RAM-6021 Wired Router 25Admin TabTo change the access method:Click on the pull down menu next to “Web Access Method” and select the method you would like to use to access theWeb UI. You do not need to enter the password in order to change the access method. Note: The HTTP method canresult in better performance and faster page load time; however, it is less secure than the HTTPS method, which usesdata encryption to provide a secure connection.If you are not changing the password, click on the “APPLY” button for changes to take effect.To change the password:Enter the new password in the “New Password” field. Note: For a secure password, choose one that is at least six char‐acters long, which is not a common word and comprised of a mixture of upper and lower case characters and num‐bers.Re‐enter the new password in the “Confirm New Password” field.In the “Confirm Admin Password”, which appears at the bottom of the dialog window once you enter a new password,enter the current password.• Click on the “Save” button for changes to be saved without activating the interface, the “Apply” button will saveyour settings and apply them immediately. To revert to the previous settings, click on the “Revert” button.2.3.2 System TimeThe System Time menu item is used to configure the time zone on the Red Lion router to correspond to your location.• Click on the System Time menu time and the following window will appear.