page 39 of 52(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)Installation with Chemistry-HYBRID pump RC 6+ Remove the hose nozzle (outlet) from the distributor plate (1).+ Using scissors, cut the connecting tube (2) to a length of 18.5 cm.+ Screw the threaded adapter (3) together with the seal ring (4) into thedistributor plate. Then screw the short elbow fitting (5) into the thread-ed adapter.+ Assemble the connecting tube (2) to the exhaust waste vapor con-denser. Slip the union nut onto the connecting tube (with backsideahead, see (6)). Slip the connecting tube as far as it will go onto theelbow fitting (5). Tighten the union nut (6) first by hand and then tightenone full turn using an open end wrench.