Activating and deactivating the outerringsYou can adjust the surface you cook to thedimension of the cookware.Use sensor field:To activate the outer ring: touch the sensorfield. The indicator comes on.To activate more outer rings: touch thesame sensor field again. The subsequentindicator comes on.To deactivate the outer ring: touch thesensor field until the indicator goes out.When you activate the zone but donot activate the outer ring the lightthat comes out from the zone maycover the outer ring. It does notmean that the outer ring is activated.To see if the ring is activated checkthe indicator.The Child Safety DeviceThis function prevents an accidental operationof the hob.To activate the function: activate the hobwith . Do not set the heat setting. Touchof the two front cooking zones for 4 seconds.comes on. Deactivate the hob with .To deactivate the function: activate the hobwith . Do not set the heat setting. Touchof the two front cooking zones for 4 seconds.comes on. Deactivate the hob with .To override the function for only onecooking time: activate the hob with .comes on. Touch of the two front cookingzones for 4 seconds. Set the heat setting in10 seconds. You can operate the hob. Whenyou deactivate the hob with the functionoperates again.Hints and tipsWARNING!Refer to Safety chapters.CookwareThe bottom of the cookware must beas thick and flat as possible.Cookware made of enamelled steeland with aluminium or copperbottoms can cause the colourchange on the glass-ceramicsurface.Examples of cooking applicationsThe data in the table is for guidanceonly.Heat setting Use to: Time(min)Hints1 Keep cooked food warm. as neces-saryPut a lid on the cookware.1 - 2 Hollandaise sauce, melt: butter,chocolate, gelatine.5 - 25 Mix from time to time.1 - 2 Solidify: fluffy omelettes, bakedeggs.10 - 40 Cook with a lid 7