2EN - 14 - For the userAbout the valve settings...The installer will have set all the valves to ensurethe optimum performance of the ventilation system.Therefore, do not change the setting of the valves.After cleaning, make sure that all valves areplaced back with the same setting (and inexactly the same ventilation hole in the wallor ceiling) AT ALL TIMES. Otherwise, systemperformance will be compromised.The ventilation air is supplied and discharged bymeans of valves. Gaps under doors in the dwell-ing ensure that the air flows in the right direction.In order to ensure that the ventilation volumes aremaintained in the rooms, the following must be ob-served:• Do not seal the gaps;• Do not change the settings of the valves;• Do not replace the valves with one another.2.5 MalfunctionsMalfunctions in the ComfoAir are reported as fol-lows:• The malfunction alert appears on the CC Easepanel;• The malfunction alert appears on the CC Luxepanel;• The malfunction indicator on the 3-positionswitch lights up.A concise explanation of these maintenance activi-ties is given in the paragraphs below.2.5.1 Malfunction alerts on the digitaloperating deviceIn the event of a malfunction, the correspondingmalfunction code will be displayed on the digitaloperating device. The the digital operating devicewill always show an 'A' or an 'E', with a number asa suffix. Please refer to the malfunction overviewto find out the meaning of the relevant malfunctionalert.2.5.2 3-position switch with malfunctionindicatorsThe 3-position switches that are fitted with a mal-function indicator show when a malfunction hasoccurred. Depending on the type of the 3-posi-tion switch, this is done in one of the following twoways:• 3-position switch with malfunction indicators.In the event of a malfunction (or in the event ofa filter dirty alert) the indicator lights up.• Wireless 3-position switch with malfunction in-dicator.The malfunction indicators will light up oncethis 3-position switch is used. One indicator willlight up green to indicate communication hasbeen established. Subsequently, in the event ofa malfunction (and in the event of a filter dirtyalert) both indicators will flash red 3 times. Af-ter that, both indicators will light up green oncemore.The malfunction indicator on the 3-positionswitch will not light up in the event of mal-functions alone, it will also light up in theevent of fi lter cleaning warnings.2.5.3 What to do in the event of a malfunctionIn the event of a malfunction, contact the installer.Note down the malfunction code that appears onthe digital operating device. Make a note of yourComfoAir type. This is given on the identifi cationplate on the top of the ComfoAir.The system should not be disconnected from thepower supply, unless the ComfoAir must be takenout of service due to a serious malfunction, or forfi lter cleaning/replacement or any other compellingreasons.If the ComfoAir is disconnected from thepower supply, mechanical ventilation of thedwelling will cease. This can lead to a build-up of moisture and results in problems withmould. Long-term deactivation of the Com-foAir must therefore be prevented..2.6 End of useful lifeConsult with your supplier about what you shoulddo with the ComfoAir at the end of its useful life.If the ComfoAir cannot be returned to the supplier,avoid disposing of it with the domestic waste, andask your local council about the options for recy-cling the components or processing the materialsin an environmentally friendly manner.Furthermore, do not dispose of batteries from thewireless switches with the normal waste, but bringthem to the specially designated disposal loca-tions.