- 10 -SortingAlways sort loads for drying according to the type of fabric(check the care labels) and how much you want to dry them.Load items loosely into the drum. Do up zip fasteners andtie loose ribbons, tapes or fabric belts. Close any tapesor fasteners on duvet covers and pillow cases to preventsmaller items from getting trapped inside.Spinning (water extraction)Loads should be well spun. The higher the spin speed,the faster your tumble dryer will dry the load and the moreenergy-efficient the whole process will be. Do not tumbledry dripping wet garments.Getting the load size rightAn overloaded tumble dryer will cause creasing. Dryingloads which are too small is uneconomical.FluffThe first time you use the tumble dryer, you will probablybe surprised at the amount of fluff produced. This isperfectly normal, and does not mean that your tumbledryer is wearing out your clothes. When garments areworn and washed by hand or machine, fibres and fluff arereleased, but remain on the surface of the material.If dried outdoors on a line these fibres will be blown awayby the wind. In a tumble dryer the fluff is collected in thefilter and accumulates through the drying process.ShrinkageTo avoid shrinking, garments should not be overdried.Always check the care labels on your fabrics.Items which should not be tumble driedItems which are especially delicate, such as curtains ofsynthetic fabric, woollen garments, silk, textiles with ametal component, nylon socks/stockings. Garments mademostly from foam rubber or rubber-like materials mustNOT be dried in the tumble dryer.Obviously, you must not dry garments in themachine which are unsuitable for tumbledrying. These are usually labelled with thissymbol.Garments which have been treated withflammable liquids (benzine, alcohol, stainremoval products) should not be dried in thetumble dryer on account of the risk of fire.Always follow the recommendations of thegarment/item manufacturer.Tumble drying beneficialDry flatHints & Tips