4. TROUBLESHOOTINGTROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY4.1 No product when switch isactivated. (Switch panel does notlight up when activated.)A. Keyswitch is off, or keyswitchharness is disconnected.B. 9-in valve harness isdisconnected.C. Defective switch assembly.D. No power to unitA. Turn keyswitch on and/orreconnect keyswitch harness.B. Turn off power, reconnect 9-pinharness, and restore power.C. Replace switch assembly.D. Check internal breaker andincoming power4.2 No product when switch isactivated. (Switch panel does lightup when activatedA. 25-pin valve harness is discon-nected.B. Defective switch assemblyA. Turn off power, reconnect25-pin harness, and restorepower.B. Replace switch assembly.4.3 Push chute and nothing hap-pensA. Dispenser not connected topower source.B. Microswitch defective.C. Wiring harness not plugged in.D. PC board defective.A. Connect dispenser to powersource.B. Replace microswitch.C. Plug in wiring harness.D. Replace PC board.4.4 Push chute. Ice door opensbut motor does not runA. Wiring harness not plugged in.B. PC board defective.C. Motor defectiveA. Plug in wiring harness.B. Replace PC board.C. Replace motor4.5 Push chute. Motor runs but icedoor does not openA. Solenoid not connected to PCboard.B. Solenoid defective.C. PC board defective.D. Solenoid bracket screwed toolow and not opening completely.A. Connect solenoid to PC board.B. Replace solenoic.C. Replace PC board.D. Unscrew solenoid bracket,raise solenoid and rescrewbracket.4.6 Push chute, ice door opens,motor runs, but no ice dispenses,or ice is of poor qualityA. Dispenser is out of ice.B. Agitator pin is missing ordamaged.C. Poor ice qualityA. Fill unit with ice.B. Replace agitator pin.C. Install water filtration/purification to icemaker supplywaterCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE24Flavor Select (FS) 22 Ice Beverage Dispenser