Storage of PelletsIt is very important that the pellets are stored at the dry place. It is notadvisable to store pellets in bags exposed to atmospheric conditions.Too wet pellets may block the auger5.TECHNOLOGYYour new stove is technologically enhanced as a result of years oftesting and top quality built-in components. The practical advantagesof the Lilly stove are as follows:§ Electronic monitoring of all devices along with monitoring ofcombustion temperature in the firebox guarantees the optimumoperation of stove in all phases.§ The large heat exchanger surface with the unique control ofcombustion air results in low consumption of pellets and highenergy efficiency.§ Precisely weighed pellet loading to the burner made of special castiron leads to perfect combustion resulting in low emission ofhazardous substances into atmosphere.§ The top quality cast parts such as burner resistant up to 1300 anddoors ensure long and safe operation.6.INSTALLATION§ Remove all accessories from the stove (user manual, power cable,remote controller, etc.).§ The stove must be connected to the chimney the minimum diameterof which is 120mm.§ The combustion air circulation is based on the negative pressure inthe firebox and very low overpressure in the flue pipe. The flue pipesmust fit the diameter of outlet pipes and no leaks shall be detected atjoints.§ Make sure that the horizontal length of the flue pipe does not exceed1.5m.§ Do not install too many elbows (direction changes of flue gases) onflue pipes. The maximum number of elbows shall be 3.§ Be sure to leave the room for easy dismantling of the flue pipe andeasy access to the opening for cleaning.§ The stove must be installed on the fire-proof surface. Should thesurface be flammable (wood, carpet, etc.), it is recommended to set afireproof basis (glass, metal, ceramic tiles, etc.)6