E! Important ! — You must read this —Limitations on simultaneoususe of I/O cardsThe rear panel of the AW4416 has two OPTION I/O slots,allowing you to install various I/O cards that are compatiblewith the Yamaha Mini YGDAI format.The combinations of I/O cards shown in the table below can-not be installed in the AW4416’s OPTION I/O slots 1/2 andused simultaneously. (However, the Y56K card can be used incombination with the three models marked by a symbol.)Combinations of I/O card that cannot be used together: Can be used togetherUsing cards together in violation of the above restrictions willcause the AW4416 to be damaged. You must observe therestrictions described above. Please be aware that if animpermissible combination of cards is used inadvertently,Yamaha Corporation will take no responsibility for the dam-age that will occur.If an impermissible combination of I/O cards is used inadvert-ently, a message of “CANNOT USE BOTH SLOTS!!” willappear in the display, either as shown in the form shown in 1or 2 , below.Message 1Message 2If you continue using the AW4416 in this state, it will be dam-aged.Turn off the power in the following sequence.1. The monitor system connected to the output jacks of theAW44162. The AW4416 itself3. Storage devices connected to the SCSI connector of theAW4416, and external sound sources connected to itsinput/output jacks.You must perform the shutdown procedure (Operation Guidep.17) before you turn off the power of the AW4416.However if display message 1 is shown, you will be unable toperform the shutdown procedure, so make sure that the accessindicator located at the left of the level meter/counter is not lit,and then turn off the power.Do not turn on the power until a permissible combination ofI/O cards is installed.• The limitation on the use of I/O cards is not dependent onthe version of the AW4416’s operating system. However,please be aware that if you are using an operating systemversion earlier than V2.0, the error messages shown abovemay not appear.• This document (“You must read this”) is current as of Octo-ber 2001. To confirm operation of option I/O cards thatbecome available in the future, refer to the AW4416 homepage www.aw4416.com.• If you have questions regarding this matter, please consultyour Yamaha dealer.AP8AD(ApogeeCorporation)AP8DA(ApogeeCorporation)Y56K(WAVESCorporation)MY8-TDMY8-ATMY8-AEMY4-ADMY8-ADMY4-DAAP8ADAP8DAY56K