15OFF10TurnPastVC00172030405060MINUTESHOLDThis control activates the air exchange with the outdoors on high speed forperiods varying from 10 to 60 minutes.2.7.4 60-MINUTE CRANK TIMER2.7 Optional Auxiliary Controls (cont’d)2.7.3 Dehumidistat2. Controls (cont’d)COMFORTZONEOFF%RELATIVEHUM IDI TY70%60%50%40%30%25%20%DURING FALL, WINTERAND SPRING, SET THEDIAL ACCORDING TOTHE DESIRED MAXIMUMINDOOR HUMIDITY LEVEL.DURING SUMMER SETTHE DIAL TO THEOFF POSITION.VC0038CAUTIONDo not select a humidity level below 30%.This could lead to excessive dryness in theair causing discomfort for the occupants.Adjust knob to the desired maximum indoorhumidity level.