM-Based LFI
  416. Performance and Scalability for Multi-VC MLP Over ATM-Based LFI
  417. Line Card Support for MLP Over ATM-Based LFI
  418. Receive Processing
  419. Fragment Size Calculation for MLP Over Frame Relay-Based LFI
  420. Restrictions and Limitations for MLP Over Frame Relay-Based LFI
  421. Creating a MLP Bundle Interface
  422. Enabling MLP on a Virtual Template Interface
  423. Configuring a Shaping Policy for MLP Over Frame Relay-Based LFI
  424. Adding an ATM Member Link to a MLP Bundle
  425. Adding a Frame Relay Member Link to a MLP Bundle
  426. Moving a Member Link to a Different MLP Bundle
  427. Removing a Member Link from a MLP Bundle
  428. FRF.12 Fragmentation
  429. Feature History for FRF.12 Fragmentation
  430. FRF.12 Fragmentation Inheritance
  431. PVC-Based FRF.12 Fragmentation
  432. frame-relay fragment Command (Map-Class)
  433. Performance and Scalability for FRF.12 Fragmentation
  434. Restrictions and Limitations for FRF.12 Fragmentation
  435. Configuring PVC-Based FRF.12 Fragmentation
  436. Attaching the Map Class
  437. Configuring a Hierarchical Policy and PVC-Based FRF.12 Fragmentation
  438. Configuring Interface-Based FRF.12 Fragmentation
  439. Configuration Example for Enabling Interface-Based FRF.12 Fragmentation
  440. Configuration Examples for Link Fragmentation and Interleaving
  441. Configuration Example for Single-VC MLP Over ATM-Based LFI
  442. Configuration Example for Multi-VC MLP Over ATM-Based LFI
  443. Configuration Example for MLP Over Frame Relay-Based LFI
  444. Configuration Examples for PVC-Based FRF.12 Fragmentation
  445. Configuration Example for Interface-Based FRF.12 Fragmentation
  446. Verifying and Monitoring Link Fragmentation and Interleaving
  447. Verification Example for MLP Over Serial-Based LFI
  448. Verification Examples for FRF.12 Fragmentation
  449. Applying Traffic Shaping Parameters Using RADIUS Profiles
  450. Configuration Commands for DBS
  451. default dbs enable Command
  452. PCR and SCR Parameters for Multiple Sessions on a VC
  453. Dynamic Bandwidth Selection Configuration and PPP Sessions
  454. Accounting Updates
  455. Prerequisites for Dynamic Bandwidth Selection
  456. Configuring Dynamic Bandwidth Selection
  457. Configuring RADIUS Profiles for Dynamic Bandwidth Selection
  458. Configuration Examples for Dynamic Bandwidth Selection
  459. Configuration Example for Enabling a RADIUS Domain Service Profile for Dynamic Bandwidth Selection
  460. Verifying and Monitoring Dynamic Bandwidth Selection
  461. Dynamically Changing VC Weight and Watermark Values
  462. Feature History for Dynamic VC Weight and Watermarks
  463. Default High and Low Watermark Values
  464. Configuring the Router for Dynamic VC Weights and Watermarks
  465. Setting Up RADIUS for Dynamic VC Weights and Watermarks
  466. Verification Example for Dynamic VC Weights and Watermarks
  467. Feature History for Define Interface Policy-Map AV Pairs AAA
  468. Prerequisites for Define Interface Policy-Map AV Pairs AAA
  469. Configuring the Router for Dynamic QoS Policies at the Session Level
  470. Setting Up RADIUS for Dynamic QoS Policies at the Session Level
  471. Configuration Examples for Dynamic QoS Policies at the Session Level
  472. Configuration Examples for Pulled Policies and a Router Without Existing Policies
  473. Verification Examples for Dynamic QoS Policies at the Session Level
  474. Shaping PPPoE Over VLAN Sessions Using RADIUS
  475. Feature History for Per Session Queuing and Shaping for PPPoE Over VLANs
  476. Per Session Shaping Inheritance
  477. Configuring Per Session Queuing and Shaping for PPPoE Over VLANs Using RADIUS
  478. Setting Up RADIUS for Per Session Queuing and Shaping
  479. Verifying Per Session Queuing and Shaping Policies
  480. Shaping and Queuing Per-Session Traffic on LNS
  481. Feature History for Per Session Shaping and Queuing on LNS
  482. Configuring a Per Session Shaping and Queuing on LNS Policy
  483. Queuing PPP Sessions on ATM VCs
  484. Feature History for PPP Session Queuing on ATM VCs
  485. PPP Session Queuing Inheritance
  486. Bandwidth Sharing and ATM Port Oversubscription
  487. Configuring PPP Session Queuing on ATM VCs
  488. Configuring PPP Session Queuing Using RADIUS
  489. Example of Configuring PPP Session Queuing on ATM VCs
  490. Example of Setting Up RADIUS for PPP Session Queuing on ATM VCs
  491. Examples of Verifying PPP Session Queuing on ATM VCs
  492. Subscriber-Based IP Quality of Service
  493. C H A P T E R 18 Regulating and Shaping Subscriber Traffic
  494. Feature History for Per Session Rate Limiting
  495. Feature History for Per User Multiservice Rate Limiting
  496. Feature History for Per Session Service Policy Using RADIUS
  497. Input and Output Policy Actions
  498. Configuring IP Quality of Service for Subscribers
  499. Configuring per User Multiservice Rate Limiting
  500. Configuring per Session Service Policy Using RADIUS
  501. Configuration Examples for Subscriber-Based IP QoS
  502. Configuration Example for Per User Multiservice Rate Limiting
  503. Verifying a Subscriber-Based IP QoS Configuration
  504. Verification Examples for Subscriber-Based IP QoS Configurations
  505. MQC Support for IP Sessions
  506. Feature History for MQC Support for IP Sessions
  507. Service Policy Maps and Service Profiles
  508. Configuring MQC on IP Sessions
  509. Configuring QoS on Service Policy Maps With Traffic Classes
  510. Configuration Examples for MQC on IP Sessions
  511. Verifying Service Policies on IP Sessions
  512. Prerequisites for Per Session Shaping and Queuing on LNS
  513. Dynamically Applying QoS Policies to PPP Sessions on ATM VCs
  514. Interfaces Supporting PPP Session Queuing
  515. Oversubscription at the Session Level
  516. Configuring PPP Session Queuing Using a Virtual Template
  517. Configuration Examples for PPP Session Queuing on ATM VCs
  518. Example of Configuring and Applying an Hierarchical Policy Map
  519. Verifying PPP Session Queuing on ATM VCs
  520. Verification Examples for PPP Session Queuing on ATM VCs
  521. Per-Session Shaping for ATM Interfaces
  522. Feature History for Per-Session Shaping for ATM Interfaces
  523. Configuration Example for Per-Session Shaping on ATM Interfaces
  524. Feature History for PVC Bundles
  525. Traffic Bumping
  526. ATM PVC Selection
  527. Feature History for ATM PVC Selection
  528. bundle Command
  529. class-bundle Command
  530. class-vc Command
  531. oam-bundle Command
  532. precedence Command
  533. protect Command
  534. ATM Bundle Management
  535. Bumping and ATM PVC Bundles
  536. Prerequisites for ATM PVC Selection
  537. Configuring ATM Bundles
  538. Creating an ATM Bundle Using a VC Class
  539. Adding an ATM PVC to a PVC Bundle
  540. Configuring an ATM Bundle Member Using a VC Class
  541. Configuring a PVC Not to Accept Bumped Traffic
  542. Verifying and Monitoring ATM PVC Bundles
  543. Configuration Examples for Configuring ATM Bundles and PVC Selection
  544. Configuration Example for MPLS EXP-Based ATM PVC Selection
  545. Feature History for Frame Relay PVC Selection
  546. dscp Command (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member)
  547. exp Command
  548. frame-relay vc-bundle Command
  549. precedence Command (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member)
  550. protect Command (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member)
  551. pvc Command (Frame Relay VC-bundle)
  552. Service Levels and PVC Selection Criteria
  553. Restrictions and Limitations for Frame Relay PVC Selection
  554. Creating a Frame Relay PVC Bundle
  555. Adding a PVC to a Frame Relay PVC Bundle
  556. Configuring Frame Relay Bundle Members
  557. Configuration Examples for Configuring Frame Relay Bundles and PVC Selection
  558. Configuration Example for MPLS EXP-Based Frame Relay PVC Selection
  559. Verification Example for Monitoring PVC Bundles
  560. MPLS QoS
  561. Feature History for MPLS QoS
  562. MPLS Tunneling Modes
  563. How QoS Works for MPLS Traffic
  564. MPLS QoS Implementation
  565. Classifying IP Packets Using a Class Map
  566. Setting the MPLS EXP Field Using a Policy Map
  567. Attaching an MPLS QoS Service Policy to an Interface
  568. Configuration Example for Short Pipe Mode
  569. Configuration Example for Pipe Mode
  570. MPLS CoS Multi-VC Mode
  571. Label Switched Paths
  572. QoS for Label-Controlled ATM VCs
  573. Benefits of MPLS CoS Multi-VC Mode
  574. Configuring MPLS CoS Multi-VC Mode
  575. Configuring Queueing Functions on Router Output Interfaces
  576. Monitoring and Maintaining MPLS CoS Multi-VC Mode Configuration
  577. Feature History for MPLS TE—DS
  578. Global Pool Tunnels
  579. Activating Traffic Engineering on the Router
  580. Activating Traffic Engineering on the Interface
  581. Configuring the Tunnel Interface
  582. Configuring Guaranteed Bandwidth Service
  583. Verifying and Monitoring DS-TE Configurations
  584. Configuration Examples for DS-TE
  585. Configuration Examples for Configuring DS-TE on the Midpoint Routers
  586. Configuration Examples for Configuring the Tail-End Router
  587. VLAN Tag-Based QoS
  588. Feature History for VLAN Tag-Based QoS
  589. Modification of a VLAN-Group Policy Map
  590. System Limits for VLAN Tag-Based QoS
  591. Restrictions for VLAN Tag-Based QoS
  592. Configuring VLAN Tag-Based QoS
  593. Configuring VLAN-Group Class Maps
  594. Configuring a VLAN-Group Policy
  595. Configuring QoS Policies for Traffic Classes—Outbound VLAN Group and Class-Default Classes
  596. Attaching VLAN Tag-based Policies
  597. Configuration Examples for VLAN Tag-Based QoS
  598. Configuring a VLAN Tag-Based QoS Policy: Example
  599. Related Documents
  600. Feature History for Hierarchical Queuing Framework
  601. QoS Shaping Using HQF
  602. Hierarchical ATM VP and VC Shaping Using HQF
  603. IP and PPP Session Shaping Using HQF
  604. Feature History for MQC Hierarchical Queuing with 3-Level Scheduler
  605. Priority Service and Latency
  606. Configuring MQC Hierarchical Queuing with 3-Level Scheduler
  607. Tuning the Bandwidth-Remaining Ratio: Example
  608. Level Scheduler
  609. Feature History for 4-Level Scheduler
  610. Creating a Map Class
  611. Enabling Weighted Fair Queuing on the Interface
  612. Specifying Tail Drop
  613. Configuring Frame Relay IP RTP Priority
  614. Configuring Frame Relay Traffic Shaping
  615. QPPB Configuration Example
10000 Series first page preview

10000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
10000 Series first page preview

10000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. about this guide
  16. document organization
  17. related documentation
  18. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  19. Software Support
  20. Checking Hardware and Software Compatibility
  21. C H A P T E R 1 4-Port OC-3/STM-1 ATM Line Card Configuration
  22. Interface Configuration Examples
  23. Creating a VC Class
  24. atm commands
  25. Global Configuration Command
  26. Creating and Entering Subinterfaces
  27. Attaching an ATM VC Class to an Interface
  28. Creating ATM PVPs
  29. Enabling ATM ILMI
  30. Specifying the ATM ILMI Keepalive Rate
  31. Controlling ATM Alarm Reporting
  32. Specifying the ATM Alarm Thresholds
  33. Running Loopbacks
  34. Configuring a Broadcast
  35. Configuring Inverse ARP
  36. Specifying Encapsulation
  37. Configuring OAM Retry
  38. Default Values
  39. C H A P T E R 2 8-Port E3/DS3 ATM Line Card Configuration
  40. Line Card Interface Configuration Examples
  41. Creating an ATM VC Class
  42. Global Configuration Commands
  43. Setting the Line Card to E3 or T3 mode
  44. Setting the Line Card Framing
  45. Attaching an ATM VC Class to an Interface or Subinterface
  46. Creating a PVC
  47. Configuring the ATM Clock
  48. Specifying a Protocol
  49. Configuring VBR-NRT
  50. Enabling ILMI Management
  51. Useful show Commands
  52. C H A P T E R 3 1-Port OC-12 ATM Line Card Configuration
  53. Interface Syntax
  54. Configuring ATM Clock
  55. feature overview
  56. Unchannelized T3 Commands
  57. Configuring a T3 Interface as Unchannelized
  58. Setting the Framing Type
  59. Configuring a BER Test
  60. Specifying the Cable Length
  61. Setting the Clock Source
  62. Configuring Loopback Mode
  63. Configuring a T3 Interface as Channelized
  64. Specifying the Idle Pattern
  65. Running Equipment Loopbacks
  66. Channelized T1 Commands
  67. Configuring T1 Loopback Mode
  68. High Availability Using Line Card Redundancy
  69. Verifying and Monitoring Line Card Redundancy
  70. Performing a Manual Line Card Switchover
  71. Failover Conditions
  72. command reference
  73. linecard-group y-cable Command
  74. member subslot Command
  75. C H A P T E R 5 24-Port Channelized E1/T1 Line Card Configuration
  76. E1 Interface Numbering Syntax
  77. T1 Commands
  78. T1 Interface Numbering Syntax
  79. Configuration Task Overview
  80. Configuring Full-Rate Channelized E1 Bandwidths
  81. Configuring E1 Serial Interfaces
  82. T1 Configuration Examples
  83. Configuring Fractional Channelized T1 Bandwidths
  84. command descriptions
  85. displaying interface information
  86. Preconfiguring a Line Card
  87. Shutting Down Line Card Simulation
  88. Configuring a Serial Interface
  89. E1 Port Interface Density
  90. Running a BER Test
  91. Specifying T1 Short-Haul Cable Length
  92. Specifying Channel Groups
  93. Specifying a Clock Source
  94. Specifying Framing
  95. Specifying Linecoding
  96. Specifying Loopbacks
  97. Specifying E1 National Reserve Bits
  98. Specifying Shutdown
  99. C H A P T E R 6 1-Port Channelized OC-12/STM-4 Line Card Configuration
  100. SDH Channelization
  101. Line Card Default Values
  102. Line Card Default Values for SDH Framing
  103. Line Card Interface Syntax
  104. SDH-Framed Interface Configuration Sample
  105. Show Controller Command Syntax
  106. AU-3 Controller Interfaces
  107. AU-4-TUG-3 Controller Interfaces
  108. Configuring the SONET Controller for SONET or SDH Framing
  109. Selecting SONET or SDH Framing
  110. Designating an STS-1 Path as a T3 or VT under SONET Framing
  111. VT Commands under SONET Framing
  112. Entering Controller Configuration Mode for T3
  113. Implementing Subrate T3
  114. Enabling Scrambling
  115. Channelized T3 Commands under SONET or SDH Framing
  116. Entering MDL Messages
  117. Configuring the Loopback Mode for a T3 Controller
  118. Creating T1 or E1 Channel Groups under SONET or SDH Framing
  119. Creating Channel-Groups for SDH-Framed Interfaces
  120. Channelized T1 Commands under SONET or SDH Framing
  121. Controlling Yellow Alarms
  122. Configuring a T1 BER Test
  123. C H A P T E R 7 4-Port Channelized OC-3/STM-1 Line Card Configuration
  124. C H A P T E R 8 6-Port Channelized T3 Line Card Configuration
  125. Specifying an Idle Character
  126. Channelized T3 Commands
  127. Setting the Framing Format
  128. management port
  129. Configuring the Interface
  130. configuring the ip address
  131. saving the configuration
  132. Configuring an Interface
  133. Assigning a MAC Address
  134. C H A P T E R 10 1-Port Gigabit Ethernet Half-Height Line Card Configuration
  135. C H A P T E R 12 6-Port OC-3/STM-1 Packet over SONET Line Card Configuration
  136. Configuration Commands
  137. Specifying SONET Overhead
  138. Configuring Packet over SONET SPE Scrambling
  139. Configuring APS
  140. Other Configuration Commands
  141. C H A P T E R 13 1-Port OC-12 Packet over SONET Line Card Configuration
  142. card configuration
  143. C H A P T E R 14 1-Port OC-48/STM-16 Packet over SONET Line Card Configuration
  144. MAC Protocol Selection Command
  145. SDCC Interface Configuration Commands
  146. Enabling Loopback Tests
  147. Configuring Hold Queue Size
  148. Configuring SONET Overhead
  149. C H A P T E R 15 8-Port Unchannelized E3/T3 Line Card Configuration
  150. naming convention
  151. Configuration Examples
  152. Controller Configuration Commands
  153. Clock Source Command
  154. shutdown command
  155. Interface Description Command
  156. Specifying DSU Bandwidth
  157. Equipment Loopback Command
  158. performing loopback tests
  159. Setting the National Bit
  160. Treatment of Newly Inserted Line Cards
  161. Preprovisioning Line Card Slots
  162. card Command
  163. Resetting Line Cards
  164. Chapter 17 Provisioning a Subrate E3 or T3 Interface
  165. Subrate T3 Bandwidth Tables
  166. Subrate E3 Bandwidth Tables
  167. Chapter 18 Configuration Example
  168. Example 2: OSPF, BGP, Channelized Full Rate T1
  169. Example 3: Quality of Service Policy Propagation Using Border Gateway Protocol
  170. Example 4: MPLS Virtual Private Networks
10000 Series first page preview

10000 Series

Brand: Cisco | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. about this guide
  8. C H A P T E R 1 Access-Network Control Protocol
  9. obtaining documentation and submitting a service request
  10. Contents
  11. Prerequisites for Access-Network Control Protocol
  12. RADIUS Interaction
  13. Noninteractive Operation, Administration, and Maintenance
  14. Configuring Access-Network Control Protocol
  15. Enabling ANCP on an Ethernet Interface
  16. Enabling ANCP on an ATM Interface
  17. Mapping DSLAM Ports to VLAN Interfaces on Broadband Remote Access Servers
  18. Mapping DSLAM Ports to PVC Interfaces on Broadband Remote Access Servers
  19. Configuration Examples for Access-Network Control Protocol
  20. Mapping DSLAM Ports to VLAN Interfaces on the BRAS: Example
  21. Mapping DSLAM Ports to PVC Interfaces on the BRAS: Example
  22. Additional References
  23. MIBs
  24. Command Reference
  25. Access-Network Control Protocol Description
  26. Multiservice Activation in an Access-Accept Message
  27. Feature History for Multiservice Activation in Access-Accept Message
  28. Configuring Multiservice Activation Using Access-Accept Messages
  29. Configuring RADIUS for Service Activation and Deactivation
  30. Feature History for Multiservice Activation or Deactivation in a CoA Message
  31. Restrictions for Multiservice Activation or Deactivation in a CoA Message
  32. Deactivating a Session Service Using CoA and a Default QoS Policy on a Virtual Template
  33. Prerequisites for Redirecting ISG Subscriber Traffic
  34. C H A P T E R 4 Redirecting Subscriber Traffic Using Intelligent Service Gateway Layer 4 Redirect
  35. Defining a Redirect Server Group
  36. Configuring Layer 4 Redirection in a Service Policy Map
  37. Configuring Layer 4 Redirection in a Service or User Profile on the AAA Server
  38. Examples
  39. Configuration Examples for ISG Layer 4 Redirect
  40. Redirecting Unauthorized Subscriber Traffic: Example
  41. Initial Redirection: Example
  42. Parameterized Services
  43. Feature History for Parameterized Services
  44. Session Level Policy
  45. ATM Virtual Circuit QoS Policy
  46. Service Policy Parameterized Actions
  47. QoS Parameterized Actions
  48. Prerequisites for Parameterized Services
  49. Configuring Parameterized Services
  50. Redirecting Services
  51. Modifying the Active Session QoS Policy Using RADIUS
  52. Removing Classes and QoS Actions
  53. Abbreviated Parameterized QoS Service Command Names
  54. Configuration Examples for Parameterized Services
  55. Configuration Example—Parameterized Police VSA for CoA Message
  56. Configuration Example—Removing a Traffic Class
  57. Configuration Example—Layer 4 Redirect
  58. Modifying the Bandwidth Remaining Percentage
  59. Modifying Priority Level
  60. Modifying Queue Limit
  61. Configurable Connect-Info Attributes
  62. Feature History for Configurable Connect-Info Attributes
  63. Feature History for Per-Session Shaping Using RADIUS
  64. RADIUS Attributes 250 and 252
  65. Parameterized QoS Policy as VSA 1—Earlier Releases
  66. Remove Class Primitive
  67. Per-Session Shaping Using RADIUS
  68. Prerequisites for Per-Session Shaping Using RADIUS
  69. Configuring Per-Session Shaping on RADIUS
  70. Per-Service Shaping and Policing Using RADIUS
  71. Configuring Per-Service Shaping and Policing Using RADIUS
  72. Configuring Per-Service Shaping and Policing on the RADIUS Server
  73. Configuration Examples of RADIUS-Based Shaping and Policing
  74. Setting the Shaping Rate Using a CoA Message
  75. Setting the Policing Rate Using an Access-Accept
  76. Setting the Policing Rate Using a CoA Message
  77. Verifying RADIUS-Based Shaping and Policing
  78. Layer 2 Overhead Accounting
  79. Feature History for Layer 2 Overhead Accounting
  80. Enabling ATM Overhead Accounting in a Hierarchical Policy
  81. Applying the Virtual Template to a PPPoE Profile
  82. Applying the PPPoE Profile to a VLAN Subinterface
  83. Configuration Example of Layer 2 Overhead Accounting
  84. Per-Service Accounting
  85. Enabling Per-Service Accounting on the ISG
  86. Configuration Example of Per-Service Accounting
  87. Feature History for QoS Service Accounting
  88. Feature History for ANCP Corrected Rate
  89. Configuration Examples for Setting the ANCP Corrected Rate
  90. Verifying Traffic Accounting
  91. Verification Example for ATM Overhead Accounting
  92. show atm pvc
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