10Adjust Water Flow Rate & Syrup/Water Ratio1. Close syrup shut-off at mounting block for first valveA BIncrease DecreaseCEA. Flow Control, WaterB. Flow Control, SyrupC. Nozzle (Diffuser inside)D. Mounting Block (not shown)E. Soda LeverD2. Slide up on ID panel until flow controls are exposed.3. Using a Lancer ratio cup verify water flow rate (5 oz. in 4sec.). Use a screwdriver to adjust if needed.5. Install Lancer (yellow) syrup separator (PN 54-0031) in placeof nozzle.4. Remove nozzle by twisting counter clockwise and pullingdown, then remove diffuser by pulling down.6. Re-open syrup shut-off at mounting block.7. Activate valve to purge syrup until steady flow is achieved.8. Using a Lancer ratio cup, activate the valve and capture asample. Verify that the syrup level is even with the waterlevel. Use a screwdriver to adjust if needed.9. Repeat process for each valve.10. Re-install splash plate and cup rest.Do not set flow rates or dispense from the unit untilafter a complete ice bank is established.NOTEA BA. Plain Water ONB. Syrup ClosedA BA. Syrup SeparatorB. Soda LeverABCA. Syrup SeparatorB. Ratio CupC. Verify Soda/Water Level