7ENThema:Installation» Please ensure that the negativespeaker cable is in each case connectedwith the negative speaker terminal ofthe ISO port. Do not ever connect thenegative speaker cables with the vehiclebody.» This unit is designed and construedfor connection with 4 speakers. Do notcombine this unit with devices that aredesigned and construed for connectionwith 2 speakers.» The speakers should feature theimpedance of 4-8 Ohm and a sufficientwattage.» Please ensure that the speakers youare connecting with the unit are intact.Damaged speakers can impair the unit.» To avoid a short circuit please isolateall cable junctions and endings of theunused cables with the electrical tape.» All the cables should be layed andfixated tidy and properly. The cablesshould not contact any movable or hotobjects.» If your vehicle doesn't have an "ACC"ignition position, please connect the redcable with the ignition switch. Other-wise the unit will not turn off automati-cally, causing the discharging of thevehicle battery.» To avoid a rogue and hazardousshort circuit do not lay the yellow cablethrough the engine bay in order toconnect it with the vehicle battery.» Do not ever connect speaker cablesamong one another. In case you do notwant to connect all the 4 speakers withthe unit please isolate the endings ofunused cables with the electrical tapeto prevent a short circuit.» Do not ever connect the negativespeaker cables with the vehicle body.» To ensure a flawless performance ofthe unit the intergration angle shouldamount to +/- 30.