RAM-6021 Wired Router 76Services Tab• Select the Serial IP menu item and the following dialog window will appear:Enable Serial IP: Select Yes to enable the Serial IP interface.Configuration Description: Enter a description to describe the intent of this communication. Character limit is 128.Line Speed: Select the desired interface speed to be used via the provided drop‐down.Independent Activation: This option determines if the Serial Port of the device will accept data before the remoteside is active. At least one of the two sides in the configuration must be set for Independent Activation. If neither sideis set, then the device will not accept date. This funtion provides integrity for the device by preventing data from bee‐ing accepted until it can be delivered successfully.Select Yes for standard usage. Select No for serial to TCP Server configuration to insure there is a TCP Server socketavailable before marking the serial port active. Select Negotiate only if directed by Red Lion Technical Support.Word Length: Select the word length (bits per character) to be used via the provided drop‐down. Consult the configu‐ration of the remote device being attached, this setting must be compatible.Parity: Select the parity to be used via the provided drop‐down. Consult the configuration of the remote device beingattached, this setting must be compatible.Stop Bit: Select the number of stop bits to be used via the provided drop‐down. Consult the configuration of theremote device being attached, this setting must be compatible.Connect Mode: If this option is set to No, the device will expect to receive AT Commands in order to go to active state.Some DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) devices required to go active if they provide DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal.Ignore DTR: This option needs to be set to Yes, if the serial port is connected to a DTE device that only provides 3 wires(Transmit, Receive and Ground) for communication or the DTE device could drop DTR signal while sending AT com‐mands. The recommended setting for this field is YES if 3 wires connection is expected.Connection Type: Select the connection type you desire from the drop‐down list. The recommended setting for thisfield is Modem Emulator for direct connection.