Start of ConfigurationHEADER AND TRAILERThis option allows you to append a header and/or a trailer toevery message transmitted via the serial ports or thekeyboard port. There is no restriction in selecting headeror trailer characters as far as the sum of the lengths ofheader and trailer is not greater than 10 digits.HeaderTrailerSet1. Select either header or traileryou are going to program byscanning the correspondinglabel2. Scan the character(s) you wantfrom the enclosed ASCII table toset as header or trailer (be sureto enable full ASCII code 39option before you start).3. Read the “ Set” label to set yourchoice into memory.INTER-MESSAGE DELAYThere series Laser scanners allow you to add a delaybetween two consecutive messages. This delay willbe added before each data transmission. Start ofConfiguration label and then select the appropriatedelay time to activate this feature.None100mSec500 mSec1 Second8INTER-CHARACTER DELAYThis option governs delay time between consecutivecharacters. The delay time can be altered byscanning the following labels.None10 mSec20 mSec50 mSecMESSAGE/BLOCK MODE SELECTIONThis option allows you to treat scanned data as eitheran independent message or a block message. Inthe message mode, the data scanned will betransmitted immediately. In block mode, the datascanned will be appended to the message buffer ifthe scanner is programmed in block mode. A blockof message will only be transmitted after a “Send”command is entered. This mode is only availablewhen the scanner is working with code 39 labels.You are free to choose any character as the “ Send”command.MessageBlockEnd of Configuration9