VIDEO MENUVIDEO MENUe,CONIRAST - _ ÷BRIGHTNESS - mmm +COLOR - _" +lINT G I RSHARPNESS -mm +PICTURE PREF CUSTOMNOTE: All adjustments on theVIDEO Menu are optional. You donot have to use these features inorder to use your TV.Press MENU repeatedly until the Video Menu appears onthe TV screen.CONTRASTAdjusts the overall contrast and color level of the picture.If the light areas in _e picture axe overly bright and some ofthe highlight details are missing, press ADJUST (ADJ)Left until the highlights are restored.If the picture is grayish and lacks contrast and sparkle,press ADJUST (ADJ) Right until you reach the CON-TRAST level you prefer.BRIGHTNESSAdjusts the brightness level of black areas in the picture.If the black areas are too fight, press ADJUST (ADJ) Leftuntil you reach the BRIGHTNESS level you prefer.If the black areas in the picture are too dark and show littledetail, press ADJUST (ADJ) Right until you reach theBRIGHTNESS level you prefer.COLORAdjusts the intensity of the colors in the picture.If all the colors seem too vivid or intense, press ADJUST(ADJ) Left to decrease the COLOR intensity.If all the colors seem faded or washed out, press ADJUST(ADJ) Right to increase the COLOR intensity.TINTAdjusts the color of the flesh tones.If the flesh tones are too red or purple, press ADJUST(ADJ) Left until you reach the desired flesh tones.If the flesh tones are green or have a greenish TINT, pressADJUST (ADJ) Right until you reach the desired fleshtones.SHARPNESSAdjusts the clarity for the clearest picture.If the picture is too "grainy" and vertical edges show multi-ple lines on the right side, press ADJUST (ADJ) Left to ob-tain the desired SHARPNESS.If the picture is too "soft" and vertical edges are fuzzy,press ADJUST (ADJ) Right to increase the SHARPNESS.PICTURE PREF. (Preference)Lets you decide if you want to use your own CUSTOMvideo settings, or the factory PRESET video settings.Press ADJUST (ADJ) Left/Right to obtain the desiredsetting.If the factory PRESET setting is selected, any adjustmentmade to the VIDEO Menu options automatically changesthe PICTURE PREF. setting to CUSTOM, and saves yourcurrent video settings in the CUSTOM mode.2589-0 10- 1