Yamaha AN1x Owner's Manual
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27Assigning Pa ra m e te rsTo KnobsYo u can assig n o ne o f many available Co ntro l Chang eparameters to each kno b. After pressing the [ASSIG N ]switch, these parameters will be available fo r edit in real-time using the CO N TRO L kno bs.Kno b assig nments are made using the Co ntro l functio n(Device and Co ntro l N umber) parameters lo cated in theUTILITY SETUP menu. W hen yo u press [ASSIG N ] and turna CO N TRO L kno b, the MIDI Co ntro l Chang e data is sentto bo th the internal to ne g enerato r as well as to MIDI[O UT], where it can co ntro l external devices. The Co ntro lfunctio n assig nments are system parameter setting s, whichmeans they will remain as set and be available reg ardlesso f which vo ice is selected.Yo u can also assig n vario us o ther parameters to thekno bs using the Co ntro l Matrix lo cated in the VO ICESCEN E SETUP menu, which o nly affects parameters fo rthe internal to ne g enerato r (as well as inco ming MIDImessag es). And since Co ntro l Matrix parameters arevo ice setting s, they are sto red as vo ice data, whichmeans that each vo ice can have custo mized kno bassig nments fo r each Scene!For details on how to assign Control function parameters to the CONTROL knobs,see page 9 5 . For details on how to assign Control Matrix parameters to theCONTROL knobs, see page 7 3 .For a list of available parameters which can be assigned to each CONTROL knob,see the separate Data List book.Step Sequencer Event EditIf yo u set the [EDIT RO TARY] switch to the SEQ EDIT/ SETUPmenu (po sitio n 5 ), o r if yo u select a vo ice when the [EDITRO TARY] switch is already set there, no LED will be lit besidea KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch, and turning aCO N TRO L kno b will edit the selected event data o f theSequencer step assig ned to that kno b.W hen yo u turn a kno b to edit an event, the step event nameand value (and step number) will auto matically appear in theLCD, and the kno b data g raph will track kno b mo vementsacco rding ly. Also , if yo u simply press a kno b (push-switch)witho ut turning it, the info rmatio n will display in the LCD fo rco nfirmatio n.Pressing a KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch will activate itsg ro up o f to ne g enerato r parameters (its LED will lig ht), andpressing the same switch ag ain will return to Step Sequenceredit status. Setting the [EDIT RO TARY] switch to ano therpo sitio n will also diseng ag e Step Sequencer edit.For more information about the Step Sequencer, see page 3 7 . |
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