17Maintenance & CareCleaning the ChuckIn the process of time, some dirtmight collect itself within the hand-piece and might affect its functions.Therefore, the chuck has to becleaned monthly.How to remove the chuckScrew off the top of the handpiecewith the spanner shown in the pic-ture.Now clean the inside of the hand-piece and the top with the brush.For opening the chuck, push thebutton forward.Set the screw spanner (wrench) onthe axle and hold it tight. Now usethe front of the second spanner tounscrew the chuck.To assemble the chuck, follow thesteps in reverse order. Make surethat the chuck is opened during theassembly (the handpiece buttonmust be in forward position) and isfirmly applied afterwards.How to clean the chuckSoak the chuck in ethyl alcohol or acleaning liquid for tools. Clean theslits of the chuck with the brush.Use the brush to remove all dirtresidues from the drill-hole of thechuck: