145 of 204MAINTENANCE AND USE MANUALvap 6 - vap 6A - AD 8EN6.6FIRST-TIME USE - VAP 6AConnection to the water softenermust only be effected by qualified,authorised personnel.Before connecting up the hoses,remove any rubber plugs inserted inthe inlet/outlet connectors on the AD 8water softener.Figure 8Fig. 8 : Place the steam generator on the workbench and the softener on the floor, making sure bothare level (see section 6.3.1).2629Figure 9Fig. 9 : Connect up the water softener to the mainswater supply by attaching the hoses to the inlet tap(29) and water outlet tap (26) on the softener itself.Then tighten the hose clips.31Figure 10Fig. 10 : Connect the water outlet hose (31) on thesoftener directly to an open siphon (this must bebelow the softener).4Figure 11Fig. 11 : To ensure that the resin in the exchangergives the required performance rinse the softener byturning the knob (30) to position number “4” (backflowposition: see fig. 4, section 3.4) for at least 10minutes until the water outflow is perfectly clear.When doing this direct the water into the open siphon(see previous figure).