RAM-6021 Wired Router 105Advanced Tab• Click on the Add button to add an instance for OOB Management and the following window will appear:Interface: Select the interface to used.Note: For Speed, Bits, Parity and Stop Bits, consult the configuration of the remote device being attached; this setting must be compatible.Speed: Select the desired interface speed to be used.Bits per Character: Select the word length (bits per character) to be used.Parity: Select the parity to be used.Number of Stop Bits: Select the number of stop bits to be used.Port Number (Required): Enter a valid port number (1‐65535) to be used for the connection.Take care to choose a port number not already used by other system services. Consult the Status>Network>SocketStatuses> TCP Only menu for a list of ports currently in use. Please note that a Firewall Allow rule will need to beadded for remote access in Network>Firewall>Port Allow/Forwarding Rules>Service Access Rules.Use CISCO APH: Select Yes to enable the CISCO APH or No to prevent it’s use. The recommended setting for this field isYes when connecting to a Cisco console port.Use Local Binding: Select Yes to enable Local Binding. Local Binding will prevent remote access to this port. You will berequired to Telnet/SSH to the unit’s command line, and then Telnet to the OOB port locally (telnet localhostPort>).Telnet Server Mode: This option controls how some options negotiations will be performed with a TELNET client. Rec‐ommended setting is “Basic + drop LF & NUL” is a commonly utilized setting. The following options are available:Disabled: No TELNET options negotiation is performed.Basic: Common TELNET options negotiation is performed.Basic + drop LF: Linefeed characters (x'0A) are dropped.Basic + drop LF & NUL (Cisco Preferred): LF and NUL (x'00) characters are dropped.Basic + drop LF & NUL/HIGH: LF, NUL and any characters > x'7F are dropped.Basic + drop CR: Carriage return characters (x'0D) are dropped.Basic + drop CR & NUL: CR and NUL (x'00) characters are dropped.