ZANUSSIP R O F E S S I O N A LRACK TYPE DISHWASHERSCORNER DRYER FOR RTM864512 864513Supply voltage 400 V, 3N, 50/60 400 V, 3N, 50/60Net weight - kg. 70 70installed-electric 8.5 8.5Power - kWheight 895 895depth 706 706width 850 850External dimensions - mmPower supply Electric ElectricADTERC90MD864512ADTELC90MD864513CHARACTERISTICS MODELSTECHNICAL DATARANGECOMPOSITIONThe Zanussi Dishwashingrange is produced forcustomers with the highestconceivable demands inefficient, economic andergonomic dishwashingoperations. The productrange is comprised ofglasswashers, undercounterdishwashers, hood typedishwashers, rack typedishwashers and pot and panwashers. The Corner Dryerscomplete the rack typedishwashing range.FUNCTIONAL ANDCONSTRUCTIONFEATURES� It is designed to be placedon a 90° or 180° dishwashingdriven curve, immediatelyafter a modular rack typedishwasher. The dryer mustalways be ordered with a 90°or 180° dishwashing drivencurve.� The feeding system fromthe dishwasher and the curvewill automatically move theracks through the dryer.� The drying zone removesevery trace of water from thecrockery, through a highpowered fan that extracts dryair from outside withminimum temperature lossand steam escape.� Electronically controlled tooptimize the drying results.� The hygienic designprovides easy cleaning.� The dryer is constructed in304 AISI stainless steel.� Developed and produced inan ISO 9001 and ISO 14001certified factory.� CFC free packaging.� For further specificationsand accessories, please seeoverleaf.