Cisco Systems, Inc.All contents are Copyright © 1992–2003 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Important Notices and Privacy Statement.Page 1 of 12Product Bulletin No. 2254Cisco 10000 Series RouterThe Cisco ® 10000 Series Router introducesnew forwarding hardware, interfacemodules, and Cisco IOS® Software. Theapplication and utility of the platform hasexpanded, offering exciting opportunitiesfor service providers in the areas of servicedefinition and reduced operationalexpenditure. The focus of the Cisco 10000Series remains at the edge of the serviceprovider network.The network edge has seen transformationover the past years, with ever-increasingdemands on scalability, performance,availability, and cost reductions. With itsnew capabilities, the Cisco 10000 Series ispositioned to lead this market and definethe next wave of services and solutions.The Cisco 1000 Series PerformanceRouting Engine (PRE-2) offers a quantumleap in scalability, performance, andfeatures over its predecessor (the PRE-1).Coupled with the introduction of OC-48c/STM-16c uplink modules, the solution ispositioned for higher-speed, higher-densityedge applications. The latest Cisco IOSSoftware expands the Cisco 10000 Serieslegacy in high-density leased-line andMultiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)applications, to include a full-featuredbroadband aggregation suite.This document provides a guideline toapplications best suited for the Cisco 10000Series with its latest enhancements.Broadband AggregationThe term “broadband” covers many accesstechnologies, including high-speed,fixed-access circuits and wireless solutions.For the purposes of this document,broadband access is defined as subscriberconnections (business and residential)accessing the service provider network overDSL technologies. The Cisco 10000 Seriesdoes not physically terminate DSL circuits(this is the role of a DSL access multiplexer[DSLAM]). Its role is to aggregate the manythousands of ATM virtual circuits betweencentral office locations and a serviceprovider’s IP network.Ethernet is another broadband technology.Long-range Ethernet is emerging as analternative to DSL technology in manymetropolitan regions throughout the worldIt is likely to appear as an alternativetransport medium for DSLAMs competingwith ATM.Ethernet is placed under the “broadband”umbrella The Cisco 10000 Series offersaggregation services for subscribers arrivingthrough traditional ATM broadband aswell as Ethernet broadband. With a richhistory in ATM connectivity and services,the Cisco 10000 Series is optimized forATM-based broadband aggregation,offering world-class scalability,performance, and features.