Optional BoardsforDSP UNITT hank you for choosing the board for Yamaha DSP1D (DSP unit).Ask an authorized Yamaha service engineer to install the board. Do not install the board yourself.The following items are optional boards available for the DSP1D.INPUT DSP BOARD IDB1DCONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD CIB1DENGINE MANAGEMENT BOARD EMB1DPATCH DSP BOARD PDB1DGROUP DSP BOARD GDB1DEFFECT DSP BOARD EDB1D Installing the board (For only an authorized Yamaha service engineers)Before installing the board, be sure to turn off the power to the DSP1D and disconnect the power cord.You need to remove the front cover of the DSP1D to install any board. To install the PDB1D board, you also need to remove theleft side cover.1. Remove ten screws asshown in the picture. Donot remove any otherscrews. Keep the re-moved screws in a safeplace since you will needthem to re-attach thecover.2. As shown in the picture,remove the cover byopening from the rightside to avoid damage tothe hardware on the leftside of the rack.front coverhardware on the left side of the rack