5Using Bonjour Discovery7KH%RQMRXU]HURFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ ]HURFRQI VHUYLFHSURYLGHVDVLPSOHPHWKRGIRUautomatically detecting and displaying services and devices on a Local Area Network.7KLVVHUYLFHFDQEHXVHGRQERWK26;DQG:LQGRZVSODWIRUPV1. Download a Bonjour browsing application.2. Launch the Bonjour application. The example below shows the Bonjour BrowserIRU26;3. Click the Workgroup Manager section to expand it.4. (DFK=\3HU0;GHYLFHZLOOEHGLVSOD\HGDORQJZLWKWKH0$&DGGUHVV5. Click the arrow next to the ZyPerMX unit to expand it and display the IP address.6. Launch a web browser, and enter the IP address of the ZyPerMX unit to display theZyPerMX Maestro web interface.7. 6HHLogging In (page 8 for more information on logging in to the Maestro webinterface.Getting Started