YYaallee PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall 2222113311 RREEMMOOTTEE KKEEYYPPAADD IIddeennttiiffyyiinngg tthhee ppaarrttss::1. Function button 1 – To enter Test Mode2. Function button 2 – To change PIN code in Test Mode3. LED4. Disarm button – press after PIN Code to Disarm the system5. Home Arm button6. Arm button7. 10 Numeric keys8. Battery Compartment9. Base Fixing Screws10. Battery Insulator LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorr:: When idle, LED is off. After any key press, the LED turns on for 5 seconds indicating that KP-Y7 is active. KP-Y7 is low on battery if the LED flashes for 5 seconds during operation instead of staying ON. The LED turns off after successful completion of a valid keystroke sequence, or when the pause in between key stokes is longer than5 seconds.<NOOTTEE>> When the LED turns off before a valid keystroke sequence is completed, the previous entered keys are ignored. LED flashes quickly for 2 seconds when transmitting. LED will flash continuously during Test Mode. PPoowweerr:: KP-Y7 uses one CR2032 3V battery as its power source. KP-Y7 can also detect the battery status. If the battery voltage is low, the LED will flash during operation. The low battery signal willbe sent to the Control Panel along with regular signal transmissions for the Control Panel to display the status accordingly. CChhaannggiinngg BBaatttteerryy:: Cautions: Battery removal must be done with extra caution. Gently insert the minus screw driver into the gap as shown below. Liftthe battery by slanting the driver 45 degrees and carefully lift the battery from the compartment.