Yamaha ST15 Owner's Manual
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ST15Thank you for purchasing the Yamaha ST15 Speaker Transformer.This device is a matching transformer that is used for the parallelconnection of low impedance speakers to a high impedance typedistribution power amplifier.Please read this manual carefully to get the most out of the ST15 and usein a safe manner.■ OutlineThis device has a capacity of 15 W, the line output of the poweramplifier connected to the primary pole is assumed to be 100 V(using a 70 V line is also possible).The blue, yellow, orange and brown secondary cords eachcorrespond to speakers whose nominal impedance is 8, 6, 4 and 2Ω,while the input impedance of the connected power amplifier is 670Ω.■ Connection1. Turn the power switch OFF on the power amplifier you aregoing to connect the ST15 to.2. Use two 4 mm (1/8") tapping screws, securely attach the unit toa speaker or some other convenient location.3. Connect the ST15’s white primary cord to the power amplifier’s100 V or 70 V negative (–) pole, connect the black cord to thepower amplifier’s 100 V or 70 V positive (+) pole.4. Connect the white secondary cord to the speaker’s negative (–)pole. From the blue (8Ω), yellow (6Ω), orange (4Ω) and brown(2Ω) cords, choose a cord that matches the speaker’s impedanceand connect the selected cord to speaker’s positive (+) pole.5. Bundle together the unused secondary cords to prevent shotcircuits, etc.■ Advanced ApplicationsConnecting Speakers of Different ImpedanceAn 8Ω speaker can be connected to the lower impenitence yellow(6Ω), orange (4Ω) cords however, low impedance speakerscannot be connected to higher impedance cords. The capacity willbe exceeded creating a hazard.When connecting speakers of different impedance, refer to thefollowing chart. Please use caution when in such applicationssince speaker input dB and the input impedance will change.● 100 V Line Connections● 70 V Line Connections■ Limitations for Parallel UseDepending upon the manner in which this device is used, theconnection of multiple speakers is possible however; the numberof speakers will be limited according to the power amplifier’sspecifications.1. The total input for the speakers that are being used should notexceed the power amplifier’s maximum output.When the line output transformer is used, its capacity shouldnot be exceeded.2. The total input impedance for the speakers that are being usedshould not be less than the minimum load impedance of thepower amplifier, including the line output transformer.The ST15 can be used in this manner as long as both conditions1 and 2 are met.■ SpecificationsThe contents of this manual apply to the latest specifications as of theprinting date. Since Yamaha makes continuous improvements to the product,this manual may not apply to the specifications of your particular product.To obtain the latest manual, access the Yamaha website then download themanual file. Since specifications, equipment or separately sold accessoriesmay not be the same in every locale, please check with your Yamaha dealer.* Color Chart■ Wiring Diagram■ Dimensions8Ω Speaker InputImpedance6Ω Speaker InputImpedance4Ω Speaker InputImpedanceBlue 15 W 670Ω × ×Yellow 11.3 W 890Ω 15 W 670Ω ×Orange 7.5 W 1330Ω 10 W 1000Ω 15 W 670ΩBrown 3.8 W 2670Ω 5 W 2000Ω 7.5 W 1330Ω8Ω Speaker InputImpedance6Ω Speaker InputImpedance4Ω Speaker InputImpedanceBlue 7.5W 670Ω × ×Yellow 5.65W 890Ω 7.5W 670Ω ×Orange 3.75W 1330Ω 5W 1000Ω 7.5W 670ΩBrown 1.9W 2670Ω 2.5W 2000Ω 3.75W 1330ΩCapacity 15 W ContinuousFrequency Response 50 Hz–20 kHzTotal Harmonic Distortion ≤ 1% (1 kHz, 15 W)Insertion Loss ≤ 1.5 dBDimensions (W × H × D) 80 × 48 × 46 mm(3-1/8" × 1-7/8" × 1-13/16")Weight 450 g (15.8 oz)Coil Ratio Primary: Secondary Secondary Voltage Ratio*BLU 1:0.110 0 dB*YEL 1:0.095 –1.25 dB*ORN 1:0.077 –3.0 dB*BRW 1:0.055 –6.0 dBBLU: Blue YEL: Yellow ORN: OrangeBRW: Brown WHT: White BLK: BlackPrimary Secondary100 V Lineor70 V LineBLKWHTBLUYELORNBRW7.5 W7.5 W7.5 W7.5 WSpeaker (Common)WHT100 V Lineor70 V LineST15Primary SecondaryPower AmplifierSpeaker(70 V Line)(100 V Line)15 W15 W15 W15 W8Ω6Ω4Ω2ΩPower Amplifier’s[SPEAKERS]+ terminalPower Amplifier’s[SPEAKERS]– terminalBLUBLK100VPri. WHT670ΩYELORNBRWWHTSec. COM. 2Ω 4Ω 6Ω 8Ω48 mm (1-7/8") 2 - ø4.5×6.5 mm46 mm (1-13/16")BLKWHTBLUYELORNBRWWHT80 mm(3-1/8")69 mm (2-11/16")56.5 mm (2-1/4")(2 - ø3/16"×1/4")OWNER’S MANUALSPEAKERTRANSFORMER EN |
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