ENGLISH14 / 340006160218_201701ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS• It is advisable to make all connections with flexible electric wire.• Conductor minimum section must be 1.5 mm².• Electrical lines must be kept away from hot parts.• The burner installation is allowed only in environments withpollution degree 2 as indicated in annex M of the EN 60335-1:2008-07 regulation.• Make sure that the electric line to which the unit will be connec-ted has frequency and voltage ratings suitable for the burner.• The three-phase or single-phase power supply line must havea switch with fuses. The standards also require a switch on theburner's power line located outside the boiler room where it canbe accessed easily.• The main line, the relevant switch with fuses and the possiblelimiter must be suitable to support the maximum current ab-sorbed by the burner.• The mains supply connection requires an omnipolar switch witha contact opening gap equal to or greater than 3 mm in accor-dance with current safety regulations.• Refer to the wiring diagram for electrical connections (line andthermostats).• Unsheathe the external insulating cover of the power cable tothe necessary extent for the connection, thus avoiding the wirefrom coming into contact with metal parts.CAUTION / WARNINGOnly professionally qualified personnel may open the bur-ner electrical switchboard.• In case of unbalanced 230V phase-phase mains supply sys-tems, the voltage between the flame detector electrode andearth might not be enough to ensure the correct operation ofthe burner. The problem is eliminated using the isolation trans-former type AR1 code 0005020028 which must be connectedas shown in the following diagram.PhPh 230ION INION PROBEAR 1 IONL (1)IN (2)tensione_elettrodi