Zeta Alarm Systems PC3K User’s ManualRevision 1.0 Part # 3000-0002 Page 16 of 466.1 System Programming - System ConfigurationThe "System Configuration" tab of the System Programming dialog is where general global system items areset. These include:NACs - Each of the four 24V output circuits may be set to one of the following modes:• NAC - Steady - The output will operate as a polarity-reversing Bell Circuit; when it is activated, it willbe turned on continuously.• NAC - March Time - The output will operate as a polarity-reversing Bell Circuit; when it is activated, itwill be turned on and off using the March Time cadence.• NAC - Temporal Code - The output will operate as a polarity-reversing Bell Circuit; when it isactivated, it will be turned on and off using the Temporal Code cadence.• Power Supply, Resettable - The output will operate as a 24VDC power supply; It will reset (turn offbriefly) when the panel is reset..• Power Supply, Non-Resettable - The output will operate as a 24VDC power supply; It will not beturned off when the panel is reset.Timing - There are several system time settings:• AC Fail Delay - The time the panel will delay between AC failure and reporting of an AC trouble (None,8 Hours, or 16 Hours).• Auto-Silence Time - After a trouble or alarm occurs, the panel will be automatically silenced in thisamount of time (Disabled, 15 minutes, or 30 Minutes).• Silence Inhibit Time - After a trouble or alarm occurs, the panel will not be able to be silenced for thisperiod (Disabled, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, or 300 seconds).• Alarm Verification Time - 0, 15, 30, 45, or 60 seconds.System Options - There are several general system options:• Latching Troubles - If enabled, then troubles are latching; if disabled, then troubles are restorable.• Trouble Reminder - If enabled, then a short beep will periodically sound at the panel if there aresilenced troubles.• Waterflow Silenceable - If enabled, then waterflow alarms are silenceable; if disabled, then waterflowalarms are not silenceable.