5 / 260006081538_201308ENGLISHTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSBgn 250DSpgn-meBgn 300DSpgn-meBgn 350DSpgn-meBgn 400DSpgn-meBgn 450DSpgn-meTHERMIC POWERMAX kW 2500 3100 3500 3950 4300MIN kW 490 657 924 400 500FLOW RATE (Natural gas)MAX m³/h 253 313 353 397 432MIN m³/h 50 66 93 40 50NOx EMMISION mg/kWhVOLTAGE50 Hz 3 N ~ 400 V - 50 Hz60 HzFAN MOTOR kW50 Hz 7.5 - 2800 r.p.m.60 HzIGNITION TRANSFORMER 8 kV - 30 mA – 230 V / 50/60 HzABSORBED ELECTRICAL POWER*50 Hz 8,1 kW 8,2 kW 8,3 kW 8,4 kW60 HzPROTECTION RATING IP 54EQUIPMENT BT 320FLAME DETECTION IONIZATION PROBEACOUSTIC PRESSURE** dBAACOUSTIC POWER *** dBAWEIGHT WITHOUT PACKAGING kgNATURAL GAS (G 20)FLOW RATEMAX m³n/hMIN m³n/hPRESSURE MAX mbarSUppLIeD materIaL Bgn 250DSpgn-meBgn 300DSpgn-meBgn 350DSpgn-meBgn 400DSpgn-meBgn 450DSpgn-meBURNER FIXING FLANGE 1 1INSULATING SEAL 1 2STUD BOLTS N° 4 M12 No. 4 M20HEXAGON NUTS N° 4 M12 No. 4 M20FLAT WASHERS N° 4 Ø12 No. 4 Ø20*) Total absorption at start with ignition transformer on.The measurement has been carried out in Baltur's laboratory, in accordance with EN 15036-1 standard** The acoustic pressure detected one meter behind the device, with burner operating at the maximum nominal thermal power, refers to the environment conditions ofthe Baltur laboratory and can not be compared with the measurements taken in other places.*** Acoustic pressure was obtained characterizing Baltur's laboratory with a sample source, this measurement has an accuracy of class 2 (engineering class) with astandard deviation f 1.5 dB(A).