SpectralLED® RS-7 USER MANUAL Page 654.6.17 - FBK - Optical feedback enable/disableEnables or disables the real-time optical feedback. Normally enabled by default, the feedback can be disabled inorder to provide direct control over the constant-current sources driving each channel.Syntax:FBK report feedback settingFBK [0|1] disable [0] or enable [1] feedbackExamples:fbk query feedback setting1fbk0 disable optical feedback (channels will be operated fixed constant-current only)Ok4.6.18 - FBG - Query optical feedback gainReports the latest optical feedback gain coefficient that is being applied to the entire LED array as a whole,which is nominally 1.0 in the ideal situation in which all LEDs are generating precisely their calibrated level ofluminous output. Note that this coefficient continues to be updated in real time, even if optical feedback hasbeen disabled via FBK; in this case, the feedback gain figure represents the gain that would be applied to theLED array, were the RS-7 permitted to be making the adjustments.Syntax:FBG report optical feedback gain coefficientExamples:fbg request current feedback gain coefficient1.0344.6.19 - SLM - Soft power limitReports or sets the maximum permissible channel operating power, as a percentage (up to 100%) of the RS-7’sactual capability. Attempts to command the RS-7 to drive channels beyond this limit will result in an error. Notethat channel power level adjustments being made via CPA coefficients and by the realtime optical feedback (seeFBK) are not subject to this limit (they are permitted to use the headroom explicitly provided by this soft powerlimit). The default SLM is 90%.Syntax:SLM report current channel soft limit