Xtreme Power Conversion CorporationP90L 1500–3000 User’s ManualPage 9Uninterruptible Power SupplyCommunication ConnectionsTo allow for unattended UPS shutdown/start-up and status monitoring, connect one end of the communicationcable to the USB/RS232 port and the other to the communications port on your PC or server. With the monitoringsoftware installed, the UPS can be scheduled for shutdown/start-up and monitoring of the UPS status through thePC or server.RS232 CommunicationsThe RS-232 interface uses a 9-pin female D-sub connector. Information provided includes data about utility, loadand the UPS. The interface port pins and their functions are identified in the following table:PIN # FUNCTIONS1,4,6,7,8,9 Reserved2 UPS transmit3 UPS receive5 GroundSNMP Communications OptionThe UPS provides an intelligent slot for internal or external network card. This special intelligent network card canbe compatible with popular software and hardware found on the web and in operating systems. It can support op-erating systems such as HP Open View, IBM Netview, SUN Netmanager, etc. This enables the UPS to provide instantUPS and power information over the network. Please contact your reseller for additional details.Tower display