When: What to do:As needed Shock treat with 1.5 tablespoons of an EPA registeredsource of dichlor1 per 250 gallons (approx. 1000 liters) toremedy problems which may occur when bathing loadsare high, when successive MPS2 test strip reading indicatehigh demand, when water appears hazy or dull, whenunpleasant odors or eye irritation occur, after heavy windand rainstorms or if foam develops.71 Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate2 Potassium peroxymonosulfate3 MPS may cause a lowering of the pH and total alkalinity of your spa water.Please monitor pH and total alkalinity at least once per week and adjust accordingly.4 Nature2 Spa Test Strips are available at your local Nature2 Dealer.Note: As an alternative to MPS 2, an EPA registered sourceof dichlor 1 may be substituted: 1 tablespoon dichlor 1 =approximately 3 tablespoons MPS 2.Important: Perform start-up procedures for spas whichhave been unused or unattended. The Nature2® Spa isnot to be used with products containing biguanides. Ifthese products are being used, DRAIN AND REFILL SPAWITH FRESH WATER.Provide Filtration / CirculationTo manage: You need to:Circulation Follow the manufacturer’s directions forkeeping the circulating pump in good workingorder and operate it at least four (4) hoursa day. Consult your Nature 2 Spa dealer foroptimum run times.Filtration Check the spa filter periodically and clean itas recommended by the manufacturer.