Yamaha B1D Owner's Manual
5n Installing on the Bass GuitarBefore you install the B1D on your bassguitar, carefully read the advice providedbelow. Select an installation methodwhich is best suited to your bass guitarand playing requirements.l Select the Method of InstallationThree methods for installing the divided pickupare listed below.l Base Plate Installation (Removable)• Height adjustment is easily performed.• The divided pickup can easily be removed yetpickup height adjustment is maintained.l Double-sided Adhesive Tape• Reduces the risk of damaging the bass guitar body.• More time and care must be taken to achieve properpickup height.l Spring and Screw Installation• Height adjustment is easily performed.• The pickup can be securely attached to the bassbody.• It will be necessary to drill holes in the bassguitar’s body.Five methods for installing the Controller unitare listed below.l Velcro Installation• Easy removal and replacement.l Bracket Installation• Used in conjunction with adhesive tape, the control-ler can be installed on bodies that are not flat.• The bracket can also be attached using the bassguitar’s strap pin. However, some caution must beused to keep from damaging the strap pin screw.l Suction Cup Installation• Easy to remove, replace and transport the unit.• Easy to attach the controller unit to a bass guitarwith a flat top and a smooth, shiny finish.l Double-sided Adhesive Tape• Easy and secure attachment is possible.l Screw Installation• Used in conjunction with adhesive tape, the control-ler can be installed on bodies that are not flat.• It will be necessary to drill a hole in the bassguitar body.* If you use the base plate attachment (remov-able) for the divided pickup, it is a good ideato attach the controller with Velcro tape orsuctions cups so it is removable as well.Before You Installl The Bass GuitarThe B1D is a divided pickup designed for use withsteel string electric basses. It can be used with 4-string as well as 5- and 6-string basses. If your bassguitar is one of the types listed below, the B1D willnot function properly with it.• 8-string basses or other non-standard stringconfigurations other than 4-, 5-, and 6- stringbasses.• Nylon string or other non-metallic string bassguitars.• Basses with extremely wide or narrow stringspacing. Any bass guitar that the strings will notproperly fit over the magnetic pickup (→ refer to“Specifications” on pg. 18).• Basses with extremely low string clearance.Depending upon the manner in which the pickup isattached, make sure that there is more than10-13mm (0.39"-0.51") of clearance.The divided pickup is specially designedand adjusted for use on bass guitars withup to 6-strings, the pickup will not func-tion with 6-string guitars.The divided pickup should be attached between thebridge and rear pickup, ideally 10-20mm (0.39" -0.79 ") from the bridge. Make sure you have ad-equate space for proper installation of the pickup.Make sure your bass’ neck (truss rod) and stringheight/intonation (bridge) are properly adjustedbefore installing the B1D.Disconnect the Direct Bass Guitar Signalcable and the 13-pin cable from the B1Dcontroller before installation.Installing the Pickup ControllerDue to the divided pickup’s magnetic strength, thedouble-sided tape may peel off the bass guitar body ifthe point of attachment is weak. Also, the pickup andcontroller may be knocked off, if the bass guitar issubject to strong shock or prolonged use, if anattachment method other than screw installation isused. Select a method of attachment according toinstallation position, and the strengths of the methodof installation. |
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