16 of 28IP-LOGIC AV over IP Technical ManualTM-003-0001-100-00 | July 15, 2019© 2019 Zigen Corporationwww.zigencorp.comFirmware RevisionsIP-Logic units are shipped with the latest release of Firmware and Software. If newfirmware/software releases become available, Essentials will automatically download the latestrevisions from the Zigen servers.After the Essentials download of firmware/software, the end-user will be prompted to updatethe IP-Logic devices.Note: For automatic downloads to work, Essentials must be connected to the facility networkwith Internet access.Video Source and Display SettingsIP-Logic systems support interconnection with the most popular sources and displays in themarket. Audio/Video quality of encoding, and decoding begins with properly configured sourcesand displays. Below are recommended guidelines to guarantee the reproduction of the bestpicture and audio quality:• Most displays feature Overscan or other custom aspect ratio settings. These settingsmust be disabled if using the displays in a Videowall. Follow the display’s manual to turnoff these features.• Confirm that the source video resolution and frame rate are compatible with the display.The operator may have to enable scaling on the RX or configure the source device tooutput a compatible resolution for the display. EDID management could be employed toinform the source of a list of suitable resolutions for a specific display.• Turn off all Low Power or ECO settings of the sources and displays to ensure the mediacontent is being displayed. If no video or audio is present, it does not necessarily indicatea component failure and could be easily remedied by disabling the ECO settings of alldevices.• Enable CEC control for all displays and sources to allow IP-Logic components to controlthese devices. A specific manufacturer may have a unique name for this function (ie:“Simplink” ™, “AnyNet” ™) so please refer to the display’s manual for more information.The Essentials device will allow CEC management to send custom commands to a displaysand sources.Control SignalsThe IP-Logic infrastructure support control signals such as RS-232, IR, USB, CEC, and Ethernet.These signals can be routed and switched from one IP-Logic endpoint to another IP-Logicendpoint. Refer to Appendix for a compatibility list of control signals.Installation Guidelines