Yamaha CL7 Installation Instructions Manual
CL7 DISPLAYInstallation InstructionsImportant Safety InformationWARNINGSee the Important Safety and Product Information guide in theproduct box for product warnings and other importantinformation.When connecting the power cable, do not remove the in-linefuse holder. To prevent the possibility of injury or productdamage caused by fire or overheating, the appropriate fusemust be in place as indicated in the product specifications. Inaddition, connecting the power cable without the appropriatefuse in place voids the product warranty.Always wear safety goggles, ear protection, and a dust maskwhen drilling, cutting, or sanding.NOTICEWhen drilling or cutting, always check what is on the oppositeside of the surface.To obtain the best performance and to avoid damage to yourboat, install the device according to these instructions.Read all installation instructions before proceeding with theinstallation. If you experience difficulty during the installation,contact your Yamaha®dealer.Tools Needed• Appropriate pigtail bus wire for engine network connection• Drill and drill bits◦ 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) drill bit, if using wood screws◦ 3.6 mm (9/64 in.) drill bit, if using the nut plates (optionalaccessory)◦ 7.2 mm (9/32 in.) drill bit, if using the nut plates (optionalaccessory)• Mounting hardware◦ 4 Wood screws (included)◦ 4 M4 machine screws if using the nut plates (included withnut plate accessory)◦ 4 M3 machine screws if using the nut plates (included withnut plate accessory)• #2 Phillips screwdriver• Jigsaw or rotary tool• File and sandpaper• Marine sealant (recommended)Mounting ConsiderationsNOTICEThis device should be mounted in a location that is not exposedto extreme temperatures or conditions. The temperature rangefor this device is listed in the product specifications. Extendedexposure to temperatures exceeding the specified temperaturerange, in storage or operating conditions, may cause devicefailure. Extreme-temperature-induced damage and relatedconsequences are not covered by the warranty.When selecting a mounting location, you should observe theseconsiderations.• The location should provide optimal viewing as you operateyour boat.• The location should allow for easy access to all deviceinterfaces, such as the keypad, touchscreen, and cardreader, if applicable.• The location must be strong enough to support the weight ofthe device and protect it from excessive vibration or shock.• To avoid interference with a magnetic compass, the deviceshould not be installed closer to a compass than thecompass-safe distance value listed in the productspecifications.• The location must allow room for the routing and connectionof all cables.• The location must not be a flat, horizontal surface. Thelocation should be in a vertical angle.The location and viewing angle should be tested before youinstall the device. High viewing angles from above and belowthe display may result in a poor image.Mounting the DeviceNOTICEBe careful when cutting the hole to flush mount the device.There is only a small amount of clearance between the case andthe mounting holes, and cutting the hole too large couldcompromise the stability of the device after it is mounted.There are different options for hardware based on the mountingsurface material. You may need additional hardware dependingon the mounting option selected.• You can drill pilot holes and use the included wood screws.• You can drill holes and use nut plates and machine screws(optional accessory). The nut plates can add stability to athinner surface.1 Trim the template and make sure it fits in the location whereyou want to mount the device.2 Secure the template to the selected location.3 Using a 13 mm (1/2 in.) drill bit, drill one or more of the holesinside the corners of the solid line on the template to preparethe mounting surface for cutting.4 Using a jigsaw or a rotary tool, cut the mounting surfacealong the inside line on the template.5 Place the device in the cutout to test the fit.6 If necessary, use a file and sandpaper to refine the size ofthe cutout.7 After the device fits correctly in the cutout, ensure themounting holes on the device line up with the larger holes inthe corners of the template.8 If the mounting holes on the device do not line up, mark thenew hole locations.9 Based on your mounting surface, drill or punch and tap thelarger holes:• Drill 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) pilot holes for wood screws, and skipto step 17.• Drill 7.2 mm (9/32 in.) holes for the nut plate and machinescrews, and continue to the next step.10If using the nut plates (optional accessory), starting in onecorner of the template, place a nut plate À over the largerhole Á drilled in step 9.March 2018190-02076-02_0B6YD-2819K-E0 |
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