Yamaha pdx-11 Owner's Manual
Also see for pdx-11: Owner's manual
GYAMAHAl!DPrinted in China ZA31240Portable Player DockPDX-11Owner's manualmma"·~-;!0~~-J~-·----~Supplied Accessories IPlease confirm that the following accessori es are included before:_]singthe unit.• Remote control • AC adaptor-.--..;;;------~---Features le>Multi-Source MixWhen an iPhone/iPod and another external device are connected~to PDX-11, audio can be enjoyed in many ways- for example, by [playing music while listening to the news...• Integrated Volume ControlYou can control the PDX-ll's volume level by operating the volumecontrol functiononthe iPhone/iPod.~Itt Charge Your iPhone/iPod Battery [~Battery Operation J~~ucanenjoy~~::~~:::~anytime,anywher:_____(BeforeUse) -"lConnectthe included AC adaptor.~®/t-~--...rllY~CDConnect the AC adaptortoPDX-11 , before connectingthe power cable to the walloutlet.~.--:.When using POX-IIwithbatteries, disconn ect the ACadaptor from the rear pane l.12V=e When Operating PDX-11 Using Batteries~·ft-:.Use 6commercially available A A batteries.IOOHrilI ®~I~~,®~!ril\~To remove the battery cover, push the tabwhile lifting the c over upward.Follow the+and - markings on PDX-11when inserting the batteries.Replace the battery cover.IIIiItiIitI;~~jDuringbatte ry-powered operation,ifPDX-11isleft in thepowered-offstatewithout being operated for 30 minutes, power-savingmode willbe activ atedandremote control will not work.Pushtheon the control panelofPDX-11to cancel the power-saving mode.--....,...__,.....""'''""''".,.,--.-~----~--,.,..,._C201tYamahaCorporationUTurningonthePower)Push the(Power).When the poweris on, the green status indi cator will light up.~vt-:.When POX-II is leftin thepowered-on statewithoutconnectingtotheiPhone/iPod and external device'sconnec torcable.it willtumoffin 30minutes.fc~Control PanelI Status indicator I1 (Green) II~1~'"m.·'""~.Il,_,______~::~-·----·"''\--S'.··.•..··.... •..--~iPod d ockrt!JConnectingMusicDevices) aPlayingAudio)Connect the iPhone/IPodtotheiPod dock.The battery of the connected iPhone/iPod will becharged.mm•lbeiPhone/iPod batterycannotbec harged when PDX-11 isbeing operatedbybatteries.• Be su re to use a dockadaptor included youriPhone/iPodor applicablecommercially availabledockadaptor. Ifyoudonot usean adaptor or theadaptor isnotcompatible, theconnectio n maybeloose or poor,causingdamage to the con nector. Formore infonnationabout the d ock adaptor,refertoApple'swebsite.• If theiPhone/iPod is forcib ly connectedwhile stillina protectivecase,the connectormaybe damaged . Makesuretoremoveany p rotectiveiPhone/iPodcasebefore connecting .•When theunit is used withthe iPhone/iPod's shake shuffle function on,the iPhone/iPodmight shuffiedue to the vibrationofspeaker dependingon the music playedback. If this happen s, tum the sh akeshuffle functionoff. (Refe r to theinstructionmanual o f theiPho ne/ iPod to turn thefunctio n off.)•Always disconnectiPhone/iPod fromPOX-II,before ca rrying it by itshandle.~'fl-:.• If the iPhone/iPodis connected while playingvideos or music on theiP hone/iPod,PDX-11 willtum on automatically and continuethe play(except whenPDX-1 1 is in power-savingmode).• You can alwaysconnect and d isconnect the iPhone/iPod.•ThePDX-11 's vol umelevel can beadjusted usingthe iPhone/iPod.Thevolum e level will alsobedisp layedonthe iPhoneliPod.•POX-IIturns offautomatically, whenthe iPhone/iPod and externald evice's co nnectorcablearedisconnected.~·~~;;:c;;;:;·;:;n:~~--~Connect lotheAUXonth<«"P'""~-/'~/~:~onneotanextemaldevJCc~~7~~"Ito PDX-ll. useacommercmlly~~_.......-available35mm ( l /8 m ) /ste reomm1 plug cable..___________.:::....,,.;..........~,;~....;·~~·r~;--Ifyou start playbackonthe connected device, sound will comefrom thePDX-11's speakers.iPhone/iPod's playback can be controlled usi ng either the includedremote control or the iP hone/iPod itself.Power on/off.----1--Sh ow iPhonefiPod"smenuSelect menu - - -++ --iSelect folderSkip I~IBackward/ForwardVolume control--1---e OperatebytheRemote Control0l:Withi~6m~(20feet)ao·+ao·~Play/Pau se@YAMAHAii\11Remove the insulationsheetbefore using.e Replacing the BatteryPull out the battery case asshown in the diagram belowand change a battery.CA2025button~collbatte'Y~....'?~m-"'"~1K.......While pushing the release tab in~directionCD, slide out the batteryholder in direction @.• Status Indicators (LED)Indicate the sta tu s of PDX-11 and the connected iPhone/iPod.G reenstatus indicator:PDX -1 1 isturnedon andoperating nonna11y.Redstatus indicator:An error hasoccurredorthevo lumehasreacheditsmaximum o r m inimwnleve l.~V~~The status of externaldevice (connected throughAUX ) is not indicatedLEDGreen Red• 0- -~:0~0Blinksooce• ~•---:.ll.:BlinksonceStatusThe PDX- ll'spower is ON. The iPhone/iPod is connected correctly.*IfPDX-1 1 is not operated for30 seconds, the greenstatusindicatoris dimmed.Connection with iPhone/ iPod is in progress, pleasewa it.An operationhasbeen perfonned usingthe PD X- l l's coniTo ls, theremote coniTol, or the iPhone/iPod it se lf.Refertothe "T ROUBLESHOOT ING".The volume is at the maximum or minimum level.• . .Green indicator lit-:.lP:..Redindicat or blinking~. .G reen indicator blinking0 ...Indicator notlit |
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