Connection~12~B Meter port Connect to energy meterC RS485 port Connect to invertersD DRED port Connect to AS DRM DRED portE Ethernet port Connect to router/switch5.3 Connecting the PowerRequirements: Connect the RS485 cable directly to the ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi. The maximum cable length for self powered operation is 20m.If the RS485 cable between the Zevercom/ZeverCom WiFi and the inverter ismore than 20m, a separate power supply unit is required.Connect the power supply unit to the Power socket (Item A in Fig. 5-1). Plug theother end into a power outlet, and check that the power LED light turns on asshown in Fig. 3-1(LED indicator panel).If a separate power supply unit is used, it must satisfy thefollowing requirements:1. EMC directive and low voltage directive of the Europeanparliament.2. Output voltage between 7.5Vdc and 12Vdcand outputcurrent at least 500mA.3. DC output polarity .5.4 Connecting the InverterThis section describes how to connect the ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi to theinverter(s):Step 1: For PV Plants with more than one inverter, connect each inverter in adaisy chain configuration, shown in Fig. 5-2, with the RS485 cable.Step 2: Connect the inverter closest to the ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi to theRS485 port of the ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi (Item B in Fig. 5-1) as shown in Fig.5-2.