14And in which form?Not only are there different types of detergent, but theyare also available in different forms. Whether you chosea powder or liquid in traditional or compact form isyour own personal choice.TRADITIONAL POWDERSPour the powder directly into the dispenser drawer. Donot sprinkle powder onto clothes in the machine drum.TRADITIONAL LIQUIDSLiquid can be placed in the main wash compartment ofthe detergent drawer marked with the symbol , startthe machine immediately upon placing thedetergent in the dispenser drawer.Alternatively the detergent is measured into thespecially designed dosing device* which should beplaced on top of the laundry, and at the back of themachine drum.COMPACT POWDERS AND LIQUIDSCompact detergents (or concentrates as they are alsoknown) are available in liquid or powder form, andgenerally require a smaller dosage. Follow themanufacturer’s instructions to ensure the mosteconomical usage. Pour the detergent directly into thedispenser drawer, or alternatively measure the detergentinto the specially designed dosing device* whichshould be placed on top of the laundry, and at the backof the machine drum.* If you use a dosing device in a washer dryer,please ensure the dosing device/ball is removedbefore carrying out a drying programme.FABRIC CONDITIONERSThese are ideal for improving ‘softness’, and alsoreduce static cling on synthetics and make ironingeasier. They are available in two types:For example Lenor liquid fabricsoftener, for use in the washingmachine/washer dryer. Theliquid fabric softener should bepoured into the compartmentmarked with the symbol .Follow the manufacturer’s dosageinstructions and never exceed theMAX level.Bounce conditioning sheets for usein a tumble dryer. We recommendthe conditioning sheets are pinned(using a safety pin) to an articleof laundry and placed in thetumble dryer.Which detergent?....To ensure you obtain the best wash results from yourappliance, it is important to use the right detergent inyour everyday wash, and only detergents recommendedfor use in automatic machines.To maintain the appearance of your clothes andhousehold textiles and to make them last longer youshould use different types of detergent for differentwashes, whether for whites, colours or delicates.WHITESWe recommend the Ariel productrange which is biological anddesigned to provide excellentcleaning and stain removal evenat low temperatures.NON BIOLOGICALIf you prefer to use a nonbiological detergent, which doesnot contain enzymes werecommend Fairy. Fairy providesgood cleaning and stain removal.COLOURSFor coloured items you should use adetergent which is designed to cleanwhile maintaining the original colour.Ariel Color does not contain bleachand therefore helps to preservecolours.DELICATE ITEMSWhen washing delicates such aswoollens, you should use a productwhich is specially designed to care forfine fabrics.Dreft Automatic is suitable forwoollens and other delicates.LAUNDRY BLEACHFor additional stain removal you maywish to use a product such as AceGentle Bleach which is used in additionto your chosen detergent. Ace issuitable for all washable fabricsincluding silks, woollens and colours.