AFGZP0BA - SMART CONSOLE - User Manual Page - 35/50Display frozenWhile carrying out some special function via CAN, the display shows a fixedimage. To inform the operator that the console is not stuck, the led blinks slowly.As soon as the console returns to normal operation, the led will stand still asusual.See chapter 5 for more information4.4.2 ON buttonThe main function of the ON button is to turn on and off the console when internalbatteries are used. Other important information to keep in mind:- Once console has been turned on via ON button, it will not react to othershort keystrokes of that button. A software filter prevents undesiredshutdown. To power off, press ON button for some second- ON button can be used to reset the Smart Console in case it is stuck or itdoes not respond correctly to commands. Keep the button pressed and it willturn off. This method does not work while powered by an external supplysource: see 5.6 for an alternative method.- If console is supplied by pin CNX8, any pressure of the ON button will haveno effect4.4.3 F1 F2 F3 keysThese keys have a use which depends on the menu currently shown.If a menu permits operation of one F button, it will say explicitly which F button isactive and what is its function.If one or more F buttons are not used, nothing will happen if pressed.The following list shows the menu where F buttons are used:- CAN CONSOLE- AUTOSCAN- TESTER- ALARMThe simultaneous activation of F2 and F3 forces a software reset: see section5.6.4.5 USBThe bottom side of the console hosts a USB type A socket: only type A plugs arecompatible with this socket.The console features a USB Embedded Host so only USB devices can beconnected and recognized by the internal microprocessor.Moreover the Smart Console supports the “mass storage” device class only: USBsticks and flash drives are the only type of device which can be attached to theconsole.If a different USB class device is connected, no damage will occur because thecurrent output of the socket is limited. Anyway the console will not recognize thedevice and it will do nothing.